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If Putin decides to use nukes who will he target!?? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2022
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Slightly Liberal
Weill he contaminate the Ukrainian with radiation as he is trying to conquer it???

Or will he retaliate against the countries that have supported them,

I’m worried the military bases in Alaska could be a target…
Weill he contaminate the Ukrainian with radiation as he is trying to conquer it???

Or will he retaliate against the countries that have supported them,

I’m worried the military bases in Alaska could be a target…
Does it matter? If he uses them against the bases in AK start your stretching exercises. So you can bend over and kiss your ass good bye without hurting yourself.
Weill he contaminate the Ukrainian with radiation as he is trying to conquer it???

Or will he retaliate against the countries that have supported them,

I’m worried the military bases in Alaska could be a target…
Personally I think he would hit New York where the money capital is and if he does hope I die immediately because I do not want to live in a post nuclear world
Does it matter? If he uses them against the bases in AK start your stretching exercises. So you can bend over and kiss your ass good bye without hurting yourself.

My son lives a couple miles from a couple of the bases…
This is a nightmare scenario, any way you look at it.

You know, we seem to have a lot of secret connetions close to Putin--people who blab to us about what he's doing or even thinking. It might be possible for those "spies" to inform us when or if he is considering pressing the nuclear button. It might even be possible to get to him and eliminate him before he can do that. This would be a suicide mission, but somebody might volunteer to do it to save the world.

My hope right now is that Russian officials close to Putin will begin to do like those close to Hitler near the end of World War II (e.g., "is Paris Burning?"), that is, they will begin to ignore some of his orders. I know that might be unlikely, but that's what I'm praying for.
If he uses them, it will be against Ukraine.

He would tell NATO: What are you going to do about it?

NATO's answer would essentially be: "Nothing."

His handlers will NOT let him attack a NATO country.

They would tell that little runt two words: "Get out!"

They and their families enjoy life and do not want to die -- for him and his mistress!
Weill he contaminate the Ukrainian with radiation as he is trying to conquer it???

Or will he retaliate against the countries that have supported them,

I’m worried the military bases in Alaska could be a target…
Previously posted:

IMO the only real target for a nuke would be Ukraine itself. Anywhere else would be another act of war. He's not even holding his own in Ukraine.​
Would Putin nuke his prize? A good part of it is already contaminated. It's a major agricultural region worth preserving to a cold, dry country.​

It's interesting that anytime I brought up EMPs tho, few responded.
Weill he contaminate the Ukrainian with radiation as he is trying to conquer it???

Or will he retaliate against the countries that have supported them,

I’m worried the military bases in Alaska could be a target…
I doubt he would, but if he does it would probably be a small tactical nuke in Ukraine. Something escalatory, but unlikely to rise to the level of provoking a nuclear response from NATO.
Weill he contaminate the Ukrainian with radiation as he is trying to conquer it???

Or will he retaliate against the countries that have supported them,

I’m worried the military bases in Alaska could be a target…
They won't make it to Alaska_ THAAD is sitting in their silos, and the radars are hot.
If he uses them, it will be against Ukraine.

He would tell NATO: What are you going to do about it?

NATO's answer would essentially be: "Nothing."

His handlers will NOT let him attack a NATO country.

They would tell that little runt two words: "Get out!"

They and their families enjoy life and do not want to die -- for him and his mistress!

Yes, tactical nukes against targets in Ukraine. Putin will not use nukes outside of Ukraine. There is no strategic value in attacking NATO countries or beyond unless Putin's intent is mutual assured destruction.
They won't make it to Alaska_ THAAD is sitting in their silos, and the radars are hot.
I know, my son is in air traffic control up there.

However no anti missal system is 100%….
Weill he contaminate the Ukrainian with radiation as he is trying to conquer it???

Or will he retaliate against the countries that have supported them,

I’m worried the military bases in Alaska could be a target…

Using one or two nukes in Ukraine would hardly contaminate the whole country.
If he uses them, it will be against Ukraine.

He would tell NATO: What are you going to do about it?

NATO's answer would essentially be: "Nothing."

His handlers will NOT let him attack a NATO country.

They would tell that little runt two words: "Get out!"

They and their families enjoy life and do not want to die -- for him and his mistress!

Nuking Ukraine would almost definitely lead to NATO pushing for a no fly zone.
I doubt he would, but if he does it would probably be a small tactical nuke in Ukraine. Something escalatory, but unlikely to rise to the level of provoking a nuclear response from NATO.
Using one or two nukes in Ukraine would hardly contaminate the whole country.

Minor releases from nuclear facilities all have downstream contaminations of concern (water or atmospheric)...using an actual nuke would be disastrous and the radiation wouldnt be 'contained' to only that target. It doesnt have to contaminate the whole country...but it could...and probably would to some extent.
They won't make it to Alaska_ THAAD is sitting in their silos, and the radars are hot.

THAAD isn’t silo launched, there are none stationed in Alaska, and the Ground Based Midcourse Defense system is only capable of intercepting missiles in the midcourse phase (hence the name) which any missiles targeted on Alaska would be in their terminal phase by then.
If putin uses a tactical nuke against ukraine, we're going to war with russia.
Yes but only in Ukraine. At least at first. NATO will be all over Ukraine. Sadly though it would probably escalate.

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