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"If you can protest in person, you can vote in person." (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
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This is now the Trump justification for destroying the postoffice and any and all other voter intrusions.

First, are tweet threats real, or just to get attention?
Second, is there any logic to it? NO, I didnt go to a protest. Trump is trying to punish all DEMS, libs, progressives, vulnerables, children, elderly as one. It is disgusting, that right wingers allow Trump to ruin persons and businesses, with fits of pique. It is EVIL, and disgraceful, that right wingers think Trump allowing the blue cities and states to drop dead is fine.

Trump cannot use this FAKE logic, and we will march till he is gone, if he does.

This tweeted threat, is an indication that Trump will use any and all means to stop mailin voting, and voting by Dems in general. And that any complaints will be met with derisive excuses and accusations.

This means war. And to anyone that thinks we dont prosecute presidents on the way out, Trump is making it a necessity.
"Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES - They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!)."

He is absolutely tearing this country apart.
This is now the Trump justification for destroying the postoffice and any and all other voter intrusions.

First, are tweet threats real, or just to get attention?
Second, is there any logic to it? NO, I didnt go to a protest. Trump is trying to punish all DEMS, libs, progressives, vulnerables, children, elderly as one. It is disgusting, that right wingers allow Trump to ruin persons and businesses, with fits of pique. It is EVIL, and disgraceful, that right wingers think Trump allowing the blue cities and states to drop dead is fine.

Trump cannot use this FAKE logic, and we will march till he is gone, if he does.

This tweeted threat, is an indication that Trump will use any and all means to stop mailin voting, and voting by Dems in general. And that any complaints will be met with derisive excuses and accusations.

This means war. And to anyone that thinks we dont prosecute presidents on the way out, Trump is making it a necessity.

First I do not understand how you can describe it as "fake logic". If someone felt safe enough protesting in a crowd of people, then it stands to reason that they should feel safe enough going to a polling station to vote come election day.

Second, however, that reasoning would only apply to people who went out to protest. Not to anyone else who declined to do so.
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"Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES - They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!)."

He is absolutely tearing this country apart.

Trump, empowered by right wingers, has turned the Presidency into a spanish inquisition. Trump can ruin who he pleases. He can enrich anyone he pleases. He can do as he pleases. He has set one American against another. And made that normal. Right wingers will ruin this country. And will not stop till we are carrying machetes in the streets.
This is now the Trump justification for destroying the postoffice and any and all other voter intrusions.

First, are tweet threats real, or just to get attention?
Second, is there any logic to it? NO, I didnt go to a protest. Trump is trying to punish all DEMS, libs, progressives, vulnerables, children, elderly as one. It is disgusting, that right wingers allow Trump to ruin persons and businesses, with fits of pique. It is EVIL, and disgraceful, that right wingers think Trump allowing the blue cities and states to drop dead is fine.

Trump cannot use this FAKE logic, and we will march till he is gone, if he does.

This tweeted threat, is an indication that Trump will use any and all means to stop mailin voting, and voting by Dems in general. And that any complaints will be met with derisive excuses and accusations.

This means war. And to anyone that thinks we dont prosecute presidents on the way out, Trump is making it a necessity.

Good. So he's encouraging the protesters to vote. I agree with him. Get them all out to vote. They won't vote for him.
First I do not understand how you can describe it as "fake logic". If someone felt safe enough protesting in a crowd of people, then it stands to reason that they should feel safe enough going to a polling station to vote come election day.

Second, however, that reasoning would only apply to people who went out to protest. Not to anyone else who declined to do so.

Then use big brother, facial recognition, and ban those persons, after being convicted, from mailin voting. Trying to kill the vulnerable, blaming BLM and youth, is EVIL, and will not wash, and is ILLOGICAL.
First I do not understand how you can describe it as "fake logic". If someone felt safe enough protesting in a crowd of people, then it stands to reason that they should feel safe enough going to a polling station to vote come election day.

Second, however, that reasoning would only apply to people who went out to protest. Not to anyone else who declined to do so.

Good point. One can go to a protest as long as can last then leave. Same with standing in line at a polling station before your age/condition prevents you from staying long enough to cast your vote.
"If you can protest in person, you can vote in person."

Well, also too (Sara Palin), that accounts for "maybe" 20 million voters; what are the other 136 million supposed to do.
I mean, I suppose. But I don't have to. Colorado isn't some ass-backwards State too stupid to figure out how to make a mail-in voting system. We have mail-in ballots, one of the best voting structures in the Republic. So I can easily vote from home.
Not only is Trump, the excusemaker, going to use this FAKE logic to excuse his destroying the post office and erecting voter deterrents, the BLM/youth protests, also excuse Trump from any culpability for Covid deaths. Trump is not responsible for anything, EVER.
Democrats have a problem with not voting. But Trump is riling them up so much that they would drag themselves through broken glass while naked just for the opportunity to vote him out.
If you can hold rallies in person, you can vote in person.

Video resurfaces of Trump struggling to vote in person in 2004 as he ramps up attacks on mail-in voting - CNNPolitics

Video of then-businessman Donald Trump struggling to vote in-person before declaring he would fill out an absentee ballot in 2004 has resurfaced this week amid a new round of unfounded attacks on mail-in voting from the President.

The "Access Hollywood" segment, filmed as Trump was attempting to vote in the 2004 election, shows Trump alongside TV host Billy Bush visiting multiple New York City polling locations. Trump, however, is blocked from voting at each location because he is not on any of the voter rolls at each stop.

Trump can be seen becoming increasingly frustrated before declaring, "I'm going to fill out the absentee ballot."

The segment ends with Trump filling out what Bush describes as a provisional ballot in his car.
The voting fix: make the pickup point for the $1200 stimulus checks the voting precincts; then everyone would show up to vote in person!
The voting fix: make the pickup point for the $1200 stimulus checks the voting precincts; then everyone would show up to vote in person!

If got a better Idea, all gun purchases are coughed and sneezed on, by covid patient, then a waiting period, so you dont pass on your gun to a relative when you die.
First I do not understand how you can describe it as "fake logic". If someone felt safe enough protesting in a crowd of people, then it stands to reason that they should feel safe enough going to a polling station to vote come election day.

Second, however, that reasoning would only apply to people who went out to protest. Not to anyone else who declined to do so.

To your first point, positive test rates have increased since the peak of the protests, so the risk of catching the disease is worse now than ever; there's no way of knowing how bad the state of things could be come November. Also, I'm almost guaranteed to interact with more Trumpian anti-mask nutjobs at the polls than I am in my regular daily activity, so all else equal, mail-in voting makes me less likely to catch the virus.

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