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I know a Phonecian (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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Political Leaning
This is true. I was in a cafe in Madrid and the person standing next to me was trying to order but he didn't speak Spanish just English. So I gave him a helping hand. Then we started to talk. I asked him where he was from and he said, Turkey.

"Ah.." I said "So you are a Turk.And you are Muslim?"

"Well first I am not a Muslim...any more."

I said "I thought 99% of the Turks were Muslim."

!Well," he said "I am of that 1% and I am not Turkish."

"But if you are from Turkey it stands to reason you are Turkish, Muslim or not."

"No." he said "I am a Phoenician."

" They have been extinct for 2000 years." I said.

"NO they have just been misplaced" I can prove that I am a Phoenician. Look at these tests."

He showed me a sheaf of papers that convinced me he was what he said. A few years back a British university did DNA tests on people to see if they had any relation to the people of the ancient world. This guy had super Phoenician DNA more than Turkic. I know a Phoenician. "What's in your wallet?"
I think the CIA or MI5 has jammed the Phoenician web site so i tried to hack into the Trojan web site but all I got was a twofer offer for prophylactics. Damn I didn't even know Trojans used them. Maybe that's why they're extinct.
Phonecians, they are the ancestors of the Carthaginains aren't they? That's pretty cool man!
GarzaUK said:
Phonecians, they are the ancestors of the Carthaginains aren't they? That's pretty cool man!

Yes the Phoenicians or rather their descendants did found Carthage. They were also instrumental in founding the Spanish city of Gadir (modern Cadiz). They went as far as the British Isles in their search of trade. I think it was tin that drew them to Britain. The study that this man had participated in was done by a British university but I've forgotten which one.

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