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I think Trump/Rush/Hannity are brilliant to harp on abortion and the wall (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
And Jesus.

It's really a massively smart strategy that will keep the base in line no matter what else happens. Heck, we've seen it play out already (not many Trump supporters are leaving Trump no matter what news comes out). He can alienate our allies and get in bed with our enemies as long as he keep feeding his supporters the same tweets over and over.

And when Mueller reports, and it's really bad news for Trump and/or the Trump team, using abortion, the wall and Jesus will protect Trump from criticism from his base.

This strategy is brilliant.
And Jesus.

It's really a massively smart strategy that will keep the base in line no matter what else happens. Heck, we've seen it play out already (not many Trump supporters are leaving Trump no matter what news comes out). He can alienate our allies and get in bed with our enemies as long as he keep feeding his supporters the same tweets over and over.

And when Mueller reports, and it's really bad news for Trump and/or the Trump team, using abortion, the wall and Jesus will protect Trump from criticism from his base.

This strategy is brilliant.

You forgot guns.
I hope Democratic politicians keep being honest about their goals so people can see just how radical the Democratic Party has become.
And Jesus.

It's really a massively smart strategy that will keep the base in line no matter what else happens. Heck, we've seen it play out already (not many Trump supporters are leaving Trump no matter what news comes out). He can alienate our allies and get in bed with our enemies as long as he keep feeding his supporters the same tweets over and over.

And when Mueller reports, and it's really bad news for Trump and/or the Trump team, using abortion, the wall and Jesus will protect Trump from criticism from his base.

This strategy is brilliant.

As opposed to this one:

democrat abortion good wall bad.jpg

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