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I Support Biden (1 Viewer)

I Support Biden

  • Total voters

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
If you are on the left side of the spectrum, what is your level of support for Joe Biden?
I'm on the right but

Don't understand people voting for someone who changes his mind almost as often as he changes his..."Depends"
If you are on the left side of the spectrum, what is your level of support for Joe Biden?

During the early Democratic caucuses and primaries, I wished Elizabeth Warren was popular. She is more liberal than Joe Biden and does not routinely make illogical mental errors while speaking. But when forced to choose only between Biden and Bernie Sanders, of course I would have voted for the Democrat anyway. Nobody else would have a chance against Donald Trump.
I'm on the right but

Don't understand people voting for someone who changes his mind almost as often as he changes his..."Depends"

...but a bold faced liar that could have probably lessened the effects of COVID-19 in the USA and thinks the men and women who serve in the military are losers and suckers is a better choice. :2wave:
...but a bold faced liar that could have probably lessened the effects of COVID-19 in the USA and thinks the men and women who serve in the military are losers and suckers is a better choice. :2wave:

Both of your points are just plain wrong.
...but a bold faced liar that could have probably lessened the effects of COVID-19 in the USA and thinks the men and women who serve in the military are losers and suckers is a better choice. :2wave:

Exactly right
I’m still waiting to learn why members here support Biden and to what level.
I'm about as enthusiastic about Biden as getting a root canal. I thought there were much better, younger, and more progressive candidates. But he's NOT Trump, and won't continue to destroy American values and world stage presence -- let alone the Constitution -- that Americans for centuries have sacrificed so much to build and preserve. The world will rest easier knowing a complete dumbass, narcissist, and utter fool will no longer have his finger on the red button.

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