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impeachment - perhaps impossible (1 Viewer)


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Sep 14, 2005
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does alito getting into the supreme court mean we will never be able to impeach bush? even if we get a majority in the 2006 elections? any decision will just bounce to the supreme court, and alito would presumably help bush stay in power and slap down any impeachment decision,

is this their plan?
changintimes said:
does alito getting into the supreme court mean we will never be able to impeach bush? even if we get a majority in the 2006 elections? any decision will just bounce to the supreme court, and alito would presumably help bush stay in power and slap down any impeachment decision,

is this their plan?
The fact that use "we" tells the forum all they need to know...

F--- the Constituation...F--- objectivity...F--- qualified justices...

Your only concern is "we"...

If your little group of "we" want to do something since your so concerned about everything that's going on, I suggest that your group of "we" should find a position to stand on instead of complaining about everyone else's position...

Obstruction isn't a platform...
i'm starting to think this forum is run by them,
changintimes said:
i'm starting to think this forum is run by them,
Nice...Dissent upon your arguments is met with partisan accusations...:roll:

A good way to respond to your party elders...terrible way to legitimately debate...
cnredd said:
Nice...Dissent upon your arguments is met with partisan accusations...:roll:

A good way to respond to your party elders...terrible way to legitimately debate...

oh right, a legitimate way to debate, you can't even answer my question,

you play with winding words but say very little, get all heady but won't even answer my question,

yeah, bet this forum is run by them,
There is of course....a possibility of accuracy in what you propose....but it does, by its very nature, lead to a partisan response. Bordering on conspiracy theory, as it is worded, you might consider stating your question in a way that does not virtually guarantee a defensive reply from those who support Mr. Bush.

Is the confirmation of Alito, likely to hinder an investigation, and possible impeachment of the president?

Alitos history of supporting expantion of Executive power could certainly affect what might be considered "Legal" under the war powers act. If indeed this is part of a plan to protect the powers of the executive branch.....the administration is exceptionally skilled in planning.
tecoyah said:
There is of course....a possibility of accuracy in what you propose....but it does, by its very nature, lead to a partisan response. Bordering on conspiracy theory, as it is worded, you might consider stating your question in a way that does not virtually guarantee a defensive reply from those who support Mr. Bush.

Is the confirmation of Alito, likely to hinder an investigation, and possible impeachment of the president?

Alitos history of supporting expantion of Executive power could certainly affect what might be considered "Legal" under the war powers act. If indeed this is part of a plan to protect the powers of the executive branch.....the administration is exceptionally skilled in planning.
In order to believe this wacky notion, you must also believe that the President also planned Justice O'Connor's retirement AND the death of justice Rehnquist, opening the door for nominations...

Has it ever occured to anyone that if Alito supports a strong Presidency and GWB is the last republican President for the next 20 years, then the Democratic Presidents would have more to gain from his position?...Has it occured to anyone that the Justice may believe in strong Executive power due to the office and not the person in it?...

People should stop believing a Justice, especially one with more experience than anyone nominated in the last 70 years, would give a rat's ass about the next three years when he's gonna probably be on the court for the next 25+...
After splitting along party lines and not finding it within themselves to cast the vote to Impeach a convicted Felon, the Democrats have set the bar - the reuirement to Impeach - so high that a President would almost have to be found guilty of committing muder in the White House to reach a level BOTH parties might actually agree upon as an Impeachable offense!

Clinton illegally gathered FBI files on GOP and his opponents/enemies.

He helped his buddy sell missile technology to the Chinese, enabling them to finally be able to reach the U.S. with their Nukes, in exchange for campaign contributions tracked directlyback to the Chinese military.

Clinton perpetrated/ordered not only wire taps of Americans but the entry into their houses, search and seisure of private American property, all without warrents.

Finally, he committed a felony - perjury by lying under oath to a grand jury to strip an American citizen of her right to a fair trial to save his own baccon, after lying to the entire nation on TV, and STILL the Democrats chose party politics/loyalty over what was right, voting against Impeachment.

Man, if they couldn't agree on Impeaching THAT criminal, they will never agree on Impeaching any President ever again!
changintimes said:
does alito getting into the supreme court mean we will never be able to impeach bush? even if we get a majority in the 2006 elections? any decision will just bounce to the supreme court, and alito would presumably help bush stay in power and slap down any impeachment decision,

is this their plan?

dude are you serious? Have you even read the Constitution? Are you sure you were born in '63 this is something a ten year old should know.

The impeachment proceeding starts in the House of Representatives if the House then votes in favor of impeachment by a simple majority vote the President is then considered impeached and the proceedings are then moved to, and then tried in, the Senate and if the Senate votes in favor of impeachment by a 2/3 majority the President will there to for be ousted out of office.

What the hell does the Supreme Court have to do with it???

And even if the Supreme Court did have anything to do with it the Conservatives on the bench are still in a 5 to 4 minority even with Alito.
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changintimes said:
does alito getting into the supreme court mean we will never be able to impeach bush? even if we get a majority in the 2006 elections? any decision will just bounce to the supreme court, and alito would presumably help bush stay in power and slap down any impeachment decision,

is this their plan?

As Trajan said, the Supreme Court has nothing to do with impeachment proceedings. Even if it did, both Roberts and Alito would be forced to sit out on the case due to conflicts of interest.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
As Trajan said, the Supreme Court has nothing to do with impeachment proceedings. Even if it did, both Roberts and Alito would be forced to sit out on the case due to conflicts of interest.

Actually they wouldn't be forced to do anything, a Judge can only recuse himself so if they did step aside it would have to be on their own accord, but now we're arguing things that'll never happen because the Supreme Court has nothing to do with impeachment.

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