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In Case Republicans forget (1 Viewer)

Their leader has already "forgotten" what he said and blamed the Democrats. The rubes and lemmings will surely follow the marching orders given to them by their president and other Republican political masters.
Their leader has already "forgotten" what he said and blamed the Democrats. The rubes and lemmings will surely follow the marching orders given to them by their president and other Republican political masters.

We're already seeing it here. I've seen the usual suspects trot out the "Schumer Shutdown" lie more times than I care to recollect.

The Trump base is pathologically dishonest.
Republican is an undefined term just now, both parties are in massive realignment, this does not happen very often, we need to wait and see how this sorts out.

I am not shocked to see the "We Really Suck!" so-called journalists rarely mention this as they sell their often all to partisan wares, but I wish I saw more people at DP obviously understanding this.

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