Alright. In Venezuela, I joined a Church team who's objective was to construct a Church in Maquetia, Venezuela. Around there you could see the after-effects of a mud-slide, then you begin to hear stories of what happened. People, already living in such poverty that they can barely afford food, sometimes they just went without eating altogether. Once this mud-slide happened (if Miami sees this he might be able to give the date of the really big Mud-Slide, in Venezuela recently) hundreds of poor people lost all of their belongings (the poor build their houses on the side of foot-hills and one atop of another) yet those who still had housing took in as many people as they could. People came from all around Venezula to help "dig-out" the property of people whom they'd usually consider "out-casts". One of my good friends in Venezuela, Jose, quit his job in order to help these people out.. he gave out his ability to make an income in order to save the lives of his fellow people, even if they didn't have anything to begin with.
Instead of helping one another, in America, we have some people who do help (Red Army.. I mean Red Cross, Baptist Mens Association, National Guard, etc) but then you have those who are going about their daily life like nothing happened. These people are not even re-acting to the plead from Gov. Mike Easley to conserve Gasoline, and to try and not take on LONG trips during the Weekends. Then you have those who are refusing to help, instead they're feeding off of the misfourtunes of others and looting, stealing, killing, and rapeing.