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Idaho Legislature passes bill banning abortion after six weeks (1 Viewer)


I Am The Walrus
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Mar 30, 2021
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My favorite part is that if a rape results in a pregnancy and the woman has an abortion, the rapist's family can sue. Conservatives are taking away women's rights and giving power to a rapist's kin. This is just nuts.
My favorite part is that if a rape results in a pregnancy and the woman has an abortion, the rapist's family can sue.

Where does it say that?

From your article

"Under the Idaho bill no one can perform an abortion on a pregnant woman when a fetal heartbeat has been detected, except in the case of a medical emergency, rape or incest."
Where does it say that?

From your article

"Under the Idaho bill no one can perform an abortion on a pregnant woman when a fetal heartbeat has been detected, except in the case of a medical emergency, rape or incest."

Idaho Governor Calls Abortion Law ‘Unwise’ but Signs It Anyway​

The law, modeled after one in Texas, bans abortions after about six weeks and allows some people — including relatives of rapists — to sue abortion providers.
The governor, who is running for re-election this year and faces a far-right challenge from Ms. McGeachin, said he also had “significant concerns with the unintended consequences this legislation will have on victims of sexual assault.” While the law makes limited exceptions for cases of rape — specifying, for example, that rapists cannot file lawsuits against abortion providers — it does allow their family members to file suit.

“Ultimately, this legislation risks retraumatizing victims by affording monetary incentives to wrongdoers and family members of rapists,” Mr. Little wrote. He encouraged the Legislature, which is controlled by wide Republican majorities, to rectify any unintended consequences of the legislation.

I used the CNN article because people complain the NYT is behind a pay wall. But I'm going to stick with the NYT from here on out.

My favorite part is that if a rape results in a pregnancy and the woman has an abortion, the rapist's family can sue. Conservatives are taking away women's rights and giving power to a rapist's kin. This is just nuts.
Well millions of conservatives are pro-choice and support womans rights but yes many of these bat shit insane bills are written and pushed by individual conservatives and voted on by majority of conservatives in power

anyway these nutter bills will not survive the test of time because they shit all over womans rights. Millions of women dont even know they are pregnant by 6 weeks, the avg is 4-7 but even that average doesnt paint an accurate picture because it is skewed by women who are trying to get pregnant. 6 weeks is insane.
Noted, another state I will never live in, regardless of a good job, or a good economy.

I'm curious to know what they think the demographics of their states will look like in the future with these kinds of backwards laws.

Latin America, Africa, these are the only places abortion is illegal in 2022.
Maybe this has already been discussed on other threads already, but AZ now goes the way of Mississippi and Florida's new bill is ready to be signed.

Another unconstitutional bill.

Idaho Governor Calls Abortion Law ‘Unwise’ but Signs It Anyway​

The law, modeled after one in Texas, bans abortions after about six weeks and allows some people — including relatives of rapists — to sue abortion providers.
The governor, who is running for re-election this year and faces a far-right challenge from Ms. McGeachin, said he also had “significant concerns with the unintended consequences this legislation will have on victims of sexual assault.” While the law makes limited exceptions for cases of rape — specifying, for example, that rapists cannot file lawsuits against abortion providers — it does allow their family members to file suit.

“Ultimately, this legislation risks retraumatizing victims by affording monetary incentives to wrongdoers and family members of rapists,” Mr. Little wrote. He encouraged the Legislature, which is controlled by wide Republican majorities, to rectify any unintended consequences of the legislation.

I used the CNN article because people complain the NYT is behind a pay wall. But I'm going to stick with the NYT from here on out.

Why not be a big boy and quote the actual text of the law?
Lack of reading comprehension is a personal problem.

Quote the part of the bill that says what your article claims it says. Oh right, you didn't bother to read it. My bad.
Well, I'm sure this will find its way through the courts.

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