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I just hear a pundit suggest that Michelle Obama should run for president (1 Viewer)


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Aug 31, 2018
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He thought her a slam dunk.


It's a slam dunk that she would insure another 4 years of orange top.

What is wrong with people?
It's a slam dunk that she would insure another 4 years of orange top.

In all fairness, she would probably win.

Women would presumably be thrilled to vote for her.
African Americans would presumably turn out in huge numbers.
All liberals in general would turn out for her.

In fact, the media have been so successful in demonizing President Trump that any Democrat is probably a shoo-in for 2020 (and, of course, don't discount the votes of non-citizens).

"Good days are here again" for the Democrats. Give the Devil His/Her due.
She is never going to run. But any sane person should beat Donald Trump. The only thing holding him up is his base and the buzz words he feeds them on Twitter.
In all fairness, she would probably win.

Women would presumably be thrilled to vote for her.
African Americans would presumably turn out in huge numbers.
All liberals in general would turn out for her.

In fact, the media have been so successful in demonizing President Trump that any Democrat is probably a shoo-in for 2020 (and, of course, don't discount the votes of non-citizens).

"Good days are here again" for the Democrats. Give the Devil His/Her due.


Really, women would be thrilled? Red hat brides would vote for a black racist women?
Millennium women would vote for her based on gender? That is what Hillary thought to. How did that go?
I doubt African Americans would turn out in big numbers as it is just not the same as the first black president.
Why would liberals turn out for her? It would be the lesser of the two evils again.
Any Dem is a shoo-in? That is just ridiculous.
Trump won last time with but 56% of the vote. He has 40% LOCKED, LOCKED! Like no one has ever had 40 % locked before. So he only needs 6 out of the remaining 60 %. He is gonna be very hard to topple and we won't do it by having a left loon or a reverse racist.
She is never going to run. But any sane person should beat Donald Trump. The only thing holding him up is his base and the buzz words he feeds them on Twitter.

But his base is 40% of the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and more of his base votes than does the DEm base.

You guys sound like the Hillary supporters who are still wondering what happened.

And, Pocahontas would also ensure 4 more years of Trump.

Hate Trump, fine, good. Don't be dumb about it though or we are all ****ed again.
He is gonna be very hard to topple and we won't do it by having a left loon or a reverse racist.

Personally, I hope that you are correct. But I am just an impartial observer. I think that (sadly) 2020 looks promising for the Dems.
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LOL, and Hillary could be her running mate, then after a few months, Hillary could bump her off and finally become the rightful President.

--Then Mrs Clinton woke up disappointed it wasn't real.
In fact, the media have been so successful in demonizing President Trump that any Democrat is probably a shoo-in for 2020 (and, of course, don't discount the votes of non-citizens).
1. Trump demonizes himself. The press just report it.
2. Any informed voter knows illegal votes are rare and have had zero effect on any election. In other words, a nothing burger.
But his base is 40% of the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and more of his base votes than does the DEm base.

You guys sound like the Hillary supporters who are still wondering what happened.

And, Pocahontas would also ensure 4 more years of Trump.

Hate Trump, fine, good. Don't be dumb about it though or we are all ****ed again.

I speak of buzz words to hold the base and you come back with a post that includes to Pocahontas.

Anyone choosing a candidate on what's between their legs or the color of their skin is a idiot.

What would her platform be? America sucks unless Barak did something? A national eat carrots campaign? Make the fantasy of white privilege a crime?
Anyone choosing a candidate on what's between their legs or the color of their skin is a idiot.

What would her platform be? America sucks unless Barak did something? A national eat carrots campaign? Make the fantasy of white privilege a crime?

it would be the 2nd time she is proud of america instead of the 1st?

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