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Howdy from Houston (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 4, 2022
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Got a message from Rain that she was here, thought I would drop by and check it out. Look interesting so far!!

Now there's a series of books I haven't read in a very long time.
The bad news is, we already have a @TurtleDude , and there can only be one!

So it's going to be like Highlander, only with slower sword fights.
ever see Dune-the slow blade?
The bad news is, we already have a @TurtleDude , and there can only be one!

So it's going to be like Highlander, only with slower sword fights.
You win the internet today
Got a message from Rain that she was here, thought I would drop by and check it out. Look interesting so far!!


We could use a few more thoughtful conservatives on the board.

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