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I Sure Hope the Democrat's Taliban Security Force Can Do A Good Job For Stranded Americans Today (1 Viewer)

Unless the perimeter encompasses all those needing to be evacuated, how exactly does this change the situation other than provide even MORE points of attack?
I want you to imagine poor planning on the part of President Trump leading directly to the chaotic loss of American and allied lives we've witnessed over the last few weeks. I then want you to imagine the same commenters here defending Biden saying things like "There really wasn't anything President Trump could have done to prevent this" or "It would have been wrong for President Trump to put more troops in the field to protect those rushing to leave because it only would have risked more lives."

The level of stupid in this thread is reaching new depths.
Looks like the far right is getting an early start this morning doing all they can in an attempt to ignore how the US started talking to the Talban and why.
Looks like the far right is getting an early start this morning doing all they can in an attempt to ignore how the US started talking to the Talban and why.
They may be up early, but they're still way behind those doing their utmost to protect the Biden administration from anything that resembles accountability.
They may be up early, but they're still way behind those doing their utmost to protect the Biden administration from anything that resembles accountability.

Just don't accuse me of being in that category and we'll be fine. There is a whole lot of blame to pass around the hyper-partisans could not care any less about.
Unless the perimeter encompasses all those needing to be evacuated, how exactly does this change the situation other than provide even MORE points of attack?
We have to now, due to Biden’s complete incompetence, go on the offensive. Not defensive.
We have to now, due to Biden’s complete incompetence, go on the offensive. Not defensive.
I knew you wanted to start shooting

You always do
We have to now, due to Biden’s complete incompetence, go on the offensive. Not defensive.

Interesting... So you want to launch an offensive in an urban area... Predictions on the number of casualties?
Why do you think it’s to late?
You are already almost out. You can't retake Afghanistan without a long costly operation (both lives and money).
I knew you wanted to start shooting

You always do
Yes. It is unfortunate that Biden and his incompetent advisors put us in this position. We have no other option than going back in the offensive until evac complete.
Yes. It is unfortunate that Biden and his incompetent advisors put us in this position. We have no other option than going back in the offensive until evac complete.
Let's start shooting!!!!!!

You are already almost out. You can't retake Afghanistan without a long costly operation (both lives and money).
We only need to retake Bagram
It's amazing how so many "conservatives" all of a sudden care about brown-skinned Muslims.
It's amazing how so many "conservatives" all of a sudden care about brown-skinned Muslims.
They want to complain that they are not being protected, but wait until those people start getting their green cards to come here. I suspect there will be many calls to send them back to Afghanistan to protect precious American rural culture or some other nonsense. At that point, they will just be seen as potential terrorists.
We only need to retake Bagram
So let's shoot at the taliban. I'm sure they will just pull back if they are shot at.....right?
We only need to retake Bagram

And then those needed to evacuated take an Uber to Bagram? Maybe the subway would be quicker... I'm sure the Taliban and ISIS will never figure out our secret plan to get them to Bagram...
Disgusting Trumpublicans blaming rather than pulling together as a nation. This war, started by republicans, has had 2 rep and 2 dem presidents overseeing it, FFS!
These Trumpublicans are nothing more than desperate hacks making disgusting fools of themselves.
Now, let's all remember Trump's love letters with murdering oppressive dictator Kim Jong-Un.
Just don't accuse me of being in that category and we'll be fine. There is a whole lot of blame to pass around the hyper-partisans could not care any less about.
I agree completely, there is failure piled upon failure when it comes to our involvement in Afghanistan. We veered off course the moment we decided to do more than disable al Qaeda's forces in the region.

That said, there are many here who seem to believe just because Biden's failure to organize a safe withdrawal is the most recent failure that somehow he gets a free pass. As you can see from some of the other posts in this thread, one dangerously ludicrous excuse after another is being offered.
See post #52.

When you lie in bed falling asleep, do you get all excited hoping you'll wake up the next morning to hear about the slaughter of Americans so you can score political points? Rhetorical question. The smart people already know the answer is "yes".

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