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I miss Bill......... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
> It doesn't matter what party you belong to - this is absolutely
> hilarious.
> This came from a show on Canadian TV.
> There was a black comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.
> "Yep, that's right - I miss Bill Clinton! He was the closest thing we
> ever got to having a black man as President.
> Number 1 - He played the sax.
> Number 2 - He smoked weed.
> Number 3 - He had his way with ugly white women.
> Even now? Look at him... his wife works, and he don't!
> And, he gets a check from the government every month.
> Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill
> Clinton. The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada.
> When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, "I
> don't know, I never had one."
> Clinton lacked only three things to become one of America's finest
> leaders: integrity, vision, wisdom.
> Clinton was doing the work of three men: Larry, Moe, and Curly.
> The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth
> as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but
> what I think you need to know." Clinton will be recorded in history as
> the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes."
Navy Pride said:
> It doesn't matter what party you belong to - this is absolutely
> hilarious.
> This came from a show on Canadian TV.
> There was a black comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.
> "Yep, that's right - I miss Bill Clinton! He was the closest thing we
> ever got to having a black man as President.
> Number 1 - He played the sax.
> Number 2 - He smoked weed.
> Number 3 - He had his way with ugly white women.
> Even now? Look at him... his wife works, and he don't!
> And, he gets a check from the government every month.
> Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill
> Clinton. The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada.
> When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, "I
> don't know, I never had one."
> Clinton lacked only three things to become one of America's finest
> leaders: integrity, vision, wisdom.
> Clinton was doing the work of three men: Larry, Moe, and Curly.
> The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth
> as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but
> what I think you need to know." Clinton will be recorded in history as
> the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes."

And even with all those faults he was still better than the incompetant, lieing jerk we have in the White House now.:rofl
I think it's cute that people like Navy Pride still look for ways to attack the former president. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about at all.

Some of the things listed were funny, but the "Draft Dodger" one was weak. Clinton has never pretended to have served in the military and freely admitted he avoided the draft.

I still say it's better to have lied about having sexual relations with a woman than it is to exaggerate intelligence to send people into war that has killed 2100 soldiers and injured more than 15,000 soldiers and killed more than 20,000 Iraqis. But that's me.
aps said:
I think it's cute that people like Navy Pride still look for ways to attack the former president. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about at all.

Some of the things listed were funny, but the "Draft Dodger" one was weak. Clinton has never pretended to have served in the military and freely admitted he avoided the draft.

I still say it's better to have lied about having sexual relations with a woman than it is to exaggerate intelligence to send people into war that has killed 2100 soldiers and injured more than 15,000 soldiers and killed more than 20,000 Iraqis. But that's me.

aps you liberals always bring up President Bush's National Guard service, even to the point of falsifying documents on national TV to try and get him and it never works......

President Bush served honorably in the Guard flying jet fighters which is something a lot of Americans would be scared to do, me included although I did serve in Nam...

As far as the sex thing goes with Slick Willie, you know as well as I do it was not about the sex thing........It twas about perjury, lying to a federal judge under oath...............Maybe you condone that but most Americans do not..........

You can bring up the causalties all you want but we lost 3,000 civilians on 9/11/01, and we have not lost 3,000 in Iraq in 3 years........In Nam we lost 500 lives a week........Every American life is precious but you have to try and put your bias aside for this president and put it in prospective......

I have said this before and so have others..It is better to be fighting the terroists on the streets of Baghdad the the Streets of our cities abd make no mistake about it if we were not fighting them there and Kerry was president we would be having attacks on this country every other week and he would be begging the French and the Germans to help us......
galenrox said:
lol, dude, just a quick little logical question. If the majority of Americans agree with you, then how come he wasn't removed from office when he was impeached by a republican controled congress? Cause I certainly recall that it was so unpopular that even a lot of republicans couldn't afford the political hit of voting to remove him from office!
And by the way, according to a Harris Poll, Bush's approval ratings are 34 for and 65% against, and this is a poll that at one point had Bush's approval ratings up at 88%, so it's clearly not a site that would deflate his rates.

The man had no shame......If he would have had any character at all he would have resigned.........At least Nixon did that..

It has already been posted many times that all presidents in their second term in the last 60 years had approval ratings in the thirties...This is nothing new.......
Navy Pride said:
The man had no shame......If he would have had any character at all he would have resigned.........At least Nixon did that..

Sure, and Bush has character? Get real.
Old and wise said:
Sure, and Bush has character? Get real.

No not to a Bush hater like you but to the everyday american who is not old and senile and not filled with hate he does........
Navy Pride said:
aps you liberals always bring up President Bush's National Guard service, even to the point of falsifying documents on national TV to try and get him and it never works......

President Bush served honorably in the Guard flying jet fighters which is something a lot of Americans would be scared to do, me included although I did serve in Nam...

