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I can't beleive you let me stay here (1 Viewer)

Yes, the first amendment is a beautiful thing. It allows me to drive down the street pumping the song from avenue q that goes a little something like this...

The internet is really really great...

FOR PORN (In cookie monster voice)

I've got a fast connection so I don't have to wait


There's always some new site


I browse all day and night


It's like I am surfing at the speed of light




Ok, I am done....
I will follow Bush, where ever he may go
I’ll follow him into the sea, to mountains so high I can’t see
For he is my President,

It don’t matter if I die, even though I follow a lie
There’s less and less work in my town, and our wages are going straight down
this is my destiny ,,, to follow and die.

He’s sent my job overseas, and I can’t afford a disease
No medical for me, god forbid, and I can’t feed my kids
This is my destiny.

To the Army I went and to Iraq I was sent
Nobody seems to know why, I was sent there to die.
It is my destiny, it was my destiny

Bush sends good soldiers to fight, for his buddies on the far Right
my leg flew off with a boom, I awoke in a hospital room,
it is my destiny

Soon they sent me home, then I received a medical bill,
they said I owed them back pay, for losing my leg on that day
it is my destiny

my working credit they smashed, cause the Army was needing my cash
Bush won’t pay my leg bill, cause there’s a leg left on me still
it is my destiny.

my leg or my life did not matter, and Cheney’s mad as a hatter.
Cheney sits alone and prays, that Bush will die or resign one fine day.
It is his dream.

Watch your back Julius Ceasar Bush, for the ides of march are near.

Our VP may want to be the first Emporer,, now that our Democracy is dying. of
Patriot Actitis.
dragonslayer said:
I will follow Bush, where ever he may go
I’ll follow him into the sea, to mountains so high I can’t see
For he is my President,

It don’t matter if I die, even though I follow a lie
There’s less and less work in my town, and our wages are going straight down
this is my destiny ,,, to follow and die.

He’s sent my job overseas, and I can’t afford a disease
No medical for me, god forbid, and I can’t feed my kids
This is my destiny.

To the Army I went and to Iraq I was sent
Nobody seems to know why, I was sent there to die.
It is my destiny, it was my destiny

Bush sends good soldiers to fight, for his buddies on the far Right
my leg flew off with a boom, I awoke in a hospital room,
it is my destiny

Soon they sent me home, then I received a medical bill,
they said I owed them back pay, for losing my leg on that day
it is my destiny

my working credit they smashed, cause the Army was needing my cash
Bush won’t pay my leg bill, cause there’s a leg left on me still
it is my destiny.

my leg or my life did not matter, and Cheney’s mad as a hatter.
Cheney sits alone and prays, that Bush will die or resign one fine day.
It is his dream.

Watch your back Julius Ceasar Bush, for the ides of march are near.

Our VP may want to be the first Emporer,, now that our Democracy is dying. of
Patriot Actitis.

Good one,I'd believe in the burning bush before I'd believe in George Bush.Pity they are not the same thing,you can throw Blair on aswell.

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