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I'm watching French Parliament now on CSPAN. (1 Viewer)

teacher said:
Go ahead, encourage me...

Dude I just watched their parliament on CSPAN it would have been on by you too, I'm not kidding their entire country has been held hostage by dumbshit college kids. We have illegal immigrants walking in single file 500,000 strong waving American flags. Our immigrants are 'protesting' to work their protesters are 'rioting' not to work. How's that violence in America theory working out now? got to love it.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Dude I just watched their parliament on CSPAN it would have been on by you too, I'm not kidding their entire country has been held hostage by dumbshit college kids. We have illegal immigrants walking in single file 500,000 strong waving American flags. Our immigrants are 'protesting' to work their protesters are 'rioting' not to work. How's that violence in America theory working out now? got to love it.

Tom Friedman had a sweet documentary on that French teen thing over a year ago. Get up to speed junior. You started dogging the French when? Nonetheless...nice catch TOT. Soon now I'm gonna go all nuts like with a phat rant on the imigration thing on my "Where's my party" thread. Wait for it.
teacher said:
Tom Friedman had a sweet documentary on that French teen thing over a year ago. Get up to speed junior. You started dogging the French when? Nonetheless...nice catch TOT. Soon now I'm gonna go all nuts like with a phat rant on the imigration thing on my "Where's my party" thread. Wait for it.

No I've been doggen the French for a while now but this is the begining of the destruction of their entire economy, just like in the Soviet Union, we're going to be seeing the French wiping their *** with whatever the **** their money is called pretty soon. They are a socialist nation it took them a little while longer but their economy is doing the same exact thing as Russias was doing back in 88. Within two years teach it's going to be very funny. Remember the wall coing down? I do it's one of my first memories I was 6 but I remember my parents saying it was real big so I watched it on t.v.. It's happening right now in France and it's going to be ****ing great.
What makes you angry??

The fact that France didn't support the Iraq War?
The fact that the United States wouldn't be a country without France?

Teach you might what to set your laser beam eyes from Paris to New York. The Statue of Liberty, she's French you know!
GarzaUK said:
What makes you angry??

The fact that France didn't support the Iraq War?
The fact that the United States wouldn't be a country without France?

Teach you might what to set your laser beam eyes from Paris to New York. The Statue of Liberty, she's French you know!

I'm not angry I'm happy the entire country of France has surrendered to College kids, it's ****ing hilarious.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I'm not angry I'm happy the entire country of France has surrendered to College kids, it's ****ing hilarious.

I'm angry the U.S. will soon be under a conservative dictatorship...wait...too late.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Apparently the entire country of France has been held hostage by a bunch of dumb sh!t college kids who don't want to work but want to get payed regardless.

Amazing isn't it?

That same mentality is rooting itself in this country as well. 50 more years and we might see something similar.
Davo said:
I'm angry the U.S. will soon be under a conservative dictatorship...wait...too late.

LMFAO ya I know all of those dictators just love to allow for other parties and free electons. :roll: Catch a clue skippy have you seen how our media talks about their president? Just because the people didn't vote for who you wanted them to doesn't mean we're a dictarship and if the people didn't get who they voted for then it would be a dictarship. We are the furthest thing possible to a dictatorship. The true tyrants in training are the likes of Hugo Chavez and the socialists over in Europe. In closing: France sucks.

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