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I'll never understand..... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2009
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Bonners Ferry ID USA
Political Leaning
Honor killings. Watched this video and frankly such mentality completely baffles me. I cannot understand it.

Honor killings. Watched this video and frankly such mentality completely baffles me. I cannot understand it.

fear is the route to control

they fear and women are not equal

it's easy to kill when one can place the victim in a position of sin to an almighty (regardless of religion)
Honor killings. Watched this video and frankly such mentality completely baffles me. I cannot understand it.

I'm with you on that. I understand it though: to such men in those societies, women are cheap like dogs. But, the women just keep lining up to take a beating, so whadd'ya gonna do.
fear is the route to control

they fear and women are not equal

it's easy to kill when one can place the victim in a position of sin to an almighty (regardless of religion)

I don't know why the western countries don't get together and just starve those people out. I see no difference between that and anything North Korea is doing.
It's easy to understand that humans are frequently barbaric. Grounding in Old Testament principles, or the equivalent in other religions, is part of the explanation.
It's easy to understand that humans are frequently barbaric. Grounding in Old Testament principles, or the equivalent in other religions, is part of the explanation.

How utterly asinine. How many "Christian" honor killings are there? Don't be silly. :roll:
Honor killings. Watched this video and frankly such mentality completely baffles me. I cannot understand it.

Recognition that the entirety of the human race includes cultures that embrace such beliefs makes the current demand to be accepting of one and all a fools errand.

Even more astonishing is the demand by many that people from these cultures be allowed to continue to express their beliefs in countries they move to, rather than to first agree to surrender them before being invited to stay.

These cultural differences are likely the primary reason mankind developed countries and nations. While adding security for it's inhabitants, it allowed cultures to congregate in unified mission. Expecting these differences can be melded together through some "humanitarian" objective is to ignore the history of the human race.

I can't fathom a culture that would embrace "honor killing". As a result, it underscores the massive inferiority of this culture I attribute to it. However, if I were of this culture, I would likely feel differently. For me, it explains why there should be separations between the two.

I shouldn't expect them to change simply because I see their culture as backward and barbaric, and they shouldn't expect anyone to tolerate their cultural expression should they come to live among western cultures who don't share their values.
Pakistan girl's brutal death: 'It is not honor killing, it's just plain murder'

15 y.o. girl strangled and burned to death for helping a neighbor and her boyfriend elope.


13 members of the local council arrested for the brutal murder of a teenage girl
Pakistani courts oftentimes show leniency for such "honor" crimes
I'm with you on that. I understand it though: to such men in those societies, women are cheap like dogs. But, the women just keep lining up to take a beating, so whadd'ya gonna do.

Regarding the part I have underlined, that's a really awful thing to say. You clearly have no idea of the conditions and backward cultures these women are living in. Did you watch Kals video Jet? More often than not they have no way to escape and nowhere to go Jet as laws do not protect women from this kind of crime. Honor killings are rarely prosecuted because they are supported by the victims family, the local community and so called leaders of the villages/cities where they live. They are barbarians who believe that the death of the victim is a way to restore the reputation and honour of the family.
I'm with you on that. I understand it though: to such men in those societies, women are cheap like dogs. But, the women just keep lining up to take a beating, so whadd'ya gonna do.
many women fight hard and die

it wasn't so very long ago that women got the vote here

I don't know why the western countries don't get together and just starve those people out. I see no difference between that and anything North Korea is doing.
well who are "those people"? there are violent perpetrators and there are victims of violence for one thing

for the other they are Taliban controlled and we have already lost too many lives for their oil
Regarding the part I have underlined, that's a really awful thing to say. You clearly have no idea of the conditions and backward cultures these women are living in. Did you watch Kals video Jet? More often than not they have no way to escape and nowhere to go Jet as laws do not protect women from this kind of crime. Honor killings are rarely prosecuted because they are supported by the victims family, the local community and so called leaders of the villages/cities where they live. They are barbarians who believe that the death of the victim is a way to restore the reputation and honour of the family.

many women fight hard and die

it wasn't so very long ago that women got the vote here

well who are "those people"? there are violent perpetrators and there are victims of violence for one thing

for the other they are Taliban controlled and we have already lost too many lives for their oil

