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I'm Jakurus (1 Viewer)


Jul 15, 2005
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Political Leaning
I'm Jakurus, a fairly precocious rising sophomore in college. I'm still pretty unspoiled by politics, but I'm less naive than most of the kids.

I tend to think government is wasteful, which pisses me off more because the money could be going to the social welfare programs that Republicans say we can't fund, than it does because it raises taxes.

I also tend to think liberally on social issues.

That makes me a bit of a libertarian, but that party really turns me off. I don't think it makes you a facist to think we could live without guns and be OK as a society.

1 love.
I would never have guessed you were abrasive, lol.

Welcome to debate politics....college people unite!
Nah I have a passionate hate for all KU athletics, may they burn in hell. Amen.

I go to Northwestern U. up north of Chicago. Lot of smart kids, but if we don't argue about politics because there are no few hardcore conservatives. Not saying that's a bad thing, just is.
jakurus said:
I'm Jakurus, a fairly precocious rising sophomore in college. I'm still pretty unspoiled by politics, but I'm less naive than most of the kids.

I tend to think government is wasteful, which pisses me off more because the money could be going to the social welfare programs that Republicans say we can't fund, than it does because it raises taxes.

I also tend to think liberally on social issues.

That makes me a bit of a libertarian, but that party really turns me off. I don't think it makes you a facist to think we could live without guns and be OK as a society.

1 love.

I am the Missouri version of you.

Your name reminds me too much of that Rev. Moon guy who started the cult.

Any relation? Hehe.....
rudy0908 said:
I am the Missouri version of you.

A) Good job on being a superior thinker.

B) Do you hate Mizzou and like Kansas, then? Because I was born across the river and moved over to Kansas and am one of the few Mizzou fans around.
jakurus said:
B) Do you hate Mizzou and like Kansas, then? Because I was born across the river and moved over to Kansas and am one of the few Mizzou fans around.

No, I despise Kansas. All I want is for Mizzou to destroy them once (in any sport) so I finally feel superior to those lousy Jayhawks.
jakurus said:

Your name reminds me too much of that Rev. Moon guy who started the cult.

Any relation? Hehe.....
That cult guy who has influence in our nation's capitol via "conservatives"?
You mean the guy who owns the Washington Times? The one whose coronation occurred in the Dirksen Senate Office Building?

If I were, I would be hesitant to admit it.
Hahaha oh wow, I can't believe he owns the Washington Times. I can't believe he got to use the Senate building.

Hilarious / Scarrrry.

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