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Iowa Supreme Court affirms right to be drunk on front porch (1 Viewer)

I wasn't even aware drinking on private property was in dispute! :doh
I've heard several people locally in the past, in similar cases talk about once a person walked outside, even when asked to, they were charged with PI. Apparently some places "public space" starts right outside of your door step.
I wasn't even aware drinking on private property was in dispute! :doh

It isn't in CA. I used to live on the Newport Beach boardwalk and we would drink within our yard but cops were always there in force due to crowds roller skating, sun bathing, drinking in yards, etc. We used to mock our neighbours friends at parties to get them to walk onto the boardwalk over to us just so the cops would arrest them. It was hilarious. The cops rarely showed a reaction but they would sometimes give us a "your being such a dick" look. :lol:

We just llaughed our asses off.
"Colonel Klink" in your signature? You're showing your age!

But just last night I was having to describe to my wife and in-laws who Abbott and Costello were, so I've got no room to talk....

Who's on first?

I hear nothing, I see nothing, I KNOW NOTHING!!! :)


As to the OP, I think that a person should be able to get stinking drunk anywhere on their own private property, not just inside their house or on their porch.
I've heard several people locally in the past, in similar cases talk about once a person walked outside, even when asked to, they were charged with PI. Apparently some places "public space" starts right outside of your door step.

I am moving there... that's all there is to it.
Wow, very different than in my city!

Private property here extends up to the sidewalk, so you're good to go on your porch or stoop. Just don't keep the neighbors up past 10:30 weekdays & 11:30 weekends. (noise ordinance)
I've heard several people locally in the past, in similar cases talk about once a person walked outside, even when asked to, they were charged with PI. Apparently some places "public space" starts right outside of your door step.

Public places start outside my property line. If you're inside my property line, you're on my private property. Looks like the police infringed on the person's 4th and 9th Amendment Rights.
Who's on first?

I hear nothing, I see nothing, I KNOW NOTHING!!! :)

As to the OP, I think that a person should be able to get stinking drunk anywhere on their own private property, not just inside their house or on their porch.

Actually, I got my oldest son to do "Who's on first?" with me for the Church at a gathering - it went pretty well. That has to be one of the most iconic skits in television history - at least until SNL came along.

But I gotta admit I snorted in laughter when I saw Schultz as Obama's spokesperson. That's gotta be one of the worst jobs on the planet!
Public places start outside my property line. If you're inside my property line, you're on my private property. Looks like the police infringed on the person's 4th and 9th Amendment Rights.
Unfortunately for apartment dwellers it seems that it is too easy to abuse.
Actually, I got my oldest son to do "Who's on first?" with me for the Church at a gathering - it went pretty well. That has to be one of the most iconic skits in television history - at least until SNL came along.

But I gotta admit I snorted in laughter when I saw Schultz as Obama's spokesperson. That's gotta be one of the worst jobs on the planet!
"Whose on First?" is freakin' timeless.

And that Schultz meme is cool. John Banner always struck me as being a nice guy in real life. Don't know if he was, but he seemed that way.
I agree. Back porch as well!

Believe it or not public intoxication is legal in New York.

I'm pretty sure public places -like parks - can still restrict drinking but you can't be arrested for being drunk.
Believe it or not public intoxication is legal in New York.

I'm pretty sure public places -like parks - can still restrict drinking but you can't be arrested for being drunk.

Its certainly not illegal at the bowling alley every Wed. night.
What happened is rare. What I have difficulty with is cops posting at a party and following those who leave to nab them for DUI's. That is more logical to me than taking somebody off their porch. But in terms of equal rights, it doesn't make it OK. What did I do that made you follow me?
"The law will come to get you if you don't walk right." -R. Hunter

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