Regarding the part I have underlined, that's a really awful thing to say. You clearly have no idea of the conditions and backward cultures these women are living in. Did you watch Kals video Jet? More often than not they have no way to escape and nowhere to go Jet as laws do not protect women from this kind of crime. Honor killings are rarely prosecuted because they are supported by the victims family, the local community and so called leaders of the villages/cities where they live. They are barbarians who believe that the death of the victim is a way to restore the reputation and honour of the family.
Hello to both of you, and Happy Mothers’ Day…

The fact that these women keep lining up IS a terrible thing, and I chose my words very carefully to make a point. When we consider those groups that were oppressed in this country (US), we see a different story: we see a story of revolution. That is the key ingredient missing from these areas of sectarian control that does nothing but bind women into servitude and slavery. One or two saying something in secret to a news reporter is not enough – to get US involved!! Do you both know what I mean by that? For instance we see one woman driving a car in Saudi Arabia, and then it just goes away. So what are we to do? There’s no outcry, the women just hide in corners and WE (the west) have no way of making case for them and getting involved. That didn’t happen in the US or other parts of the western world. So this type of – prejudicial hacking just continues to flourish!

So that’s what I mean by that; we cannot just waltz into these countries politically or otherwise without serious cause. These places are stuck in the Middle Ages and they want it that way: it gives them power and their brutality is how they keep it. So what do we do? Stiff sanctions: lay siege to them if they want to play Middle Age warfare, and let that pressure weed out the tyranny. We have no other “collective” way to jam up their feudal states.

I’m with you, a lot more than you might think, but reality is something that has to be faced with stuff like this: wouldn’t it be nice if the sons loved their mothers more than that… But apparently they are just as afraid.
Blaming the victims?

Nope telling a very sad truth.

The fact that these women keep lining up IS a terrible thing, and I chose my words very carefully to make a point. When we consider those groups that were oppressed in this country (US), we see a different story: we see a story of revolution. That is the key ingredient missing from these areas of sectarian control that does nothing but bind women into servitude and slavery. One or two saying something in secret to a news reporter is not enough – to get US involved!! Do you both know what I mean by that? For instance we see one woman driving a car in Saudi Arabia, and then it just goes away. So what are we to do? There’s no outcry, the women just hide in corners and WE (the west) have no way of making case for them and getting involved. That didn’t happen in the US or other parts of the western world. So this type of – prejudicial hacking just continues to flourish!

So that’s what I mean by that; we cannot just waltz into these countries politically or otherwise without serious cause. These places are stuck in the Middle Ages and they want it that way: it gives them power and their brutality is how they keep it. So what do we do? Stiff sanctions: lay siege to them if they want to play Middle Age warfare, and let that pressure weed out the tyranny. We have no other “collective” way to jam up their feudal states.

I’m with you, a lot more than you might think, but reality is something that has to be faced with stuff like this: wouldn’t it be nice if the sons loved their mothers more than that… But apparently they are just as afraid.
Honor killings. Watched this video and frankly such mentality completely baffles me. I cannot understand it.

Sharia law holds that fathers are allowed to inflict the death penalty for certain crimes, whereas western law restricts this power to the state.
How utterly asinine. How many "Christian" honor killings are there? Don't be silly. :roll:

You mean like drowning women to prove they aren't witches, and if they don't drown, burn them for being witches? The difference is time and, relatedly, the stage of the development of the area we're talking about.
You mean like drowning women to prove they aren't witches, and if they don't drown, burn them for being witches? The difference is time and, relatedly, the stage of the development of the area we're talking about.

Lol, that's what I thought. :rolleyes:
How utterly asinine. How many "Christian" honor killings are there? Don't be silly. :roll:

Same principle, different names. But I do not mean to imply that Christian people or churches practice it, no.

My point is that in the name of religion, many bad things have been done over the years, including but not limited to the subject of the movie "Spotlight". Books have been written about it, or at least suspicions of it. But it turns out the authorities were in on it too, covering up an ongoing crime, a culture. As a former Irish Catholic kid, I was baptized and confirmed, but I don't do it anymore. And the good job done by that movie also has a 'bummer' quality, realizing it was allowed to continue by the government.

In all my interactions with priests, and there were many, in no case ever once did a priest put any sort of move on me in any way.

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