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If the demographics are against you , how do you win elections? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Demographics are growing ever more against the GOP and Trump who seem to want to only appeal to white voters, so how do and did they win. It seems they used mutiplw ways of suppressing the votes. The biggest of course was voter ID laws, but it was certainly not the only way. Purging voter roles was a way they used mny state. A good example was Georgia where the present Governor elect purged more than a million voters off the roles in the past four years and held up over 50 thousand more votes from being counted by a law that made it possible for him to do so. Eliminating polling places is mostly minority areas was another method. In Missouri they moved a polling place for a minority area a mile and a half outside the area in an place that had no public transportation. Another method was reducing the number of polling places to cause long lines and thus inducing people to give up on voting rather than waiting for hours to do so. A final method I will mention is to insure that in minority voting areas that only old voting machines were available that would break down once again causing minority people to give up and go home without voting or to incorrectly interpret the voters wishes. there were more efforts than this to suppress those who do not fit the demographics of Trump, but I am sure that these are enough to get a discussion going on this subject, if Trump supporters can come up with any logical reasons for these methods.
Demographics are growing ever more against the GOP and Trump who seem to want to only appeal to white voters, so how do and did they win. It seems they used mutiplw ways of suppressing the votes. The biggest of course was voter ID laws, but it was certainly not the only way. Purging voter roles was a way they used mny state. A good example was Georgia where the present Governor elect purged more than a million voters off the roles in the past four years and held up over 50 thousand more votes from being counted by a law that made it possible for him to do so. Eliminating polling places is mostly minority areas was another method. In Missouri they moved a polling place for a minority area a mile and a half outside the area in an place that had no public transportation. Another method was reducing the number of polling places to cause long lines and thus inducing people to give up on voting rather than waiting for hours to do so. A final method I will mention is to insure that in minority voting areas that only old voting machines were available that would break down once again causing minority people to give up and go home without voting or to incorrectly interpret the voters wishes. there were more efforts than this to suppress those who do not fit the demographics of Trump, but I am sure that these are enough to get a discussion going on this subject, if Trump supporters can come up with any logical reasons for these methods.

"Demographics?" Which ones?

Seems like you are focusing mostly on race, as if only White people voted for the current President. Is that the Demographic you refer to?

Now it is possible that there were some issues in Georgia, but if that is the case then let the courts sort it out. All it takes is a civil suit.

Of course, if the demographics are against the GOP, how then to explain Broward and Dade Counties in Florida, run by Democrats but which seem to have great difficulty handling their voting. Can't dispute that when several hundred thousand votes leaning mostly Democrat "magically appear" after the election count was supposed to have ended.

There has also been an argument raised that the Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to actively change the "demographics" via their immigration policy efforts, since time has shown that past "Red States" like California, Nevada, Arizona, and even Texas have or are turning Blue...thanks in great part to all the past Immigration "Amnesty" programs.
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RE: the thread question.

The brutal truth is: YOU DON'T WIN ELECTIONS

The GOP is dead, dead, dead.

All political parties eventually come to an end.

Because of "demographic changes," the GOP will never again be a force in local, state, or national politics -- unless it simply promises more goodies than the Democratic Party.

E.g., if the Democrats promise that all border guards will be withdrawn so that undocumented people from other countries can cross without opposition, the Republicans will have to promise that they will send airplanes to other countries to bring undocumented migrants to the States in comfort. First class, of course.
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Demographics are growing ever more against the GOP and Trump who seem to want to only appeal to white voters, so how do and did they win. It seems they used mutiplw ways of suppressing the votes. The biggest of course was voter ID laws, but it was certainly not the only way. Purging voter roles was a way they used mny state. A good example was Georgia where the present Governor elect purged more than a million voters off the roles in the past four years and held up over 50 thousand more votes from being counted by a law that made it possible for him to do so. Eliminating polling places is mostly minority areas was another method. In Missouri they moved a polling place for a minority area a mile and a half outside the area in an place that had no public transportation. Another method was reducing the number of polling places to cause long lines and thus inducing people to give up on voting rather than waiting for hours to do so. A final method I will mention is to insure that in minority voting areas that only old voting machines were available that would break down once again causing minority people to give up and go home without voting or to incorrectly interpret the voters wishes. there were more efforts than this to suppress those who do not fit the demographics of Trump, but I am sure that these are enough to get a discussion going on this subject, if Trump supporters can come up with any logical reasons for these methods.

Do you have any evidence, any rational proof that supports your fantasies?

Why are liberals such unabashed and inveterate racist divisionists?

Isn't it possible that when a person says "all Americans" he is including "ALL Americans"?

Are you aware that elections are operated by local authorities?

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