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How effective has Republican Media been in convincing the base that absentee voting is voter fraud? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
Or do they know it's not really a problem and are just repeating the company line in hopes to suppress the vote somehow?
Too effective. Look at this forum, it's filled with drones parroting trump's lies.
Or do they know it's not really a problem and are just repeating the company line in hopes to suppress the vote somehow?

I don't know about absentee voting which is an established system, but vote by mail has been a disaster everywhere it was implemented this year, it makes the flroida hanging chads thing look like a cakewalk.

I think absentee voting is not an issue, but mail in mass voting is a mistake, there are no systems in place to handle it, and even if no fraud was present the logistics would fail come election time.

A simpler answer would be to delay the election results one week, and allow in person voting for the entire week to ensure social distancing and other measures allowing everyone to vote while using existing systems more proven.
Or do they know it's not really a problem and are just repeating the company line in hopes to suppress the vote somehow?
They've convinced an elderly Trump voting family member, who does not feel safe venturing to the polling place during the pandemic, that mailing-in a ballot cannot be trusted. So, she's not voting this year. Now granted, for her Trump has lost his luster. But it still is an interesting phenomenon. And yeah, she watches Fox.
I don't know about absentee voting which is an established system, but vote by mail has been a disaster everywhere it was implemented this year, it makes the flroida hanging chads thing look like a cakewalk.

I think absentee voting is not an issue, but mail in mass voting is a mistake, there are no systems in place to handle it, and even if no fraud was present the logistics would fail come election time.

A simpler answer would be to delay the election results one week, and allow in person voting for the entire week to ensure social distancing and other measures allowing everyone to vote while using existing systems more proven.
My state & county already has that, from way before Covid. It runs for several weeks up to election day. You just walk-in whenever you want during those prior weeks, during normal business hours. In addition, one can go online to see live wait-times for each polling place. Easy peasy!
My state & county already has that, from way before Covid. It runs for several weeks up to election day. You just walk-in whenever you want during those prior weeks, during normal business hours. In addition, one can go online to see live wait-times for each polling place. Easy peasy!

In my opinion mail in mass voting can work but is not something you can implement in short order during an election year, the results have backed that up.

Running elections several weeks I see no issue in as long as all the same precautions are taken as with normal one day elections. The only thing running el;ection days into weeks can do is allow more people to vote, while mail in voting at this point has led to nightmares of missing ballots and other issues.

Maybe by 2024 mail in ballots can be perfected, but in this cycle it is too late, extended voting periods in person would be the safest and most efficient method for voting this year, yet none of the big wigs want to bring it up.

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