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Insurgents in Iraq love Cindy Sheehan and the democrats that want to cut and run. (1 Viewer)

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Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
The Insurgents in Iraq love Cindy Sheehan as the Viet Cong in Nam loved John Kerry during the Viet Nam conflict.....


"The people of Fallujah love Cindy Sheehan," declared Farouk Abd-Muhammed, a candidate for National Assembly in Dec. 15 elections, referring to the mother of a slain Marine who became a U.S. antiwar activist. He spoke Tuesday at a pre-election meeting of local leaders in Fallujah, 35 miles west of Baghdad, scene of the largest U.S. offensive of the war in November, 2004.
Navy Pride said:
The Insurgents in Iraq love Cindy Sheehan as the Viet Cong in Nam loved John Kerry during the Viet Nam conflict.....


"The people of Fallujah love Cindy Sheehan," declared Farouk Abd-Muhammed, a candidate for National Assembly in Dec. 15 elections, referring to the mother of a slain Marine who became a U.S. antiwar activist. He spoke Tuesday at a pre-election meeting of local leaders in Fallujah, 35 miles west of Baghdad, scene of the largest U.S. offensive of the war in November, 2004.

Why do you insist on degrading people that are comitted to their cause?

John Kerry may not have been the best candidate to run for President but he 1000 times the man that Bush could ever hope to be.

And Cindy Sheehan is a loyal citizen of this country that sees the truth. Have you lost anyone in Iraq? If so, then I feel sorry for you and your family and if not, then please keep your mouth shut. These people are doing what they think is right as American citizens.
Old and wise said:
Why do you insist on degrading people that are comitted to their cause?

John Kerry may not have been the best candidate to run for President but he 1000 times the man that Bush could ever hope to be.

And Cindy Sheehan is a loyal citizen of this country that sees the truth. Have you lost anyone in Iraq? If so, then I feel sorry for you and your family and if not, then please keep your mouth shut. These people are doing what they think is right as American citizens.

Did you forget to take your Meds old and wise? ROTFLMAO:roll:

Did you read the article or do you not remember what General Giap from North Viet Nam said in 1990 about Kerry? Never mind..........
Navy Pride said:
Did you forget to take your Meds old and wise? ROTFLMAO:roll:

Did you read the article or do you not remember what General Giap from North Viet Nam said in 1990 about Kerry? Never mind..........

I didn't forget to take my meds, I'm sharp for my age.
But maybe you forgot to take yours because you didn't answer my question.

And besides that, you believe what a North Vietnam General said about Kerry?
Talk about being a traitor.
Old and wise said:
I didn't forget to take my meds, I'm sharp for my age.
But maybe you forgot to take yours because you didn't answer my question.

And besides that, you believe what a North Vietnam General said about Kerry?
Talk about being a traitor.

Well I am glad you took your meds.........I was worried about you and your ramblings.........

The rest of his statement that General Giap said was in effect that the NVN military could never defeat our military on the battlefield but thanks to the likes of Kerry all they had to do is just hold out and the left wing in this country like you would lose the stomach to fight and want to cut and run and he was right wasn't he because that is exactly what happened........

Thank God we have a president today who will not be influenced by the whacko left and will stay the course until victory is complete as Senator Joe Leiberman a democrat has said.......

How sweet it is.......:roll:
Navy Pride said:
Well I am glad you took your meds.........I was worried about you and your ramblings.........

The rest of his statement that General Giap said was in effect that the NVN military could never defeat our military on the battlefield but thanks to the likes of Kerry all they had to do is just hold out and the left wing in this country like you would lose the stomach to fight and want to cut and run and he was right wasn't he because that is exactly what happened........

Thank God we have a president today who will not be influenced by the whacko left and will stay the course until victory is complete as Senator Joe Leiberman a democrat has said.......

How sweet it is.......:roll:

Considering your posts, I would say that you are a disgrace to anyone that has ever served this country, including myself. Perhaps you should resign from your obviously unimportant position in the Navy and move to North Vietnam to be with your Communist friends. I'm sure they would be proud of your anti-service position to American veterans that have fought for the freedom of this country.
Old and wise said:
Considering your posts, I would say that you are a disgrace to anyone that has ever served this country, including myself. Perhaps you should resign from your obviously unimportant position in the Navy and move to North Vietnam to be with your Communist friends. I'm sure they would be proud of your anti-service position to American veterans that have fought for the freedom of this country.

Well since I am a member of the Veteran of Foreign Wars, The American Legion and the Fleet Reserve Association and 90% of my brothers and shipmates believe as I do when It comes to your hero "Lurch" Kerry I won't worry to much about you questioning my patriotship........You know we did secret ballot votes in our meetings in those 3 lodges of veterans prior to the 2004 elections and here is how they came out........

FRA: Bush 95% Kerry 4% Other !%

VFW: Bush 89% Kerry 11%

AL: Bush 93% Kerry 7%

Oh and by the way I am US Navy Retired , served 1 tour in country in Nam and 3 aboard ships and proud of my service....

But I don't believe you took your meds...........:lol:
Navy Pride said:
Well since I am a member of the Veteran of Foreign Wars, The American Legion and the Fleet Reserve Association and 90% of my brothers and shipmates believe as I do when It comes to your hero "Lurch" Kerry I won't worry to much about you questioning my patriotship........You know we did secret ballot votes in our meetings in those 3 lodges of veterans prior to the 2004 elections and here is how they came out........

FRA: Bush 95% Kerry 4% Other !%

VFW: Bush 89% Kerry 11%

AL: Bush 93% Kerry 7%

Oh and by the way I am US Navy Retired , served 1 tour in country in Nam and 3 aboard ships and proud of my service....

But I don't believe you took your meds...........:lol:

Yes I took my meds. But now I know why I don't belong to any of these biased organizations you mentioned.

I served in the Korean war, purple heart and all that bull. Why anyone or any veterans organization would vote in favor of a deserting coward that sends American soldiers to needlessly die for a lie, I will never understand.
This little flame-fest is closed.

I should have moved it when I first read it. My apolgies.
Not that my failure to act on my anticipation absolves anyone of their own personal responsibility, of course.
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