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Ice raids starting this weekend (1 Viewer)

Should Trump target these families for political reasons

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Employers only get "hammered and fined" when they knowingly hire illegal aliens. If an employer complies with federal immigration laws and verifies with the federal government that the applicant can be legally employed through e-verify, then the employer cannot be charged for employing an illegal alien.

rickc;1070238852[B said:
]Then they don't have properly filled out I-9's on all their workers.[/B] If you have a.properly filled.out I-9 with a copy of the fake green card and fake social security card on file then the employer has complied with the law. Now the worker will probably be carried off in an ICE bus.

That is how it is supposed to work.
Trump has put the deportation on hold. He is now wanting to meet with Dems to come to an agreement on what to do. And if they do not agree with him he will blame it on them. Typical Trump ploy.
Trump has put the deportation on hold. He is now wanting to meet with Dems to come to an agreement on what to do. And if they do not agree with him he will blame it on them. Typical Trump ploy.

Politics as usual for all players.

He's starting to play their game better than at first.
Trump has put the deportation on hold. He is now wanting to meet with Dems to come to an agreement on what to do. And if they do not agree with him he will blame it on them. Typical Trump ploy.

Decisiveness. He has it. Maybe.
What? No purple gorilla option?

Silly options.
Employers only get "hammered and fined" when they knowingly hire illegal aliens. If an employer complies with federal immigration laws and verifies with the federal government that the applicant can be legally employed through e-verify, then the employer cannot be charged for employing an illegal alien.

At this point there is no requirement to verify the validity of a.green card or.social security number either through e-verify or any other way.

Now it does clearly state knowingly but if you don't know and aren't required to find out.........
What? No purple gorilla option?

Silly options.

I prefer the violet Unicorn. Carly will get a laugh out of that if she reads this.
Unless your one of the Adorables, the optics running up to the election will be terrible for Rump, good !!
Trump has put the deportation on hold. He is now wanting to meet with Dems to come to an agreement on what to do. And if they do not agree with him he will blame it on them. Typical Trump ploy.

Liberals have pandered to Hispanics for the past 30 years on the issue and haven't done a damn thing about it.

Time to put up, or shut up.
I prefer the violet Unicorn. Carly will get a laugh out of that if she reads this.

That works too. Polls without some sort of a none-of-the-above option should be penalized.
That works too. Polls without some sort of a none-of-the-above option should be penalized.

Especially the there are worded with slanted intentions.
No Mexico tariffs - Tuck and Roll

No strike against Iran - Tuck and Roll

No ICE raids yet - Tuck and Roll

I'm seeing a pattern here. Threaten, and then do the Tuck and Roll routine.
They plan to deport families living in america. I think it is disgusting. A.political stunt that is really going to hurt a lot of people.

How do you feel

What stopped them from applying for Visa's or work permits and doing it legally?
Yes... and they plan to isolate children in work camps too...

It has been going on for decades now.

child labor.jpg
They plan to deport families living in america. I think it is disgusting. A.political stunt that is really going to hurt a lot of people.

How do you feel

Massive illegal immigration is destroying American families. It takes away social safety net money that could be used for American families, it takes away money that could be used for poor schools, and it depresses wages. Americans will do ANY job, just not for Mexican wages.
Massive illegal immigration is destroying American families. It takes away social safety net money that could be used for American families, it takes away money that could be used for poor schools, and it depresses wages. Americans will do ANY job, just not for Mexican wages.

I can agree with that.

But you must understand those who own our politicians want that cheap illegal labor here. They don't want to pay American labor prices. Jobs that they can't outsource to lands of cheap labor and no regulation they want to import cheap labor to perform them.

Truth is they would not be coming if Americans weren't hiring them. If congress would just make everify mandatory and increase the fine for hiring illegals it would make it more expensive to hire them. Then we could hire Americans at a wage that would entice them to take it.

Congress will never cut off that supply of cheap labor.

Now as to families already here and settled into a life here. To deport them simply as a.political stunt. I believe even Trump decided this might backfire on him.
It has been going on for decades now.

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Sad this is now how we are going to make America great. Exploiting children to pick our food. We would never be able to afford clothes without slaves picking cotton. Now we cannot afford to eat without exploiting illegal aliens. I just cannot believe people believe this is a sound immigration policy. Back to the dark ages.
I don't really care much one way or the other. I don't really buy into the rhetoric from either side. No one seems interested in implementing actual effective solutions to the problem, so if they don't care, why should I?
I don't think it's disgusting at all for them to be deported. What IS disgusting is they are being used for voting purposes by the Democrat party. Democrat representatives are meeting these people and registering them to vote (as Democrats) under false names and background (and telling them to vote Democrat), they are being given drivers licenses so they can get in, and the Left wants to throw out the electoral vote and use the popular vote instead because their numbers would be increased as a result of everything that was listed. Other than those reasons, the Left doesn't really care for them unless it's election time. If they cared, they would tell them that they need to go back where they came from and come in legally across the border. These people coming in really don't know any better. They're so poorly educated and disciplined that they're practically ALL kids mentally. Some are just more violent than others.
When Trump has nothing better to do, he hassles Mexicans and then brags about it so his followers can hate Mexicans in plain view. I just came back from Palm Springs. If every one of these dreaded Mexicans were somehow zapped back at once, the whole Coachella Valley economy would tank in as long as it takes for a green to be ruined, a fairway to grow and a weed to sprout. The idiocy of this entire issue is beyond me. I know some of you think Mexicans are the reason your life sucks but you are wrong. The reason your life sucks is because your life sucks. Mexicans are not ruining your lives. My lord.
I remember picking watermelon in southern California when I was 10 years old. Only I never got paid for it. However, I did have to be quick since the farmer kept his shotgun loaded with rock salt near the back door. :mrgreen:

I picked corn and had the same problem. The sound of rock salt crashing through the corn has way of getting you to run faster than you ever thought.

I worked on a farm until I was 14. I could not get a job for more than a couple of hours that paid minimum wage because of child labor laws before I was 14. However I could work on a farm for 50 cents an hour 24/7. No child labor laws evidently for farming. Plus there were no taxes taken out. We usually worked close to 12 hours a day or more weather permitting. When harvest time came we took home a lot of free food.

When I think back about the machinery I was working around at 10 years old and the danger was unbelievable. Plus back then it wasn't everyone else's fault. Many times the oldest kid out there running the tractor and some extremely dangerous equipment was 12 years old.
All you have to do is look at the millions shouting Heil Hitler. The media is a powerful tool. The rich and powerful own our media and both parties which gives them control over the government and the people. Another example is the loyal following created by the Hitler youth movement. We are a social animal. We will go along with the group. The herd mentality.

That is true.

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