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Independence Day: Resurgence spoiler and discussion thread. (1 Viewer)


No Russian ever called me deplorable
DP Veteran
Jan 20, 2014
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Very Conservative
Being a huge fan of the original Independence Day movie I had to see the 20 year sequel, so I drove down to the local theater, bought my tickets, my 8 dollar popcorn and settled in, first things first, the pre-movie ads for upcoming films, there's an upcoming movie starring both Aubrey Plaza and Anna Kendrick in leading roles, so you can expect that review in a few weeks, now on to Independence day

Some observations I had,

While President Hillary Clinton (and I'm not joking, this woman if she were blonde would have been a dead ringer for HRC 20 years ago, even has the same voice) is practicing her speech at the beginning of the movie she references that all the world has come together and no more national boundaries exist, and humanity is all working together, and blah blah blah.
literally 5 minutes into the movie from here, Jeff Goldblum is having to negotiate entering a landed alien spaceship with this really mean looking congolese war lord who's guys are the stereotypical african militia, I mean we got child soldiers, starving guys with AKs, beat up 1985 Toyota pickup trucks. the whole thing, WTF man?! We aren't they in prosperity flying around in their hovercopters?

The alien foot soldiers are all over the map, like in the movie the one they killed was taken down easily with 9mm pistols, but some of them just take dozens of shots from alien blaster rifles.

Just like in the movie, the military authorities constantly underestimate the enemy they're dealing with. like in the 1996 film they send F/A-18s against a ship described as 15 miles wide, and in this they send the space fighters in a desperate plan against a ship covering a 5th of the planet and then are shocked it has point defense systems.

Patricia Whitmore, the 6 year old first daughter in the original film is now a white house staffer who apparently flies fighter jets on the weekend? I mean it's alluded she was in training and dropped out, but in this film she's flying the space fighter with superb proficency and executing complicated manuvers. Like she must have gotten to advance level of training which makes it all the more weird she's basically filing papers at the White House when the film begins. While we're on Patricia, she's hot.

A glaring lack of victory dance cigars, why no victory dance cigars?

Being a huge fan of the original Independence Day movie I had to see the 20 year sequel, so I drove down to the local theater, bought my tickets, my 8 dollar popcorn and settled in, first things first, the pre-movie ads for upcoming films, there's an upcoming movie starring both Aubrey Plaza and Anna Kendrick in leading roles, so you can expect that review in a few weeks, now on to Independence day

Some observations I had,

While President Hillary Clinton (and I'm not joking, this woman if she were blonde would have been a dead ringer for HRC 20 years ago, even has the same voice) is practicing her speech at the beginning of the movie she references that all the world has come together and no more national boundaries exist, and humanity is all working together, and blah blah blah.
literally 5 minutes into the movie from here, Jeff Goldblum is having to negotiate entering a landed alien spaceship with this really mean looking congolese war lord who's guys are the stereotypical african militia, I mean we got child soldiers, starving guys with AKs, beat up 1985 Toyota pickup trucks. the whole thing, WTF man?! We aren't they in prosperity flying around in their hovercopters?

The alien foot soldiers are all over the map, like in the movie the one they killed was taken down easily with 9mm pistols, but some of them just take dozens of shots from alien blaster rifles.

Just like in the movie, the military authorities constantly underestimate the enemy they're dealing with. like in the 1996 film they send F/A-18s against a ship described as 15 miles wide, and in this they send the space fighters in a desperate plan against a ship covering a 5th of the planet and then are shocked it has point defense systems.

Patricia Whitmore, the 6 year old first daughter in the original film is now a white house staffer who apparently flies fighter jets on the weekend? I mean it's alluded she was in training and dropped out, but in this film she's flying the space fighter with superb proficency and executing complicated manuvers. Like she must have gotten to advance level of training which makes it all the more weird she's basically filing papers at the White House when the film begins. While we're on Patricia, she's hot.

A glaring lack of victory dance cigars, why no victory dance cigars?


I loved the original, but think I might munch my $8 popcorn in another movie.
This movie premiered weeks ago where I am but I didnt even bother to watch it since the first movie was mind numbingly awful (the space aliens just happen to have an Apple compatible computer system that controls everything and it doesnt have an anti-virus? Puh-lease). Plus a German directed it- with the exception of Wolfgang Petersen, all the other German directors around right now are terrible.
This movie premiered weeks ago where I am but I didnt even bother to watch it since the first movie was mind numbingly awful (the space aliens just happen to have an Apple compatible computer system that controls everything and it doesnt have an anti-virus? Puh-lease). Plus a German directed it- with the exception of Wolfgang Petersen, all the other German directors around right now are terrible.

Actually, the whole computer virus thing was explained in a deleted scene. All of modern computer tech is based on science extracted from the downed ship they had at Area 51. That was why they were able to infect the aliens, we were using the same technology. As far as having anti-virus, with a hive mind, what would be the point??
Actually, the whole computer virus thing was explained in a deleted scene. All of modern computer tech is based on science extracted from the downed ship they had at Area 51. That was why they were able to infect the aliens, we were using the same technology. As far as having anti-virus, with a hive mind, what would be the point??

yeah but the undeleted scenes the crazy gay mad scientist (who comes back to life in this film if you haven't seen the trailer) is kvetching that they haven't even been able to turn on any of the technology in the ship until the invaders arrive.

he makes it seem like all they know about the aliens is the biological from probing the aliens from the crash.
Actually, the whole computer virus thing was explained in a deleted scene. All of modern computer tech is based on science extracted from the downed ship they had at Area 51. That was why they were able to infect the aliens, we were using the same technology. As far as having anti-virus, with a hive mind, what would be the point??

Riight. So the aliens go away for decades and they never bother to upgrade their systems when they come back? Uh huh. Suure, makes perfect sense. :roll:

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