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If the left is crazy and the right is normal... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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If the left is crazy and the right is normal, why does roger stone have a tattoo of nixon on his back? What does that say about stone?
If the left is crazy and the right is normal, why does roger stone have a tattoo of nixon on his back? What does that say about stone?

Stone has that tattoo, because that's the only way Nixon could achieve an erection before he "relieved himself" on Stone's back.
Stone has that tattoo, because that's the only way Nixon could achieve an erection before he "relieved himself" on Stone's back.

Not only is the left crazy, they’re perverts and amuse themselves with adolescent humor. This is why they believe in socialism, they’re irresponsible impulsive children in adult’s bodies
Not only is the left crazy, they’re perverts and amuse themselves with adolescent humor. This is why they believe in socialism, they’re irresponsible impulsive children in adult’s bodies

You realize that under this criteria, Donald Trump is a liberal?
Not only is the left crazy, they’re perverts and amuse themselves with adolescent humor. This is why they believe in socialism, they’re irresponsible impulsive children in adult’s bodies

Speaking of children and adults hanging out together, how's your buddy Roy Moore doing? Keep supporting guys like that and the dems won't have to come up with a coherent message. You guys will just continue to self-destruct supporting guys like trump and Moore.

Don't say I didn't warn you guys!
If the left is crazy and the right is normal, why does roger stone have a tattoo of nixon on his back? What does that say about stone?

As Bill Maher quipped, it might stop him from getting raped in prison...I mean who could hold an erection looking at Richard Nixon ?
Not only is the left crazy, they’re perverts and amuse themselves with adolescent humor. This is why they believe in socialism, they’re irresponsible impulsive children in adult’s bodies

Let's see, Moore assaults women, Trump lusts after his own daughter and grabs women's privates. Yet the Dems are the perverts for making fun of them?!?

Typical conservative logic...
Let's see, Moore assaults women, Trump lusts after his own daughter and grabs women's privates. Yet the Dems are the perverts for making fun of them?!?

Typical conservative logic...

Well more accurately women lied about Moore assaulting them decades ago. The Kavanaugh spectacle proves this was a lie, and the democrats used this same smear against a republican state Senator here in WA. Questionable old allegations from unreliable people. Trump does not lust after his daughter and no one has shown he has sexually assaulted anyone.

Bill on the other hand, DNA evidence.

And even if Your justification was true, it’s still you justifying being a pervert yourself because you had to think about the idea of another man having an erection while looking at another Man.

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Well more accurately women lied about Moore assaulting them decades ago. The Kavanaugh spectacle proves this was a lie, and the democrats used this same smear against a republican state Senator here in WA. Questionable old allegations from unreliable people. Trump does not lust after his daughter and no one has shown he has sexually assaulted anyone...

Remember, 'never believe the victim' is a tried and true conservative defense. Numnuts himself bragged about grabbing a woman's privates, if it's not invited, exactly when does that cross the line into assault? Is it not assult unless the woman files charges?!?

...And even if Your justification was true, it’s still you justifying being a pervert yourself because you had to think about the idea of another man having an erection while looking at another Man...

LOL, another great example so soon?

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