So when did I address Bush's National Guard service? I don't care about his stupid service. He isn't even a veteran, just FYI.

As far as the sex thing goes with Slick Willie, you know as well as I do it was not about the sex thing........It twas about perjury, lying to a federal judge under oath...............Maybe you condone that but most Americans do not..........

I don't condone it. I would like you to then apply your perjury feelings towards Scooter Libby. Maybe then you'd have more credibility.

You can bring up the causalties all you want but we lost 3,000 civilians on 9/11/01, and we have not lost 3,000 in Iraq in 3 years........In Nam we lost 500 lives a week........Every American life is precious but you have to try and put your bias aside for this president and put it in prospective......

So we're going to compare the # of deaths. If you lost your wife and I lost my entire family in a plane crash, would my pain be more validated than yours? Yeah, I didn't think so.

I have said this before and so have others..It is better to be fighting the terroists on the streets of Baghdad the the Streets of our cities abd make no mistake about it if we were not fighting them there and Kerry was president we would be having attacks on this country every other week and he would be begging the French and the Germans to help us......

Ummmm, we didn't have terrorists in Iraq plotting to attack us. And I think it's wonderful that we are fighting the terrorists in Iraq while at the same time killing Iraqis. I feel much better knowing that we are killing more of them there than we would Americans here.
Navy Pride said:
aps you liberals always bring up President Bush's National Guard service, even to the point of falsifying documents on national TV to try and get him and it never works......You Brought it up....not her

President Bush served honorably in the Guard flying jet fighters which is something a lot of Americans would be scared to do, me included although I did serve in Nam...Yes..he served....Honorably is a matter of perspective

As far as the sex thing goes with Slick Willie, you know as well as I do it was not about the sex thing........It twas about perjury, lying to a federal judge under oath...............Maybe you condone that but most Americans do not..........He lied under oath, Because of the sex thing

You can bring up the causalties all you want but we lost 3,000 civilians on 9/11/01, and we have not lost 3,000 in Iraq in 3 years........In Nam we lost 500 lives a week........Every American life is precious but you have to try and put your bias aside for this president and put it in prospective......Pot....please meet Kettle

I have said this before and so have others..It is better to be fighting the terroists on the streets of Baghdad the the Streets of our cities abd make no mistake about it if we were not fighting them there and Kerry was president we would be having attacks on this country every other week and he would be begging the French and the Germans to help us.....And you will say it again....and Again....and Again.....and..........

Personally....I disliked Clinton when he was president...he was a dog, and the term Slick Willy seems a good one. That said....at least he didnt scare the freakin Bejeesus outa me in his ignorant Power weilding.
aps said:
So when did I address Bush's National Guard service? I don't care about his stupid service. He isn't even a veteran, just FYI.

I don't condone it. I would like you to then apply your perjury feelings towards Scooter Libby. Maybe then you'd have more credibility.

So we're going to compare the # of deaths. If you lost your wife and I lost my entire family in a plane crash, would my pain be more validated than yours? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Ummmm, we didn't have terrorists in Iraq plotting to attack us. And I think it's wonderful that we are fighting the terrorists in Iraq while at the same time killing Iraqis. I feel much better knowing that we are killing more of them there than we would Americans here.

1. I apologize for the NG remark.I was in a war on another topic with a couple of libs....

2. If Scooter Libby is found guilty of a crime then he should be punished..That has not happened yet....

Clinton was found guilty of perjury........that is a class 1 felony.

3. The terrorists are killing a hell of a lot more Iraqis then we are.....Just a reminder for you.....Our troops are the good guys....The terrorists are the bad guys........
Navy Pride said:
1. I apologize for the NG remark.I was in a war on another topic with a couple of libs....

2. If Scooter Libby is found guilty of a crime then he should be punished..That has not happened yet....

Clinton was found guilty of perjury........that is a class 1 felony.

Ahhh, this is why I like you. No worries about the NG remark. I did think it was so disappointing when Rather attacked Bush's service. It will taint his reputation forever.

3. The terrorists are killing a hell of a lot more Iraqis then we are.....Just a reminder for you.....Our troops are the good guys....The terrorists are the bad guys........

Hardy har har. I had no idea.
galenrox said:
Just a question...why the hell is this thread "on the lighter side"?

The first post was on the lighter side. Unfortunately, the flaming entered in the second post and has continued in the subsequent posts.
galenrox said:
yeah dude, good luck trying to convince yourself that maybe Bush isn't that bad.

But just remember this, even with ALL of the faults you've listed, his approval ratings were never as low as Bush's
HA!! ZING!!!!

Tough to not approve of something that does nothing. Other then the the occasional selling of technology to china and some rather dicey ugly woman affairs he opted to not act on the attacks of this country when he was president.... great job

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