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Interracial Marriage. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 12, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
Political Leaning
Wasnt quite sure where to post this, but I thought History might be a good place. Recently the assertion was made in another thread that the interracial marriage ban was never part of the legal definition of marriage. I was always under the impression that it was common knowledge that it was illegal and that is part of what the 14th Amendment repealed. Could people please post references showing that it either was or was not law prior to the 14th amendment. Thanks.
As Requested:

A Brief History of Miscegenation Laws

Today, when one out of every fifteen American marriages is interracial, many people are surprised to learn that laws prohibiting interracial marriage (otherwise known as miscegenation laws) were so deeply embedded in U.S. history that they would have to be considered America's longest-lasting form of legal race discrimination--they lasted far longer than either slavery or school segregation. All told, miscegenation laws were in effect for nearly three centuries, from 1664 until 1967, when the U.S. Supreme Court finally declared them unconstitutional in the Loving decision.

and the link-

Racemixing - Worse Than Murder

Murder is Homicide; Racemixing is Genocide

Nature - or Nature's God if you prefer to express it that way - created our race through hundreds of thousands of years of incredible hardship and rigorous selection. We have survived the Ice Ages. We have fought against invaders for thousands of generations, from the Moors to the Huns, again and again and again, back beyond the impenetrable mists of history of our race. Our ancestors gave their all so that we might survive, so that we might live. And wedo live. We did survive. Thanks to them. Our race extends back continuously to the mysterious beginning of life itself. It can extend into the infinite future. And its continued existence would undoubtedly be assured by our superior intelligence and unmatched technology, if it were not for those who practice and promote the genocide of our people through racial mixing. By their actions they are killing us. They kill not an individual. They kill the infinite generations of our future. Their crime - the crime of racial mixture - is far, far worse than mere murder.


I totally agree with that article.
White said:
Racemixing - Worse Than Murder

Murder is Homicide; Racemixing is Genocide

Nature - or Nature's God if you prefer to express it that way - created our race through hundreds of thousands of years of incredible hardship and rigorous selection. We have survived the Ice Ages. We have fought against invaders for thousands of generations, from the Moors to the Huns, again and again and again, back beyond the impenetrable mists of history of our race. Our ancestors gave their all so that we might survive, so that we might live. And wedo live. We did survive. Thanks to them. Our race extends back continuously to the mysterious beginning of life itself. It can extend into the infinite future. And its continued existence would undoubtedly be assured by our superior intelligence and unmatched technology, if it were not for those who practice and promote the genocide of our people through racial mixing. By their actions they are killing us. They kill not an individual. They kill the infinite generations of our future. Their crime - the crime of racial mixture - is far, far worse than mere murder.


I totally agree with that article.

The fact that the article and its premises have been proven utterly false aside, this was not the subject of the thread. The topic is the legal status of interracial marriage in America and how it has changed. Please keep your racially inflammatory posts to a more appropriate thread...you might try the basement. Thanks.
White said:
Racemixing - Worse Than Murder

Murder is Homicide; Racemixing is Genocide

Nature - or Nature's God if you prefer to express it that way - created our race through hundreds of thousands of years of incredible hardship and rigorous selection. We have survived the Ice Ages. We have fought against invaders for thousands of generations, from the Moors to the Huns, again and again and again, back beyond the impenetrable mists of history of our race. Our ancestors gave their all so that we might survive, so that we might live. And wedo live. We did survive. Thanks to them. Our race extends back continuously to the mysterious beginning of life itself. It can extend into the infinite future. And its continued existence would undoubtedly be assured by our superior intelligence and unmatched technology, if it were not for those who practice and promote the genocide of our people through racial mixing. By their actions they are killing us. They kill not an individual. They kill the infinite generations of our future. Their crime - the crime of racial mixture - is far, far worse than mere murder.


I totally agree with that article.

That's total bovine excrement written by a racist who should be lynched. Dayam did I say that? My kids are Eurasian both receive their first 5 and 6 years of primary education in Europe. They came to the States, learned the language. One was valedictorian of her class and finshed in the top 25 honor students in the city and that city is 8 million people. The other one finished in the top 40 students in the city. P¡ss off with that racist trash.

Besides mixed breeds of any animals stand up better health wise to illness and poor health.
If it is true that inter-racial marriage was illegal during earlier American history, it is rather ironic that their is black people who are decended from some of the white American fathers.
TimmyBoy said:
If it is true that inter-racial marriage was illegal during earlier American history, it is rather ironic that their is black people who are decended from some of the white American fathers.

