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How has immigration impacted the situation at LA Public Schools? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 13, 2019
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LA school district went on strike here are a couple of articles:



Here are a couple of articles indicating the illegal immigrant population in LA:



Among the problems are very large class sizes. In these articles it states that 73.4% of the students are Latino, which I found surprising since I just assumed that LA was a more ethnically diverse community. One of the articles also points out that over 82% of the students receive free or low cost lunch which would indicate that most of the students are from low income households. This would also indicate why funding such a district is such a problem. It is likely fair to assume that this district has a very high population of immigrants both legal and illegal. I don't know if LA has always had this situation with its schools or is this a product of how our current immigration laws and the impact of illegal immigration can have on a community?
Considering California is a sanctuary state you can bet that a rather large percentage of those students are here illegally.

As far as I know its illegal for schools to ask a persons resident status however I don't think its illegal for ICE to go in asking questions...with the parents and/or a child advocate there of course. This could probably be done in schools all across the country. Though I'd concentrate in states/cities that claim sanctuary status for illegals.
There's clearly something not right about American taxpayers to have to pay to educate children here illegally.

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