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Hold on to your hats - WMD back in News (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
Being reported that secret cache of Hussein's papers and audiotapes were recovered and are now in hands of congress. The documents and tapes are currently being interpreted.

Congressman Hoekstra (Mi) believes that the tapes will shed light on pre-war WMD status (says early tapes being deciphered have much dialogue between Syria and Iraq about WMD we knew to exist at one point in the past) as well as how good or bad our Intelligence really was.

I wonder....I just wonder.....what the liberals will do if these documents and tapes do actually show that Hussein moved his WMD into syria just before we invaded. How would they spin it? One thing is for sure, john Kerry will announce that he has been behind the decision to go in from the start, as the records showed he actually voted for it before voting against voting for it. :2razz:
easyt65 said:
Being reported that secret cache of Hussein's papers and audiotapes were recovered and are now in hands of congress. The documents and tapes are currently being interpreted.

Congressman Hoekstra (Mi) believes that the tapes will shed light on pre-war WMD status (says early tapes being deciphered have much dialogue between Syria and Iraq about WMD we knew to exist at one point in the past) as well as how good or bad our Intelligence really was.

I wonder....I just wonder.....what the liberals will do if these documents and tapes do actually show that Hussein moved his WMD into syria just before we invaded. How would they spin it? One thing is for sure, john Kerry will announce that he has been behind the decision to go in from the start, as the records showed he actually voted for it before voting against voting for it.

The reporting of Stephen Hayes has already shed light on the many many documents we are examining which discuss his WMD programs and research. This has also been reported today.

""In April 2005, however, Iraq Survey Group chief Charles Duelfer announced the stunning find on the CIA's web site, saying: "A large collection of audiotapes from Revolutionary Command Council meetings chaired by Saddam is being translated and reviewed."
In an addendum to Duelfer's final CIA report that was overlooked by the press [except for NewsMax], Duelfer said: "These [tapes] will provide great insight into the decision making of the former Regime on a range of key subjects."

After revealing the existence of the secret Saddam tapes, the top weapons searcher emphasized that media reports claiming that he had concluded that Iraq didn't have WMDs before the war were wrong. "Some uncertainties remain and some information will continue to emerge about the WMD programs of the former Regime," Duelfer said. "Reports cited in the Comprehensive Report concerning the possible movement of WMD or WMD materials from Iraq prior to the war remain unresolved."""


This of course ties in directly with General Sada's latest revelations about Saddam moving WMD materials to Syria just before we invaded.
Newsmax? You are kidding, right?
easyt65 said:
...what the liberals will do if these documents and tapes do actually show that Hussein moved his WMD into syria just before we invaded...

I guess this liberal is wondering; How many Americans will die trying to secure Bush's "legacy". And how quickly will he rush us in to Syria in that quest.
Paladin said:
I guess this liberal is wondering; How many Americans will die trying to secure Bush's "legacy". And how quickly will he rush us in to Syria in that quest.
Hey ted, who told you any of this is for his legacy? Did he tell you that? Did that come from the White House? A briefing? The GOP? Gosh, I sure hope you're not making this up. ;)
This shouldn't have been made public...If Syria knows what's on those tapes and they know it implicates them and if there were any WMDs shipped there I wouldn't doubt if they'd been shipped back out...They could be anywhere by now...
We won't have to go after Syria - they are weak and gutless. they definitely won't act directly - may hand over whatever they have to terrorists or move it out again as mentioned if implicated, but they won't do anything themselves.
steen said:
Newsmax? You are kidding, right?
No, can you rebut what I posted? Are you claiming they made up what I posted or it is factually incorrect? Are YOU kidding?
You should try reading them, might expose you to what is actually happening.

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