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I really can't believe the right-wing (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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There is a 'normal' range of issues I expect them to be wrong on. Things like opposing healthcare for poorer people.

There is a 'fringe' area I expect to see. Things like support for plutocracy and ignoring trump lies.

But there is an area of things that seem beyond what you expect even the fringe to, and I can't remember the right refusing to do one of them.

Simple, basic, science that there is a once in a century pandemic, and people need to isolate and wear masks to limit the impact. That should be bi-partisan and not controversial. Instead, there is a big movement by the right to be 'virus deniers' and to put themselves and others at risk for no good reason. It's bizarre.

But it's not just that. It's anything. The president being in love with dictators, saying incredibly anti-democratic things, saying he doesn't promise to honor the election results, sabotaging the post office, refusing to condemn Putin's murders including bounties on US troops, and now, calling Americans killed in wars losers and suckers, the truth coming why he refused to honor them on his overseas trip he lied about. It's QAnon conspiracies.

There seems to be no limit. So I'm wondering what else they'd support. Drunk driving as an infringement on their liberty? Speed limits and red lights? Murdering Democrats, isn't that what the oath about defending the US from domestic enemies demands? Paying any taxes? Refusing to hold elections where Republicans are in power? Are there any limits to their war on democracy and America?
They don't care what he does, therefore he's just becomes more outrageous every day. As long as he convinces them that he is pro-life, that's the main point most of the right really cares about, that and their guns, IMHO. They don't see the irony in that.
There is a 'normal' range of issues I expect them to be wrong on. Things like opposing healthcare for poorer people.

There is a 'fringe' area I expect to see. Things like support for plutocracy and ignoring trump lies.

But there is an area of things that seem beyond what you expect even the fringe to, and I can't remember the right refusing to do one of them.

Simple, basic, science that there is a once in a century pandemic, and people need to isolate and wear masks to limit the impact. That should be bi-partisan and not controversial. Instead, there is a big movement by the right to be 'virus deniers' and to put themselves and others at risk for no good reason. It's bizarre.

But it's not just that. It's anything. The president being in love with dictators, saying incredibly anti-democratic things, saying he doesn't promise to honor the election results, sabotaging the post office, refusing to condemn Putin's murders including bounties on US troops, and now, calling Americans killed in wars losers and suckers, the truth coming why he refused to honor them on his overseas trip he lied about. It's QAnon conspiracies.

There seems to be no limit. So I'm wondering what else they'd support. Drunk driving as an infringement on their liberty? Speed limits and red lights? Murdering Democrats, isn't that what the oath about defending the US from domestic enemies demands? Paying any taxes? Refusing to hold elections where Republicans are in power? Are there any limits to their war on democracy and America?

Well, he loves to troll people so at least you have that much in common!
There is a 'normal' range of issues I expect them to be wrong on. Things like opposing healthcare for poorer people.

There is a 'fringe' area I expect to see. Things like support for plutocracy and ignoring trump lies.

But there is an area of things that seem beyond what you expect even the fringe to, and I can't remember the right refusing to do one of them.

Simple, basic, science that there is a once in a century pandemic, and people need to isolate and wear masks to limit the impact. That should be bi-partisan and not controversial. Instead, there is a big movement by the right to be 'virus deniers' and to put themselves and others at risk for no good reason. It's bizarre.

But it's not just that. It's anything. The president being in love with dictators, saying incredibly anti-democratic things, saying he doesn't promise to honor the election results, sabotaging the post office, refusing to condemn Putin's murders including bounties on US troops, and now, calling Americans killed in wars losers and suckers, the truth coming why he refused to honor them on his overseas trip he lied about. It's QAnon conspiracies.

There seems to be no limit. So I'm wondering what else they'd support. Drunk driving as an infringement on their liberty? Speed limits and red lights? Murdering Democrats, isn't that what the oath about defending the US from domestic enemies demands? Paying any taxes? Refusing to hold elections where Republicans are in power? Are there any limits to their war on democracy and America?

At least us right wingers dont support murdering babies in the womb, and supporting the criminal murdering rioters that are burning heart out of democrat run cities.
There is a 'normal' range of issues I expect them to be wrong on. Things like opposing healthcare for poorer people.

There is a 'fringe' area I expect to see. Things like support for plutocracy and ignoring trump lies.

But there is an area of things that seem beyond what you expect even the fringe to, and I can't remember the right refusing to do one of them.

Simple, basic, science that there is a once in a century pandemic, and people need to isolate and wear masks to limit the impact. That should be bi-partisan and not controversial. Instead, there is a big movement by the right to be 'virus deniers' and to put themselves and others at risk for no good reason. It's bizarre.

But it's not just that. It's anything. The president being in love with dictators, saying incredibly anti-democratic things, saying he doesn't promise to honor the election results, sabotaging the post office, refusing to condemn Putin's murders including bounties on US troops, and now, calling Americans killed in wars losers and suckers, the truth coming why he refused to honor them on his overseas trip he lied about. It's QAnon conspiracies.

There seems to be no limit. So I'm wondering what else they'd support. Drunk driving as an infringement on their liberty? Speed limits and red lights? Murdering Democrats, isn't that what the oath about defending the US from domestic enemies demands? Paying any taxes? Refusing to hold elections where Republicans are in power? Are there any limits to their war on democracy and America?

It's all BS ginned up as an attempt to bolster bought out China Joe's election odds. Stop worrying, we got this. Don't fall for the Deep State's propaganda. We don't, and won't. We'd like to keep this country a capitalist republic, just like it's always been. With economic opportunity FOR ALL Americans willing to put forth the effort to go for it.
It’s all about trolling the libz and 5th Ave syndrome.

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