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If homosexuality happens in nature, then........... (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
The defenders of the perversion of homosexuality like to chant homosexuality happens naturally in nature.
Here is a simple question for the defenders of the perversion of homosexuality. Why are we still having this argument then? Why do people do not want perverted homosexuals around them?
As long as it is between consenting adults, why would you care?

Who cares what consenting adults get up to in their own privacy? The only people that have perversions, seem to be the people obsessed by the sexual activities of other adults in their own homes. Now that is disturbing.
The defenders of the perversion of homosexuality like to chant homosexuality happens naturally in nature.
Here is a simple question for the defenders of the perversion of homosexuality. Why are we still having this argument then? Why do people do not want perverted homosexuals around them?

Same reason racism exists; bigotry.
Australianlibertarian said:
As long as it is between consenting adults, why would you care?
LMFAO! You cannot even answer a question. And the defenders of the perversion of homosexuality like to use insults like “ignorance” on people that speak out against the perversion of homosexuality.
Apparently some one cares. How long has the human race been on this planet? Why has not this perversion be accepted yet?
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
Same reason racism exists; bigotry.
There is no homosexual race.
There is no homosexual gender.
There is no homosexual religion.

Come on the defenders of the perversion of homosexuality you chant that homosexuality happens in nature. And yet there is still this argument.
DHard3006 said:
There is no homosexual race.
There is no homosexual gender.
There is no homosexual religion.
Of course not, because its a SEXUALITY. Its not a choice though so that does put it in the same groupings as race and gender.

Hate of homosexuals continues for the same reasons people hate people of other races and religions and look down on those of another gender. I would plainly call it ignorance.

I don't think it happening in nature really proves that its good, just that its natural as people often call it unatural as an argument against it.
According to the classes I took in college, psychologists view sexual preferences as lying somewhere along a continuum, with 100% heterosexuality or 100% homosexuality being very rare. Most people fall somewhere in between, with strong preference for the opposite gender and slight preference for the same gender, but a stronger preference for the same gender isn't exactly an aberration.

I tend to posit that homophobes are "more gay" than the rest of the population, with stronger inclinations towards members of the same sex. I think that intense societal pressure causes these individuals to completely deny that their proclivities lie outside the mainstream. Perhaps those who actively embrace what these individuals so adamantly repress causes such cognitive dissonance that they must label it as unnatural in order to preserve their worldview.

"big•ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

Tell me, DHard3006, would you agree that you are both "strong partial" to heterosexuals, and "intolerant" of homosexuals?
Befuddled_Stoner said:
"big•ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."
You just describe the people that defend the perversion of homosexuality.
DHard3006 said:
The defenders of the perversion of homosexuality like to chant homosexuality happens naturally in nature.
Here is a simple question for the defenders of the perversion of homosexuality. Why are we still having this argument then? Why do people do not want perverted homosexuals around them?

Many things happen in nature including leg-humping, urinating and defecating all over the place, infant robbing and mothers killing offspring.
The Real McCoy said:
Many things happen in nature
Still does not tell us why this argument is still going on.
DHard3006 said:
You just describe the people that defend the perversion of homosexuality.
"big•ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

Lets take a look at the meaning of politics shall we?


"5. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Political attitudes and positions:"

Surely one of your political attitudes / positions is that homosexuality is a perverison, and they should not be allowed to be married. If you're intolerent of others position on this...ie. that homosexuality is not a perversion, then by your own definition you are a bigot.

Incidentally, marriage doesn't occur in nature...and people have accepted that...
Incest occurs in nature....and very few people accept that.
Plain old me said:
If you're intolerent of others position on this...ie. that homosexuality is not a perversion, then by your own definition you are a bigot.
The very same thing can be said of the people defending the perversion of homosexuality.
Plain old me said:
Incidentally, marriage doesn't occur in nature...and people have accepted that...
Are you referring to two people or animals staying together? If I recall the Canadian goose mate for life, you know stays together.
Plain old me said:
Incest occurs in nature....and very few people accept that.
Homosexual reproduction does not happen in nature.

