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Illegal Immigrants, good or bad for USA? (1 Viewer)

Immigrants... Good... or bad?

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Aug 24, 2005
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Slightly Liberal
Ok, I have been hearing this OVER and OVER again in the radio, and I hate how Bush is doing this!
I for one am angry how Bush is LETTING these illegal immigrants INTO this country! In California these Mexicans can get FREE liscensing, NO TEST! Illegal immigrants are given MORE freedom than average Americans!

I have nothing against Mexicans, but I hate how there are so many illegals here. They don't pay taxes! I hate how this is happening!

USA should do like Isreal and wall off Mexico, make a biiiiiig wall, no one in or out without a passport.

We should also deport all illegal immigrants immediatly in my opinion.
Illegal immigrants - excellent with a side of chips and vinegar.
Serious replies, please.

I had an interesting debate with a friend of mine the other day regarding this Immigration issue and the need to defend our country against illegal immigrants.

His point was that we should "lock the door" (in other words, build a East-Germany style wall). He made the analogy that we should defend our country in the same way that we would our homes. Would you just leave the door wide open, with all of your valuables exposed for the taking? His answer: No, of course, not...install a security system, lock the doors, and come out shootin if someone invades to take over your space.

But, my counter-argument was that it was much more likely that an illegal immigrant would come into my home and wash the laundry, take care of the kids, plant some flowers, cook my food and clean up for only $1 per day. In that case, I can see how it would be worth the risk. Sure, I might get robbed sometimes, but it is much more likely that the invaders would be hard workers and willing to be exploited for the privilege of living in my home with it's clean environment, excellent public health and safety officers, and the good schools around the corner.

So, which side do you believe in? Of course, I would never exploit anyone for only $1 a day myself, but it is a good analogy for the way that our capitalistic system perpetuates illegal immigration.
I think the best solution would be to make them not want to come. So if maybe we helped Mexico out with a few things... corruption, unemployment rate, etc.

I don't know. Seems harder than "locking the door," but I think it would be more efficient for both of our societies, cultures, and countries.

I think it's ridiculous that everything is in both Spanish and English.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I think the best solution would be to make them not want to come. So if maybe we helped Mexico out with a few things... corruption, unemployment rate, etc.

I don't know. Seems harder than "locking the door," but I think it would be more efficient for both of our societies, cultures, and countries.

I think it's ridiculous that everything is in both Spanish and English.

I agree with you, but I feel we should take care of those problems at home first. Lock the door until we get ourselves straight, then help others. I also agree with you about the english/spanish thing, but you've gotta wonder about how the people in the countries that don't speak english (and their native tounge IS the national language)feel about having english on their signs as well, don't you?
ILikeDubyah said:
I agree with you, but I feel we should take care of those problems at home first. Lock the door until we get ourselves straight, then help others.

What is it you think needs to be done at home?

I also agree with you about the english/spanish thing, but you've gotta wonder about how the people in the countries that don't speak english (and their native tounge IS the national language)feel about having english on their signs as well, don't you?

That's a good point. Though the reason for English signs in other countries is Tourism rather than illegal immigration...:lol:
Gandhi>Bush said:
What is it you think needs to be done at home?

We have corruption and unemployment, just as the immigrants homelands do. If we were to take care of other countries problems, we should at least take care of our own first. (Though I don't believe in Gov't handouts or preff. treatment at all, make something of yourself, don't wait for someone to make something of you. So it's all hypothetical anyways.)

That's a good point. Though the reason for English signs in other countries is Tourism rather than illegal immigration...:lol:

Yes, for tourism, but just as much or moreso for American run/owned businesses abroad, and they have a national language, which should mean, if you're going to come here, you better learn the language. This is funny, because my wife is a high school english teacher here in AZ , and to be allowed to teach, she MUST be ESL certified.

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