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If America is the bastion of racism that democrats claim, how did Obama get elected twice? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2018
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The claim is America is overrun with systemic racism and white privilege. If that is true how did Barrack Obama get elected in this country? The idiocy of those claims of racism and white privilege just don't hold water and President Barrack Obama is the living proof of the lie the democrats keep propagandizing. Without controlling black votes through the constant claim of oppression and racism the democrats could never win an election.
The claim is America is overrun with systemic racism and white privilege. If that is true how did Barrack Obama get elected in this country? The idiocy of those claims of racism and white privilege just don't hold water and President Barrack Obama is the living proof of the lie the democrats keep propagandizing. Without controlling black votes through the constant claim of oppression and racism the democrats could never win an election.

White people were so guilty of their racism, they voted for Obama to relieve their guilt of years of white privilege.
That is why whitey booked Obama for six figure speeches and purchased the Obamas books making them multi millionaires. But the millions don’t erase the social injustice imposed upon them by this horrible racist country.
The claim is America is overrun with systemic racism and white privilege. If that is true how did Barrack Obama get elected in this country? The idiocy of those claims of racism and white privilege just don't hold water and President Barrack Obama is the living proof of the lie the democrats keep propagandizing. Without controlling black votes through the constant claim of oppression and racism the democrats could never win an election.

So electing ONE black person ERASES ALL racism is what you are trying to claim right? Gee if I could erase ALL RAPE VICTIMS PAINS by giving a rape victim a BILLION DOLLARS that means that all rape has been erased right? Seriously do you recognize how RETARDED, I mean FULL RETARDED (and you should never go full retarded) your comments are, does that make you want to take your comments back? I'm thinking you don't. Prove me wrong.
So electing ONE black person ERASES ALL racism is what you are trying to claim right? Gee if I could erase ALL RAPE VICTIMS PAINS by giving a rape victim a BILLION DOLLARS that means that all rape has been erased right? Seriously do you recognize how RETARDED, I mean FULL RETARDED (and you should never go full retarded) your comments are, does that make you want to take your comments back? I'm thinking you don't. Prove me wrong.

It is claimed that there is "systemic" racism. Apparently that is a lie.
The premise of this thread is dumb. America elected the birther in chief right after obama’s second term. Trump went on to try to dismantle everything obama did and he is the birther in chief. Turns out like in the days of reconstruction, having more black governors, etc. didnt stop racism.trump was pure whitelash by an angry, cowardly, and stupid populace. Yeah ill say it to your face.

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