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Immigration via Gumballs -Someone posted this on FB and it got quite the discussion going. (1 Viewer)

Using logic instead of emotions? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
It's a worthy watch.

I get the point but hes using some fuzzy math

He counted the 400 million poor in India as part of his 1st group and then the entire country of India in his second group.
This is what Republican run college would look like: gumballs, strawmen, and false logic.
This is what Republican run college would look like: gumballs, strawmen, and false logic.

When I was in school, fractions were always reduced to the “lowest common denominator...........”
It's a worthy watch.

What I got from this was: If you want to make the world a better place, don't bring immigrants to this country, (where presumably they can get an education and make their own money to send to their country, or go back with an education and start a business,) just send American tax dollars to their countries.
Query, what's wrong with what he said?

There are over a 1000 bad arguments made on this website every day. I could answer and help out one of them, but it would have no effect. Really I shouldn't even be answering bad arguments on this site as there are even worse arguments out there, like Youtube. In fact, those bad arguments should stay where they are and be figured out by the people who make them.
There are over a 1000 bad arguments made on this website every day. I could answer and help out one of them, but it would have no effect. Really I shouldn't even be answering bad arguments on this site as there are even worse arguments out there, like Youtube. In fact, those bad arguments should stay where they are and be figured out by the people who make them.

So you really have nothing just hoped we'd take your word for it this video is bad.

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