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In 2007, Trump was forced to own up to his falsehoods. And he did. Sort of. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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The lawyer gave Donald Trump a note, written in Trump’s own handwriting. He asked Trump to read it aloud.Trump may not have realized it yet, but he had walked into a trap.
“Peter, you’re a real loser,” Trump began reading.
The mogul had sent the note to a reporter, objecting to a story that said Trump owned a “small minority stake” in a Manhattan real estate project. Trump insisted that the word “small” was incorrect. Trump continued reading: “I wrote, ‘Is 50 percent small?’ ”
“This [note] was intended to indicate that you had a 50 percent stake in the project, correct?” said the lawyer.
“That’s correct,” Trump said.
For the first of many times that day, Trump was about to be caught saying something that wasn’t true.

Continue Reading @ In 2007, Trump was forced to own up to his falsehoods. And he did. Sort of.

In just two days they caught the Donald in 30 falsehoods & invented facts, as he tried to explain how wrong was right.

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