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How the GOP plans to beat the polls and win in November (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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The GOP has used many political tricks to suppress the vote, especially in Dem voter areas. First we had the strict voter ID laws. They are so tight that my father could not vote in my state even though he was a retired military and had had a top secret security clearance. Then they began purging voter rolls telling us that these were just dead people or those that had moved. Of course a majority of those purged just happened to be Dem voters. Then they reduced the number of polling sites in Dem areas creating many hour waits to vote. In a few instances, they moved voting sites to areas that were hard to get to for Dem voters who did not have transportation. Today we have the "mail-in voting is a fraud and needs to be stopped. States are still going forward with mail-in voting seeing we are in the middle of a pandemic, so to try and stop mail-in voting they are going after the USPS and have headed it with a Trump supporter who is doing all he can to insure that those mail-in ballots are never counted. Just two months before the election this supporter has fired the top 23 people who have headed the USPS. So now we know, the GOP and Trump are not about insuring our democracy and the ability for every vote to count, but winning at any cost. I guess next you will have to show your GOP Id before you can vote. Russia, here we come.
The GOP has used many political tricks to suppress the vote, especially in Dem voter areas. First we had the strict voter ID laws. They are so tight that my father could not vote in my state even though he was a retired military and had had a top secret security clearance. Then they began purging voter rolls telling us that these were just dead people or those that had moved. Of course a majority of those purged just happened to be Dem voters. Then they reduced the number of polling sites in Dem areas creating many hour waits to vote. In a few instances, they moved voting sites to areas that were hard to get to for Dem voters who did not have transportation. Today we have the "mail-in voting is a fraud and needs to be stopped. States are still going forward with mail-in voting seeing we are in the middle of a pandemic, so to try and stop mail-in voting they are going after the USPS and have headed it with a Trump supporter who is doing all he can to insure that those mail-in ballots are never counted. Just two months before the election this supporter has fired the top 23 people who have headed the USPS. So now we know, the GOP and Trump are not about insuring our democracy and the ability for every vote to count, but winning at any cost. I guess next you will have to show your GOP Id before you can vote. Russia, here we come.

Just a few months ago I had no doubt Trump would lose to anyone, now I'm not so sure. You have to add up Trump's attacks. State election officials, reducing the number of polling places, increasing travel time and long lines. Trump's willingness to make bald-faced lies Biden will never match. As you say above, Trump appointing a lackey Postmaster General who's going to keep ballots from being delivered and counted. Then add his biggest ace in the hole, the Russians. You can bet they learned a lot from 16' and will be stepping up their attack in November. Trump has yet to admit Russia helped him in 16', so does anyone believe he'll tell Putin to stop his attack in November? No, he'll be welcoming it with open arms. This might be the reason why Trump is ignoring Putin's attack on our soldiers, he might believe it's a cheap price to pay for another term...

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