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I’m Here! (1 Viewer)

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Jan 11, 2019
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Political Leaning
Hello Everybody,

I’ve been lurking around here for a few weeks and finally decided to jump in. This is the most balanced political debate forum I’ve seen on the interwebs. Looking forward to some great conversation.

I have lived in Texas my whole life. Raised near Dallas, went to college in Lubbock, and currently live south of Austin. I consider myself a moderate, which by Texas standards makes me a far-left socialist liberal. I really try to see both sides of every issue. I look forward to seeing where I fit in on this board.

Hello Everybody,

I’ve been lurking around here for a few weeks and finally decided to jump in. This is the most balanced political debate forum I’ve seen on the interwebs. Looking forward to some great conversation.

I have lived in Texas my whole life. Raised near Dallas, went to college in Lubbock, and currently live south of Austin. I consider myself a moderate, which by Texas standards makes me a far-left socialist liberal. I really try to see both sides of every issue. I look forward to seeing where I fit in on this board.


Howdy Doody, RockyRacoon!! Welcome to the Forum.

Nowadays, it's not so important whether you are a moderate, a leftwing nutjob or a rightwing nutjob. What matters is if you are a Trump hater or not. You see, my guess is that 99% of the political-type discussions here on DP shake out to being between those two conditions. So...which are you?

But hey...you don't have to answer here. Just post a bunch and we'll figure it out.
Howdy Doody, RockyRacoon!! Welcome to the Forum.

Nowadays, it's not so important whether you are a moderate, a leftwing nutjob or a rightwing nutjob. What matters is if you are a Trump hater or not. You see, my guess is that 99% of the political-type discussions here on DP shake out to being between those two conditions. So...which are you?

But hey...you don't have to answer here. Just post a bunch and we'll figure it out.

Mycroft is being shy; he falls well into the “or not” crowd.........

Welcome, RR
Thanks Mycroft. That certainly seems to be the case. I didn’t vote for Trump, but I’m also not a hater. Like it or not, he is our president and it is in all of our best interest that he moves our country forward during his tenure. I disagree with his style and negativity, but like all presidents, I agree with some of his policies and disagree with others. Depends on the issue and if his proposal makes sense to me. I don’t disregard anyone’s ideas just because they lean right or left.
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