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'I was in Trump's grip, and I couldn't get out of it' (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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'I was in Trump's grip, and I couldn't get out of it'


The Guardian
Amy Dorris, a former model, has come forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in his VIP box at the US Open tennis tournament in New York in 1997. In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, Dorris said that the incident, which allegedly took place when she was 24, had left her feeling “sick” and “violated”. He just shoved his tongue down my throat and I was pushing him off. And then that’s when his grip became tighter and his hands were very gropey and all over my butt, my breasts, my back, everything. I was in his grip, and I couldn’t get out of it. Dorris provided the Guardian with evidence to support her account.

Donald Trump is a narcissistic psychopath and sexual predator. With Ms. Dorris, 26 women have now come forward to accuse Trump of sexual assault.

Related: 'It felt like tentacles': the women who accuse Trump of sexual misconduct

The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct
Not the first time you have been suckered. And it wont be the last.
Lawsuits for dollars. Nothing to see here. Standard human activity.
Not the first time you have been suckered. And it wont be the last.
How do you know the accusation isn’t true?

This woman isn’t the first to credibly accuse Trump of sexual assault. Far from it. Over decades, dozens of women have accused Trump of sexual assault, including his first wife, who was granted a divorce on the grounds of “cruel and inhumane treatment”.

The suckers are those who take Trump’s word on the time of day.
How do you know the accusation isn’t true?

This woman isn’t the first to credibly accuse Trump of sexual assault. Far from it. Over decades, dozens of women have accused Trump of sexual assault, including his first wife, who was granted a divorce on the grounds of “cruel and inhumane treatment”.

The suckers are those who take Trump’s word on the time of day.

Trump supporters haven't cared about the truth for almost four years now...what makes you think they care now? This, of course, will have nothing to do with the truth.
Amy has nice bosoms and doesn't mind showing them off. Typical presidential groupie.

I don't know if Trump did it or not. I generally view these types of claims with a grain of salt. The timing is suspect.

- Why is she coming forward now?
- Why was this not an issue when Trump was running in 2016?
Let's just call them the evil party. How is that wrong? They're against morals, democracy, America (except the narrow bits for themselves), other countries, the rule of law, the climate and environment, and much more. Just describing them neutrally sounds like slander. It's hard to find any redeeming quality.
Trump supporters haven't cared about the truth for almost four years now...what makes you think they care now? This, of course, will have nothing to do with the truth.
I have no illusions about diehard Trumpsters like Fletch.
Not the first time you have been suckered. And it wont be the last.

Lawsuits for dollars. Nothing to see here. Standard human activity.

blah blah crapitty-crap go the Trumpists. We know the drill.

If bad and related to Trump ---> It is part of God's conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

If bad and related to a Democrat ----> It is God's given truth and you don't even need to learn the details to know it.

[FONT=&quot]Donald Trump used to “stroll right in” to the dressing room of beauty pageants while the contestants - some of whom were teenagers - were naked or half-dressed, a former model has claimed. Tasha Dixon was 18 when she competed in the Miss USA pageant, winning the state crown.

“Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis,” Ms Dixon told CBS.“He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked.”
Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15. Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here." . . .Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed. “You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants | The Independent[/FONT]

Why do Trumpists love the Pedo Peeping Tom?
I don't know if Trump did it or not. I generally view these types of claims with a grain of salt. The timing is suspect.

- Why is she coming forward now?
- Why was this not an issue when Trump was running in 2016?

Maybe she felt like 25 victims was enough. Oh, how she underestimated the credulity of the Trump cult.
Maybe she felt like 25 victims was enough. Oh, how she underestimated the credulity of the Trump cult.

I am not in Trump's cult. Trump may be guilty or not. Let's let the courts settle the issue. Same goes for Biden and the complaints against him.
Oh goody. Another "I was attacked 20+ years ago but i'm just now getting around to telling the world about it". :roll:

And how much is the DNC paying her?
blah blah crapitty-crap go the Trumpists. We know the drill.

If bad and related to Trump ---> It is part of God's conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

If bad and related to a Democrat ----> It is God's given truth and you don't even need to learn the details to know it.

[FONT="][I]Donald Trump used to “stroll right in” to the dressing room of beauty pageants while the contestants - some of whom were teenagers - were naked or half-dressed, a former model has claimed. Tasha Dixon was 18 when she competed in the Miss USA pageant, winning the state crown.
“Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis,” Ms Dixon told CBS.“He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked.”
Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15. Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here." . . .Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed. “You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”
Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants | The Independent[/FONT]

Why do Trumpists love the Pedo Peeping Tom?

In reality, most of the time, money is the motivation for most political trash talk on both sides. You know that, right?

For example, I truly believe that Biden is only an empty suit, just a puppet of the outsourcers, foreign factory slave labor overseers and multi-national corporations. It's all about the money.
Trump supporters haven't cared about the truth for almost four years now...what makes you think they care now? This, of course, will have nothing to do with the truth.

What" truth"?

It's hard to believe anything anymore that comes from any media outlet firing off accusations against Trump or an administration official. The NY Slimes just got busted for lying about Barr seeking legal action against Mayor Durkan.
What" truth"?

It's hard to believe anything anymore that comes from any media outlet firing off accusations against Trump or an administration official. The NY Slimes just got busted for lying about Barr seeking legal action against Mayor Durkan.

Yup...someone lied sometime, and now the truth doesn't matter. I get it.

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