I dont see how that has any relevance. Marriage is not a prerequisite for sex.

"Stay Black and proud Shaquan!" Mother said. Shaquan response: "But my dad is White?"

Ironic as it seems, their are many interacial couples that deal with these issues.
jallman said:
I dont see how that has any relevance. Marriage is not a prerequisite for sex.

I just thought I would mention it. I find it rather hypocritical the racism of the founding fathers and yet they would turn around and sleep with the women of the opposite color. Why would you be so strict with staying on topic? I can see why some would want to stay on topic, but their is nothing wrong with deviating a little from the topic either and simply having a normal conversation.
Last edited:
this was not the subject of the thread.

Sorry, it´s all about my "bad" english....

That's total bovine excrement written by a racist who should be lynched.

No way that´s reality. If all caucasians mix with someone, there will be no caucasians left, so easy.

P¡ss off with that racist trash.

Why should i ?

I just think it wrong anyway.

My kids are Eurasian both receive their first 5 and 6 years of primary education in Europe. They came to the States, learned the language. One was valedictorian of her class and finshed in the top 25 honor students in the city and that city is 8 million people. The other one finished in the top 40 students in the city.

Yes, i know that asians are smart also, so ?

Aso says Japan is nation of 'one race'

Besides mixed breeds of any animals stand up better health wise to illness and poor health.

We can continue discussing about genetics, feel free and start a topic.
White said:
Sorry, it´s all about my "bad" english....


No way that´s reality. If all caucasians mix with someone, there will be no caucasians left, so easy.

History tells us that theae races will all diappear anyway

Why should i ?
That's a stupid attitude
I just think it wrong anyway.
Someone died and made you God?

Yes, i know that asians are smart also, so ?

Aso says Japan is nation of 'one race'

We can continue discussing about genetics, feel free and start a topic.

At one time it was thought bad by Anglos in the US to marry Italians or greeks. Today they are white.
Some Ukranians today still think it bad to mate with the Polish. Many Eurpeans say the problems with Amerticca are that it is a race of mongels. Mixing of good Ayran blood with Slavs, island barbarians and and so on has formed a nation of brainless robots that are bent on having sex with everyone else's women. Do you accept that? I even heard this;
An American mentioned that she was a mix of Irish, German and Italian. She was greeted with "That's your problem. Mixing all that blood has made you stupid." That's the truth. And many in the world look at us in that way. I have known cases where so-called white Americans were not accepted into families of "Racially pure" immigrants from Eastern Europe.

So you think it is best if we all marry our cousins, I take it? That's what they do in some parts of the South and you see where that gets you.
Inuyasha said:
An American mentioned that she was a mix of Irish, German and Italian. She was greeted with "That's your problem. Mixing all that blood has made you stupid."

And how did Hillary respond?(rimshot!)...:lol:

Thank you!...I'll be here all weekend!...:2wave:
cnredd said:
And how did Hillary respond?(rimshot!)...:lol:

About the same as Condi. (rebound):lol:
Inuyasha said:
About the same as Condi. (rebound):lol:

Condi is Irish, German and Italian?!?!...

Wow!...She's got one hell of a makeup artist...:cool:
cnredd said:
And how did Hillary respond?(rimshot!)...:lol:

Thank you!...I'll be here all weekend!...:2wave:

RESPOND is the operative word here.

Anyway... Rice? that's African? Must me some Irish-Scotts -English blood in there somewhere.
Do you accept that?

I don´t accept racial mixing. What´s the point that you don´t understand about that sentence ?

Note, i don´t use the word Aryan....

So you think it is best if we all marry our cousins, I take it? That's what they do in some parts of the South and you see where that gets you.

Hmmm, if that´s your daydream, don´t put me into it.

I just oppose racial mixing that´s all.
Why should you oppose it? It has nothing to do with you. Its an individuals choice who to get married to.

If you don't want to marry interacially thats your choice but you have no right to tell people who they can marry.
stsburns said:

"Stay Black and proud Shaquan!" Mother said. Shaquan response: "But my dad is White?"

Ironic as it seems, their are many interacial couples that deal with these issues.

:mrgreen: Joke time!

A kid who's half black, half Jewish goes up to his mum in tears.
"Mum! I had and identity crisis today!"
"What happened, sweetie?"
"My friend wanted to sell me his bike for $20, and I didn't know whether to offer him $10 for it or steal it."

Anyway, all bad taste jokes aside, how do you define mixed race, anyway? Ok, there's an obvious difference between African and Anglo American, but what about Italian and Anglo Americans, or Japanese and Korean Americans, hmm?

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