You still have not explained if homosexuality has been around as long as the human race why then is there still this argument?
DHard3006 said:
The very same thing can be said of the people defending the perversion of homosexuality.

Assuming those people are intolerent of people who do believe that homosexuality is a perversion, then yes, it could.

DHard3006 said:
Are you referring to two people or animals staying together? If I recall the Canadian goose mate for life, you know stays together.

Nope, I am referring to the process of undergoing a ritual in which two people are bound to one another through religion, I do not believe this happens in nature....

DHard3006 said:
Homosexual reproduction does not happen in nature.

You still have not explained if homosexuality has been around as long as the human race why then is there still this argument?

Because people differ on opinion, regardless of what happens in nature. Purely because something exists in nature does not neccerssrily mean that the human race should accept it, nor does the fact that something does not occur in nature mean we should not accept it.
DHard3006 said:
You still have not explained if homosexuality has been around as long as the human race why then is there still this argument?

Oh, is that all you are asking? Well, that is an easy one. This particular argument is occurring because you started it when you started this thread. Do you dispute that homosexuality has existed throughout human history? If you do, your dispute is going to have a tough time climbing the wall of historical and archaeological evidence that it has. Do you dispute that it occurs in nature? I can assure you from personal observation of juvenile primates that it does. Does any of this affect the moral issues surrounding homosexuality? Not in the least.

What other perversions are you crusading against? Heterosexual oral sex rarely occurs in nature; would you like to condemn that? Heterosexual anal sex never (to the best of my knowledge) occurs in nature. Would you like to prevent that? Masturbation occurs very frequently in nature; so I guess it is ok? Polyamoury is the rule in nature; so should we model ourselves after the free-loving animals?

I guess I just don't see your point.
walrus said:
Well, that is an easy one. This particular argument is occurring because you started it when you started this thread.
There are many more forums where this is being debated.
walrus said:
Do you dispute that homosexuality has existed throughout human history?
I have stated homosexuality is a perversion because of the simple fact homosexuals cannot reproduce.
As for when the perversion of homosexuality started there is no record of that.
walrus said:
Do you dispute that it occurs in nature?
The one thing that does not happen in nature is homosexual reproduction.
walrus said:
What other perversions are you crusading against? Heterosexual oral sex rarely occurs in nature; would you like to condemn that? Heterosexual anal sex never (to the best of my knowledge) occurs in nature. Would you like to prevent that? Masturbation occurs very frequently in nature; so I guess it is ok?
Why are these perversion?
DHard3006 said:
There are many more forums where this is being debated.

Your question was why does this argument still exist. My indirect answer was because people on both sides keep starting it up again.

Dhard said:
I have stated homosexuality is a perversion because of the simple fact homosexuals cannot reproduce...The one thing that does not happen in nature is homosexual reproduction.

Is this your whole point? That homosexuals can't reproduce? Most people are already aware of that. Oral and anal sex among heterosexuals also can not lead to reproduction. Sex with women past menopause cannot lead to reproduction. Sex with the infertile cannot lead to reproduction.

dhard said:
As for when the perversion of homosexuality started there is no record of that.

Probably means that it's been around a really long time, eh?

dhard said:
Why are these perversion?

I don't think they are. From your logic I thought perhaps you did. I apologize if I was incorrect. For the record - do you believe that oral and anal sex between heterosexuals and masturbation are perversions?
walrus said:
Your question was why does this argument still exist. My indirect answer was because people on both sides keep starting it up again.
Why? Maybe because the majority of the people still do not accept it.
walrus said:
Is this your whole point? That homosexuals can't reproduce? Most people are already aware of that. Oral and anal sex among heterosexuals also can not lead to reproduction. Sex with women past menopause cannot lead to reproduction. Sex with the infertile cannot lead to reproduction.
So what? I never said it was mandatory that sexual intercourse resulted in reproduction. I said simply because it is “IMPOSSIBLE” for homosexuals to reproduce is why homosexuality is a perversion of the laws of nature.
Now impossible and mandatory are not the same words. They have different meanings.
walrus said:
Probably means that it's been around a really long time, eh?
Maybe it is only a recent thing.
You got some cave drawings of man sex?
Mod Note.

