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Homosexuals targeting your kids without consent (1 Viewer)


Jun 14, 2005
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From http://www.educationpolicy.org

GLSEN Conference in San Francisco
Pushes for Gay Agenda in Schools

Proclaiming that "Šschools are the number one place for organizing," gay and lesbian activist Suzanne Pharr urged several hundred attendees at the 2nd annual Gay/Lesbian/Straight Educators' Network to be "out, proud, and authentic" in the public schools. According to the GLSEN conference program, Pharr founded the Women's Project, which monitors the activities of the Religious Right and develops defense strategies for organizations attacked by the Right.

Pharr preached that public schools, libraries and bookstores are the three top battlegrounds for those in the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transsexual movement, and of those, schools are the priority. Pharr claimed that "Šthe Right knows the most critical place is in the schools and they are successful in organizing in schools." In addition, she asserted that the Right has also been successful in electing school board members, controlling teachers with gag orders, and regulating access to textbooks and other information.

Pharr insisted that the Right's promotion of vouchers and privatization is an effort to "move toward the merger of church and state." She alleged that Religious Right organizations such as Promise Keepers and Christian athletic groups have targeted stadium takeovers as well in their effort to take control of America's youth.

Pharr proclaimed that she has no opposition to Christianity, but objects to its being legislated

To counter the efforts of the Religious Right, Pharr urged an aggressive "queer agenda" and "redistribution of wealth in this country." To accomplish this, gays and lesbians must accept that the school is the center of the struggle for democracy. "We knew this in the civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s," she said, "and now we are trying to open the doors wider and wider" to accept everyone &endash; regardless of sexual orientation.

Pharr stressed that teachers should organize other teachers with the help of the teacher unions, and include community members. Teachers should be open about their sexual orientation, "break the rules when necessary, and be disloyal" to heterosexual privileges. "That," she stressed to the GLSEN audience, "will put you in the right place. And if you cannot do that, the very least you can do is to get out of the way!"

Pharr spoke of the dream of GLSEN and others to create a situation where education is accessible and equal for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation. With the help of GLSEN and other gay/lesbian organizations, she predicted that students will lead the movement in this country. "Our relationship with children is where we have our most fear," she said.

Pharr claimed that this movement is not about causing youth and children to go wrong. Sex is not the issue, and the more they know about it the better off we are. Pharr ended her remarks with a standing ovation as she urged those in the GLSEN audience not to abandon the front lines, and to gain more courage for the movement.
From the same link:

It's Elementary, a controversial video to train public school teachers on how to promote discussion and acceptance of homosexuality in the classroom, is scheduled to be broadcast by a San Francisco public television station in June, 1999. Debra Chasnoff, coproducer and director of It's Elementary, announced at the GLSEN conference that KQED had agreed to air the video during a time slot when most parents could view it.

Chasnoff expressed her disappointment that the airing will not be part of a national feed from PBS, which has thus far rejected the video. Chasnoff indicated that scrutiny from Congressional watchdogs such as Senator Jesse Helms may be the reason PBS has refused to air the video. PBS receives federal funds, whereas the San Francisco station apparently does not.

Chasnoff reported that "at least 500 schools of education" are using a shortened version of the video for training sessions for prospective teachers. In addition, she and her coproducer, Helen S. Cohen, have been assisting in the training of representatives of youth service groups, health organizations such as Planned Parenthood, and public (and some private) school teachers.

Often, portions of the video are shown in classrooms with children as young as kindergarten, a practice that Concerned Women for America has labeled "an aggressive new national campaign." A columnist with the New York Post characterized It's Elementary as "78-minutes of relentless propaganda to advance the acceptance of homosexuality, as distinct from tolerance."

Chasnoff produced It's Elementary in response to the reactions to the "two-mom-family" her son was going through as he entered a public elementary school in San Francisco.
Here is a list of propaganda materials that a homosexual recruitment organization "glsen" has come up with to give homosexual agenda teachers in schools the tool sot recruit children:

Women Creating Change
No Name-Calling Week Project: Year One Evaluatio
Gay Adolescents in Catholic Schools
GLSEN Provides Educator Resources for LGBT History Month
Safe Space Kit
At Issue: Marriage Exploring the Debate Over Marriage Rights for Same-Sex Couples
History Match-Up A GLSEN Lunchbox Resource 23-Jan-2003
One Umbrella, Many People: Diversity Within the LGBT CommunitiesHow Does Homophobia Hurt Us All?
Talking the Talk: A Glossary of LGBT Terminology and Match-up Game"Gender Talk: Exploring Media Messages about Gender NormsEarliest Beliefs: What Shapes Our Perceptions of LGBT People?
Dealing with Difference: Opening Dialogue about Lesbian, Gay & Straight Issues
From Denial to Denigration: Understanding Institutionalized Heterosexism in Our Schools
The Commercial Closet Student Viewing Guide
What Do We Really Think?
A Group Exercise to Increase Heterosexual Ally Behavior
Lesson Plan: What Do "Faggot" and "Dyke" Mean?
Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) History Month
ADL's Close the Book on Hate Campaign
Is Everyone Protected by the Bill of Rights? wNetSchool
The Rights of Passage for Gay, Lesbian and Straight TeenagersDo Words Hurt: A Guide for Discussing Eminem and the Grammys with Students"
I Just Want to Say: Resource Guide for Educators The Same Sex Marriage
Out of the Past Video and Teachers' Guide
The Power of Children's Literature
For Valentine's Day: Talking About Love and Marriage
Annotated Bibliography of Children's Books With Gay and Lesbian Characters
Resources for Early Childhood Educators and Parents Addressing the Matthew Shepard Tragedy in the Classroom
Here is a perfect example exposing these perverts, this is not the entire article though.

