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how many universe (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Political Leaning
how many universe have we got,what is black matter? plus what kind of
energy is it? can some one tell me this problem,is space all energy and the
initial conditions is like a balloon when it reaches its 10% then black matter takes over to keep the universe the way it is.

mikeey said:
how many universe have we got,what is black matter? plus what kind of
energy is it? can some one tell me this problem,is space all energy and the
initial conditions is like a balloon when it reaches its 10% then black matter takes over to keep the universe the way it is. mikeey

Any scientist that gives you an answer is talking out their ass. They can't explain why the matter is accelerating. They don't know how to explain gravity. String theory is a frigging joke. Apparently some dudes just made lasers faster than the speed of light. I thought that was the limit? They are looking for grant money. Figure it out for yourself. Then you and I will compare our theories. You ought to hear my theory on what MUST be the shape of the physical universe...but then that relies on the big bang being correct. I'm not convinced they have found the planets they say they have. Things might get clearer when the spaced based arrays get up and running. I can expose one of NASA's reasons to go to space. But I think we should, so I wont. I think god still has a few tricks up his sleeve.

I herby deem my massive brain has grown to the size...colossal.
teacher said:
Any scientist that gives you an answer is talking out their ass. They can't explain why the matter is accelerating. They don't know how to explain gravity. String theory is a frigging joke. Apparently some dudes just made lasers faster than the speed of light. I thought that was the limit? They are looking for grant money. Figure it out for yourself. Then you and I will compare our theories. You ought to hear my theory on what MUST be the shape of the physical universe...but then that relies on the big bang being correct. I'm not convinced they have found the planets they say they have. Things might get clearer when the spaced based arrays get up and running. I can expose one of NASA's reasons to go to space. But I think we should, so I wont. I think god still has a few tricks up his sleeve.

I herby deem my massive brain has grown to the size...colossal.

I also support missions to space but you have peeked my curiosity so if you don't want to post it please PM me with your reason.
teacher i will get back to U m8.

kind regards and thank u for the reply.

Oh God,string theory,membrane theory,the eleventh dimension,I think I feel a migraine coming on:lol:
According to membrane theory the number of universes could be infinite,but no two universes would share the same physical laws!
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