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Human Rights Violators (1 Viewer)

Should the U.S. Trade with Human Rights Violators

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Jun 2, 2005
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Opinions Please

Oopz, forgot the question mark lol, oh well.
No but we probably do anyways. We are in debt to China which I think is bullshit. Its a shame since China is a huge hr violoator and we probably are going to have a war with them in like 15 years. You can thank Bush for that.
FinnMacCool said:
No but we probably do anyways. We are in debt to China which I think is bullshit. Its a shame since China is a huge hr violoator and we probably are going to have a war with them in like 15 years. You can thank Bush for that.

What makes you say that?
What makes you say that?

You probably misinterperted what I said. I wasn't blaming Bush for our problems with China. But I do blame him for getting us in debt with a country thats probably going to end up being our enemy.
Yes because free trade and open markets are the harbingers of Democracy and the forbearers to a free society. I'm willing to bet that you're wrong about China I think that they'll throw off the shackles of their oppressors within 15 years and become a Democracy, if it wasn't for the Tianamen massacre it would have happened already.
Well, the repugnican shrubbie claims that we go to war over human rights violations. So we can't really trade with them, can we now.
steen said:
Well, the repugnican shrubbie claims that we go to war over human rights violations. So we can't really trade with them, can we now.
uhh...isn't Finn socialist? lol
steen said:
Well, the repugnican shrubbie claims that we go to war over human rights violations. So we can't really trade with them, can we now.

And the liberals claim that if we don't interfere that we support dictators, but then again they claim if we do interfere that we're imperialists, I guess they should just confess that they hate America no matter what we do.
I agree with Octavian on this one...it is beneficial to the U.S. economy, we have no business in their affairs...and didn't this kind of action lead to Pearl Harbor?
Yes, we absolutely should trade with human rights violators. Or more accurately, we absolutely should trade with companies and citizens of countries that happened to be governed by human rights violators. It isn't their fault that their country is oppressed, and it's not as though (in most cases) they're going to suddenly rise up against their government without American trade; they're just going to become poorer.

Free trade leads to wealthier nations, and wealthier nations tend to pay more respect to human rights.
Kandahar said:
Yes, we absolutely should trade with human rights violators. Or more accurately, we absolutely should trade with companies and citizens of countries that happened to be governed by human rights violators. It isn't their fault that their country is oppressed, and it's not as though (in most cases) they're going to suddenly rise up against their government without American trade; they're just going to become poorer.

Free trade leads to wealthier nations, and wealthier nations tend to pay more respect to human rights.

Couldn't have said it better myself......and besides, we aren't exactly one to talk right now.
Hornburger said:
uhh...isn't Finn socialist? lol
Huh? That aside, what does the political leaning have to do with human rights violations? That is not a political ideology issue. We see this in all political leanings.
steen said:
Huh? That aside, what does the political leaning have to do with human rights violations? That is not a political ideology issue. We see this in all political leanings.
You're the one who called who I thought was Finn a republican shrubbie...so you tell me.

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