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Identify as Black/white? (1 Viewer)

He is a black Hawaiian ...
My God.? Really? **** Ancestry
Well, Hawaii is an offshore state of 'ours'.
It's 'somewhat' recent, may not show on a map you have available.

Look, I'm not an Obama guy, but if there were 'facts', they should have been driven home long ago.
My God.? Really? **** Ancestry
Well, Hawaii is an offshore state of 'ours'.
It's 'somewhat' recent, may not show on a map you have available.

Look, I'm not an Obama guy, but if there were 'facts', they should have been driven home long ago.
Not really sure what you are getting at here... but I like the passion!
Can a white person identify as black and should society accept this? Can a black person identify as white?

What are your thoughts?
According to the left, no. I was just reading about a Brit who identified as Korean and non-binary and the article called them a racist, transphobic, and said they were culturally appropriating. It personally doesn’t make sense to me that they believe you can change genders but not race or age for that matter. Attached is a clip from the article explaining how transgenderism differs from transracialism (if that’s even a word?) and it just left me even more confused tbh. Particularly the hi-lighted parts.


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Pretty much everything is a social construct. There were white-skinned people that were considered black under the one-drop rule.

RACE is a social construct, skin color isn't.
RACE is a social construct, skin color isn't.
I know what you mean, and I agree with it, but my nit-picky side is compelling me to point out that skin color is also a social construct. We call European-descendent people “white”, but their skin isn’t literally white. We call African-descendent people “black”, but their skin isn’t literally black. Again this is just argument for the sake of argument, and I agree that the color of our skin is determined by genetic factors. It’s just the naming conventions of those colors that are social constructs (People used to refer to Asians as “yellow” despite their skin color being nothing like yellow).
According to the left, no. I was just reading about a Brit who identified as Korean and non-binary and the article called them a racist, transphobic, and said they were culturally appropriating. It personally doesn’t make sense to me that they believe you can change genders but not race or age for that matter.
I remember a debate where a black woman was accusing a white woman of cultural appropriation for braiding her hair. The white woman pointed out that Vikings and Celts commonly braided their hair.
Attached is a clip from the article explaining how transgenderism differs from transracialism (if that’s even a word?) and it just left me even more confused tbh. Particularly the hi-lighted parts.
The issue is not science or physical reality... the issue is feelings... that is why transgender and transracial arguments are analogous.

It is about how one identifies... not if it makes sense to identify in that way.
I remember a debate where a black woman was accusing a white woman of cultural appropriation for braiding her hair. The white woman pointed out that Vikings and Celts commonly braided their hair.
Ya, I enjoy the videos of the guy dressed up as a Mexican or as a Chinese man walking around asking people if they liked his outfit. Everyone says it’s inappropriate until he gets to the culture he’s actually dressed as and they love it.
The issue is not science or physical reality... the issue is feelings... that is why transgender and transracial arguments are analogous.
Ya, I don’t deny that these people have these feelings either but feelings do not make it a reality. Also, if you are a man how do you know what it feels like to be a woman? Then they define a woman as someone who likes to do feminine stereotypes (which I thought we were trying to ditch the stereotypes) and that leaves tomboys like me going well then wth am I? Now someone born a man is more of a woman than me cause they adhere to the stereotypes? Blackface is insulting and inappropriate but a guy putting on make up and heels, saying they are a woman, and winning woman of the year isn’t?
It is about how one identifies... not if it makes sense to identify in that way.
I don’t think we are helping these people either and it’s sickening to see them be used basically as guinea pigs due to a lack of research. My heart does break for them, no doubt, but to tell them they were born in the wrong body to me is awful. What happened to you are beautiful the way you are?
IS she learning Spanish?
As a matter of fact she is. She has a talent for languages that she definitely did not get from her dad.

She grew up speaking English and Cantonese at home, then took 6 years of Mandarin and is now studying Spanish in high school. She says she wants to study French in College.

I think if you grow up exposed to multiple languages, it's easier to learn new ones. What is the old saw? A person who speak two languages is bilingual, one who speaks three is trilingual, and someone who only speaks one language is American.
As a matter of fact she is. She has a talent for languages that she definitely did not get from her dad.

She grew up speaking English and Cantonese at home, then took 6 years of Mandarin and is now studying Spanish in high school. She says she wants to study French in College.
That is awesome! Good to hear.
Where I worked, a new hire identified as white instead of Hispanic much to the disappointment of HR. It is too bad that racists and racism have forced us into such absurd things to be concerned about.
The description "Hispanic" itself is absurd in how it is used.