By Meredith May Chronicle Staff Writer

Oakland - The students at Park Day School in Oakland are probably the only elementary school kids in America whose spelling lists contain words such as "homosexual," "lesbian" and "transgender."

At a time when high schools around the country are battling over bringing gay studies and gay student clubs to campus, the private Park Day School is skipping the controversy and being straight with little kids about gay life.

Last week, the kindergarten through sixth grade school hosted 45 speakers from a list of Bay Area' s gay movers and shakers, including KFOG disc jockey Dave Morey and East Bay chocolatier John Scharffenberger. A lesbian married couple spoke, as did a lesbian animal caretaker and a lesbian Baptist minister.

A male therapist who was once female talked to the sixth-graders. None of the speakers had ever been invited to talk about their personal lives to schoolchildren before, and the exercise brought some of the adults to tears.

Students wanted to know when the guests first knew they were gay, how they came out to their families and whether the speakers ever encountered homophobia. The youngest children had few questions about homosexuality, preferring instead to talk about the puppies or chocolate bars involved in the speakers' jobs.

The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, which had never been invited to perform at any school in its 24-year history, treated the children to songs about self-pride, an ode to Armistead Maupin's "Tales of the City," and the Sesame Street Ernie classic, "Rubber Ducky."

Former San Francisco Supervisor Harry Britt talked to them about growing from a lonely gay child at Robert E. Lee Elementary in Texas to a San Francisco supervisor who carried on the legacy of tolerance after the shooting deaths of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, who was gay.

"The idea," said Park Day Director Tom Little, "is that if they ever encounter homophobia, their association will be that lots and lots of wonderful people they have met have been hurt by that."

Not one parent complained, Little said. In fact, several came to the school to thank him for broaching a sensitive subject and making it easier to discuss gay topics at home.

"You need to learn prejudice, and this is the right age to get to them, before it starts," said parent Beverly Burch.

Public schools have had a harder time bringing gay issues into the classroom. A parental uproar arose in Danville last year when some teachers and gay activists at Charlotte Wood Middle School wanted to hold gay tolerance classes in the wake of a student-created homophobic Web site directed at an openly gay teacher. In a compromise, the teachers union held a voluntary class for teachers only, which was sparsely attended.

On the flip side, school districts in San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland provide offices and counselors for gay and questioning youth.

While their parents debate, students have taken up the mantle at several school districts, bolstered by a state law that went into effect in 2000 barring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in California public schools. They have created more than 800 Gay/Straight Student Alliances at schools in 46 states, despite resistance from school boards and parents in many cities, including California's Clovis and Orange.

A bill to "prohibit the promotion of homosexuality in public education" introduced by Southern California Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy, R-Monrovia, died in committee this year.

"I think things are changing. Park Day is definitely not like my elementary school was in Weaver, Ala.," said Gay Men's Chorus member Carlton Lowe. "It was exhilarating to sing for them and see how engrossed they were in our songs."

Students had homework, too.

They wrote essays on famous gay people such as Michelangelo, interviewed a family member who was in the gay community or knew someone else who was, and wrote Dear Abby-style letters to imaginary gay children who had been teased on the playground. They decorated their classrooms with rainbow flags and pictures of singer Melissa Etheridge and her partner.

And in a move to stamp out anti-gay slurs, they wrote gay epithets using salt on the playground, then kicked off their shoes and smudged them out.

For 11-year-old Ben Ruffman-Cohen, who has two moms, last week was "the best week of my life."

He was part of the speakers circuit, and talked to the first-graders about his family. He told them he does the same stuff at home that they do with a mom and a dad. On the baseball form, he just crosses out the box for "father" and writes "mother" over it.

"I told them to imagine how much they love their mom and then double that," he said. "That's my life.

"A lot of schools don't have the opportunity to do this, and if I even said the word 'gay' other places, there would be a lot of flinching. Now all 225 of us here know how to be gay allies," he said, using another vocabulary word.

The video "It's Elementary" that homosexuals produced for little kids is really disgusting:

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