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Homeless Man In Virginia Beach Killed By Garbage Truck Driver (1 Viewer)

It sounds like a tragic accident, I can't find fault in what the driver did after she realised she ran the bloke over.
It's hard to say. I would wait until more evidence is made availible before jumping to conclusions. I do find it funny that his family is so "concerned" now that there's possible money to be made.
It's hard to say. I would wait until more evidence is made availible before jumping to conclusions. I do find it funny that his family is so "concerned" now that there's possible money to be made.

Yeah, 25 mil aint nothing to sneeze at.
It sounds like an accident. If she's had lots of traffic violations before, maybe it's time to let her go from her job...but I don't see how she (or the city) could be held liable for this in court. It doesn't sound like she did anything reckless or negligent.
The biggest complaint I have with this case is that the city hired her in the first place. She had a very poor driving record before the hiring.

There is just not enough info at this time for me to make a judgement. I would like to see a traffic diagram of the accident concerning the "blind spot" and the conditions leading up to it.

Was her drug test tampered with? It's possible because the city has little credibility by hiring her in the first place. This may be an example of a few people trying to cover their asses.
It's hard to say. I would wait until more evidence is made availible before jumping to conclusions. I do find it funny that his family is so "concerned" now that there's possible money to be made.

That's exactly what I thought. I wonder why they weren't as concerned about the guy's well being BEFORE he was run over. :? People make me sick.
That's exactly what I thought. I wonder why they weren't as concerned about the guy's well being BEFORE he was run over. :? People make me sick.

He was a homeless drunk before he was ran over, now he's a 25 million dollar cheque, why wouldn't they be interested in him now?
He was a homeless drunk before he was ran over, now he's a 25 million dollar cheque, why wouldn't they be interested in him now?

It only makes them look like money grubbin' asses. JMO. It's funny how people come out of the woodwork when someone dies and they think there may be a profit in it for them... it's truly the dark side of human nature. Not only in this case, but in any case of death where there might be a big payout. Ugh.
The homeless man was killed while ago. The city of Virginia Beach is trying to claim no fault. The driver has a very poor driver's record. What say you? Is the driver guilty or not guilty.

Man run over on beach was in 'blind spot,' city says | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

If the victim had been a 10-year-old child, we wouldn't be having this discussion. When a garbage truck runs over ANYONE who is in plain view and doesn't dart out in front of it unexpectedly, it's negligence. On the other hand, $25 million is ludicrous.

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