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http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a47613/trump-sarcasm/ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 30, 2015
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Trump Suggests Trying American Citizens in Military Tribunals - Says Obama ISIS Founder Line Was Sarcasm

In case, like all sensible Americans, you've been watching the Olympics and haven't noticed what's been up with El Caudillo de Mar-A-Lago, he spent a couple of days telling his audiences of screaming geeks that the president was "the founder of ISIS." Then he spent yesterday saying that, when he said "founder," he meant "founder," dammit. Then this morning, he took to the electric Twitter machine and declared that he was only engaging in "SARCASM" and that all the dim bulbs in the dishonest press don't get the vast sweep of his subtle wit.

One marvels at how tolerant the supporters of this Clown have to be for his lies, reversals, contradictions, duplicity, shallowness, cowardice and just general douchieness until one realizes that these are the core values of these people. This is the behavior they want in the WH. That's how little **** they give about the country. They just want someone to carry out their atrocities for them. And they have the gall to pretend they can pass judgement on someone like Hillary Clinton, any of her alleged or even real flaws notwithstanding. I voted for Bernie in the primaries but I have no qualms about voting for her in November. Comparing her to Trump is like trying to compare any human to a worm.
One marvels at how tolerant the supporters of this Clown have to be for his lies, reversals, contradictions, duplicity, shallowness, cowardice and just general douchieness until one realizes that these are the core values of these people.

sounds about right

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