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Hope for Europe? (2 Viewers)

Sorry but thats simply denial. Its the legal availability of guns that separates the US from other developed nations when it comes to murder rates.
Sorry but thats simply denial. Its the legal availability of guns that separates the US from other developed nations when it comes to murder rates.

So far the rest of the world is ahead in terror attacks.
So far the rest of the world is ahead in terror attacks.

But the civilized world is very much behind in gun fatalities and non-fatal injuries due to guns. And that number far exceeds any terrorist death count.
Sorry but thats simply denial. Its the legal availability of guns that separates the US from other developed nations when it comes to murder rates.

And I'll accept that the moment you give evidence to back up that statement. I gave you 3 countries were restricting gun laws made no difference. What examples do you have?
And I'll accept that the moment you give evidence to back up that statement. I gave you 3 countries were restricting gun laws made no difference. What examples do you have?

No problem

Indeed US figures would be much in line with other developed nations were it not for its guns
I'd wager your 35,000 gun deaths per annum handsomely exceed those

Is that the point? Is that some sort of excuse to justify terror? Because that is what it looks like. Remember gun deaths in America come from crime, most in the inner cities and involve drugs. There are many motives for these crimes. Islam has one motive.
But the civilized world is very much behind in gun fatalities and non-fatal injuries due to guns. And that number far exceeds any terrorist death count.

Please read my answer to Flogger.
No problem

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Indeed US figures would be much in line with other developed nations were it not for its guns

I said it before, correlation =/= causation. Crime in the US could be higher for many more reasons. As you can see with the number of "assault with sharp object". Finland aside, in the US it is substantially higher.
I said it before, correlation =/= causation. Crime in the US could be higher for many more reasons. As you can see with the number of "assault with sharp object". Finland aside, in the US it is substantially higher.

But its the gun crime that is vastly so. You are posting from Belgium so why would you want this insanity replicated here ? The US loses more people to firearms every 18 months than it did combat fatalities in the 10 year long Vietnam war !
Is that the point? Is that some sort of excuse to justify terror? Because that is what it looks like.

No its used to put the terror threat into context viz US gun deaths. The US is far more dangerous than Europe despite the terrorism

Remember gun deaths in America come from crime, most in the inner cities and involve drugs. There are many motives for these crimes. Islam has one motive.

Most crime comes from our deprived inner cities too. Its the relative lack of guns that makes that crime far less likely to be lethal

What a load of horse****.

First off.. your 35k gun deaths is not due to guns per say yes, it is due to a violent society that has a huge income inequality and is filled with racism.

Secondly.. the so called motive of these gun deaths have several things in common...greed and power and in some cases insanity. Add to that the politically motivated attacks from mostly the far right in the US, and you have a country where the police are defacto para military forces that shoot first and never ask questions later.. especially if you are a minority.

Thirdly.. there are many motives for "Islamic terror", but you choose to ignore it because it suits your political view point.

There is one motive, Muhammad said so, and did so. Any other reasons are embellishment and for you they are excuses.
Please read my answer to Flogger.

Which is an answer that makes no sense IMHO, but gun deaths in the US come from more than just crimes. nearly 2/3's of gun deaths are suicides, just 1/3 (approx) is homicides, 1700 deaths are women who have been murdered due to domestic abuse and then we are not talking about accidental deaths.

So you are dead wrong when you are saying gun deaths come from crime, they come from suicide.

And that all does not matter, why would we want to go down the US route with weapons? I see no valid reason to change our way of life just because some people commit terrorist crimes.

You already have changed your way of life. Islam has affected every free country with increased security costing billions.
But its the gun crime that is vastly so. You are posting from Belgium so why would you want this insanity replicated here ? The US loses more people to firearms every 18 months than it did combat fatalities in the 10 year long Vietnam war !

I already said that I don't want it in Belgium. Please do bother to at the least read what you reply to. And again, for the 3th time, correlation =/= causality. Don't prove the correlation, that's just observation, but prove that causation, that of course requires a bit more effort.
You already have changed your way of life.......................~
Seeing how you've never been to Europe, met no inhabitant there and probably don't know any European even in your own country, what you assess over the average European's way of life is totally irrelevant.

As to increased security and its costs, we've been used to that from decades before IS came into being and long before you'd even ever heard of them.

So the stories about migrant sex crimes are false? The Muslims who refuse to assimilate are false? Got ya.:lamo
So the stories about migrant sex crimes are false? The Muslims who refuse to assimilate are false? Got ya.:lamo
to get back to the point that you're trying to go off from at a tangent:

Seeing how you've never been to Europe, met no inhabitant there and probably don't know any European even in your own country, what you assess over the average European's way of life is totally irrelevant.

As to increased security and its costs, we've been used to that from decades before IS came into being and long before you'd even ever heard of them.

I have met people from Europe, in fact, one of my friends is a doctor that left the UK. Would you like to know why he left?
I have met people from Europe, in fact, one of my friends is a doctor that left the UK. Would you like to know why he left?
Oh great, you know someone.

Well, I guess that makes you an expert on Europe then.

And I suspect your friend left on account of fearing jizya was going to be imposed on him.
Oh great, you know someone.

Well, I guess that makes you an expert on Europe then.

And I suspect your friend left on account of fearing jizya was going to be imposed on him.

Your suspicions and assumptions are of no value to me. Don't hold your breath, it will not change.
You already have changed your way of life. Islam has affected every free country with increased security costing billions.

Really? I changed my way of life? Without those Muslim employees a lot of Western economies would have crashed due to no employees. And increased security has cost billions? The total budget is 5 billion, pure and simple and that has not increased with billions because of Muslims.

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