Hispanic refers to Spain and the Spanish language. This woman is Hispanic, and very white. Leticia Dolera, born in Barcelona.


Hispanic is not a race. Indeed, like "semitic," it refers to language. I worked with a white woman decades ago who claimed Hispanic on school and job applications. Her ancestry is from Spain, so it was perfectly legal and correct. She wasn't poor, disadvantaged nor discriminated against. Her great grandpappy came from Spain. Seems to be a rather weak requirement in receiving a government benefit/preference.
How far back?
4 billion years.

But more specifically, about 5.8 million years ago.

Ardipithecus is the earliest known genus of the human lineage and the likely ancestor of Australopithecus, a group closely related to and often considered ancestral to modern human beings. Ardipithecus lived between 5.8 million and 4.4 million years ago.

https://www.britannica.com/list/hum...between 5.8 million and 4.4 million years ago.

My team has been in Northern Europe since the last Ice Age.
What are your thoughts?
Why not?

This is 2024 America.

Anything goes.

We have men claiming to be women on women's sports teams.

So why not have Caucasians claiming to be African Americans or vice versa?

And why not have Cinderella played by a non-Caucasian?

Everything is cool, man!
Why not?

This is 2024 America.

Anything goes.

We have men claiming to be women on women's sports teams.

So why not have Caucasians claiming to be African Americans or vice versa?

And why not have Cinderella played by a non-Caucasian?

Everything is cool, man!
This was 1943 America.


Do you miss those days?
We actually had a white employee claim this recently. We denied his request to identify as black.
Who is this "we" that considers they have the right to decide who is "white" and who "black"? One thing is certain however; that we members of the species Homo Sapiens are all mixed.
Can a male identify into the experience of a female?

And a male has genetics that can not be changed into a female...

If one can why not the other?
Did date night go south on you when you found your date was a chick with a dick? You do seem heavily invested in transphobia. Or as it's come to be called "Just asking Questions". 😳;)
Ya, I enjoy the videos of the guy dressed up as a Mexican or as a Chinese man walking around asking people if they liked his outfit. Everyone says it’s inappropriate until he gets to the culture he’s actually dressed as and they love it.

Ya, I don’t deny that these people have these feelings either but feelings do not make it a reality. Also, if you are a man how do you know what it feels like to be a woman? Then they define a woman as someone who likes to do feminine stereotypes (which I thought we were trying to ditch the stereotypes) and that leaves tomboys like me going well then wth am I? Now someone born a man is more of a woman than me cause they adhere to the stereotypes? Blackface is insulting and inappropriate but a guy putting on make up and heels, saying they are a woman, and winning woman of the year isn’t?

I don’t think we are helping these people either and it’s sickening to see them be used basically as guinea pigs due to a lack of research. My heart does break for them, no doubt, but to tell them they were born in the wrong body to me is awful. What happened to you are beautiful the way you are?
The description "Hispanic" itself is absurd in how it is used.

Hispanic refers to Spain and the Spanish language. This woman is Hispanic, and very white. Leticia Dolera, born in Barcelona.


Hispanic is not a race. Indeed, like "semitic," it refers to language. I worked with a white woman decades ago who claimed Hispanic on school and job applications. Her ancestry is from Spain, so it was perfectly legal and correct. She wasn't poor, disadvantaged nor discriminated against. Her great grandpappy came from Spain. Seems to be a rather weak requirement in receiving a government benefit/preference.

It is part of how people can voluntarily identify themselves when seeking employment. So it doesn’t matter what you say about it. No one ever claimed it was a race. It is factually used as means of voluntary self identification.

Good looking woman.
Yeah cuz Trump said so. He's got people coming back from Hawaii any day now with astounding proof.
He's just as white as he is black but nobody will ever call him white. He'll always be the first black president of the Harvard Law Review and first black POTUS.
It is part of how people can voluntarily identify themselves when seeking employment.
I just said that.

I worked with a white woman decades ago who claimed Hispanic...

So it doesn’t matter what you say about it.
What doesn't matter?

No one ever claimed it was a race.
Where I worked, a new hire identified as white instead of Hispanic

Looks like you did.

It is factually used as means of voluntary self identification.

Good looking woman.
She's okay. Nothing to write about.

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