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If you could change ONE existing law... (1 Viewer)

10th amendment

why? you don't like the federal government (which ignores it anyway) being constrained?

that's a really interesting claim
Why bother? It's a;ready been gutted and is virtually ignored.

true, FDR used it as toilet paper and the stench of his crap still permeates 10th amendment jurisprudence to this day
You don't like income taxes?

I don't like the power congress grabbed with the income tax nor the expansion of government and the parasite class that it caused
10th amendment abuses by the state will eventually bring the election process to a standstill .
true, FDR used it as toilet paper and the stench of his crap still permeates 10th amendment jurisprudence to this day
Why do you have to go extreme on me and start flinging parasite class and all ?
I don't like the power congress grabbed with the income tax nor the expansion of government and the parasite class that it caused
Why do you have to go extreme on me and start flinging parasite class and all ?

I never suggested any particular person is a member of the parasite class. I merely noted the enactment of the 16th amendment encouraged the expansion of the CLASS
I would suggest that the 16th and the CLASS are separate issues.
In your experience with law, why was the 16th enacted ?
I never suggested any particular person is a member of the parasite class. I merely noted the enactment of the 16th amendment encouraged the expansion of the CLASS
I would suggest that the 16th and the CLASS are separate issues.
In your experience with law, why was the 16th enacted ?

lots of reasons including

1) congress wanting more power

2) prohibitionists having to counter arguments that prohibition would deprive the USA of lucrative alcohol excise taxes
Looks like one bad amendment, the 18th, beget some other problems.
who were those 18th amendment folks ?
lots of reasons including

1) congress wanting more power

2) prohibitionists having to counter arguments that prohibition would deprive the USA of lucrative alcohol excise taxes
Looks like one bad amendment, the 18th, beget some other problems.
who were those 18th amendment folks ?

1) women who didn't like men drinking

2) fundamentalist Christians

3) control freaks
Police Pay is a BUDGETED item for any municipality. Asset forfeiture funds in North Carolina are controlled by the STATE, and thus are NOT a part of a municipalities Budget. Thus NOT a part of my paycheck.

I never meant to imply that asset forfeiture was a portion of your paycheck, sir. I apologize if I confused you on that point.

Actually, my analogy in relation to a lack of commission for sales specialists at Lowe's, yet they are held accountable for sales, was my way of trying to make that point clear.

Civil asset forfeiture is not a part of your paycheck. I acknowledge that fully; civil asset forfeiture collection is a part of your job!

Please tell me honestly. If you chose to never seize an asset from anyone before they were proven guilty, would you be reprimanded up to the point where you would lose your job if you did not comply with your supervisor's wishes for you to seize assets before the person from whom it was being seized was proven guilty? I will continue on because I sill assume in good faith that they answer is yes. You would be fired for failing to do your job if you failed to seize civil assets.

You are showing how little you know of how City/Local finances work in most areas of the U.S. I can't answer for everywhere, only in the state of which I worked.

This kinda makes me thing you are one of the QUOTA thinking people...

Just a little insight from North Carolina General Statues Chapter 20...

G.S. 20-187.3
I do not think that there is a quota, however, I do think that there is an expectation.

So, at my other job I often run a cash register and the company has various things I am required to promote or gather such as getting people to sign up for free magazine trials or giving me an e-mail address. I have no quota on that, much the same as you have no quota on civil asset seizure in your job; however, if I were to just stop trying and was doing a terrible job at doing these things that I am expected to do, my supervisor would be very unhappy with me, and if taken to extremes, I could be fired from that job.

The same goes for you, sir. You have no quota, but you have an expectation to do various things, including seizing civil assets, or else you could lose your indirect financial gain for doing those things, which is your paycheck.

Let me reiterate one more thing. I am not trying to say that you are or aren't proud of this fact. In any case, I am sure that the decision is out of your hands unless you want to lose your way of putting food on your table, and for that, I feel no animosity towards you or any other LEO. Having said that, don't make that be the reason to defend something that is wrong.

I hate having to get people's e-mails so my company can spam them and getting people to sign up for magazine trials so that the magazine companies can hope they forget to cancel and then charge them for a subscription later, but I do it because it keeps my paycheck coming. So don't take this the wrong way. I am not attacking you personally, I get it, okay? Just don't feel compelled to try to defend it just because you have to do it! You're not just an LEO you're just as much a citizen as I am. Why do so many law enforcement officials have to make everything be "us vs them?"

From the link you posted:
Pay and promotions of members of the Highway Patrol shall be based on their overall job performance and not on the basis of the volume of citations issued or arrests made.

Seizure of civil assets would fall under your overall job performance.
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Remove all laws banning the production of and consumption of marijuana.

Three major reasons:
1, crippling the cartel
2. Doing away with a majority of the expense on the war on drugs.
3. Reduce the incarcerated population freeing up jail space for violent offenders.

I find alcohol causes easily more problems than marijuana.

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