Everyone wave goodbye to DHard3006. I've banned him and his tiresome trolling ways. Should he return once again as a different user, I will show him the real meaning of homosexual sex.

/Mod Note.
He got real old, real fast. For someone who hates homosexuality so much he sure loves to talk about it every chance he gets. I'm gay, but I don't obsess on it like he does.
shuamort said:
Mod Note.

Everyone wave goodbye to DHard3006. I've banned him and his tiresome trolling ways. Should he return once again as a different user, I will show him the real meaning of homosexual sex.

/Mod Note.

Thank you so much shuamort!!! Now, can we turn our attention to sissy-boy?
If Homomsexuality happens in nature, do other members of the said "pack" or species pass a "judgement" on that individual? Or is natures "judgement" extinction?
I love the social yard stick where from the non judgemental center extends a good and evil side. People are viewed from the measurment where one group sets up camp and gets down to the business of measuring others. Here it is by sexual preference.
On the side extruding far from non-judgmental the social minimum measurement is set to 0 tolerance based on religion and an accepted view by many.
On the other side are the individuals who want to have absolute freedom to express their sexuality and be respected despite it.
Both ends have the radical and extreme.
I always viewed middle as the mirror where you see both sides and what seperates them.
The true fear is that when you must face the "enemy" and only find a mirror and see what you really think and believe you are by your own definition, and then what you tuly are.
The hero is really also a coward.
The generous man was really stingy.

And so on.
Last edited:
DHard3006 said:
The defenders of the perversion of homosexuality like to chant homosexuality happens naturally in nature.
Here is a simple question for the defenders of the perversion of homosexuality. Why are we still having this argument then? Why do people do not want perverted homosexuals around them?

There is quite a bit of evidence that homosexuality is not a choice in most cases. I for one, do not consider it a normal condition, but if any person lives morally and ethically I think that is all I have a right to expect from them. I've known a few gays in my life and have found these individuals to be excellent people both morally and ethically. Gays should be given all the rights and responsibilities as heterosexuals. There is nothing gays do or wish to do that threatens my marriage or family in any way. Move in next door to me and be a good neighbor and you are welcome in my home. Anything less is bigotry hiding in sheep's clothing.
DHard3006 said:
The defenders of the perversion of homosexuality like to chant homosexuality happens naturally in nature.
Here is a simple question for the defenders of the perversion of homosexuality. Why are we still having this argument then? Why do people do not want perverted homosexuals around them?
Murder also happens in nature, should that be allowed, because it is natural?
Binyamin said:
Murder also happens in nature, should that be allowed, because it is natural?

Analogies need to make sense!

The point that homosexuality appears in various species in lower animal forms is to support that it may not be a learned response or a philosophical decision but a genetic anomaly. Of course, it was not to say everything that appears in nature we should immitate. It's an illogical stretch to equate two people of the same sex loving each other peacefully with murder. :spank:
Mr. D said:
Analogies need to make sense!

The point that homosexuality appears in various species in lower animal forms is to support that it may not be a learned response or a philosophical decision but a genetic anomaly. Of course, it was not to say everything that appears in nature we should immitate. It's an illogical stretch to equate two people of the same sex loving each other peacefully with murder. :spank:

Correct me if I'm wrong, this is your argument:
Action A Happens in nature, it can be said it is then natural.
Action B Happens in nature, it can be said it is then natural.

Action A=Homosexuality
Action B=Murder.
Binyamin said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, this is your argument:
Action A Happens in nature, it can be said it is then natural.
Action B Happens in nature, it can be said it is then natural.

Action A=Homosexuality
Action B=Murder.


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