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Hillaryhuma stonewalled state investigation failed to report hack attacks (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Clinton expressed worries about exposure of personal emails at State Dept.

The worry came after her top aide said they needed to discuss putting Clinton on State's email system.

The revelation of the exchange between Clinton and Huma Abedin was included in a report from the State Department’s inspector general that was released to lawmakers on Wednesday.

The report concluded that Clinton violated the agency’s email rules when she chose to exclusively use a private email server during her four years at State Department and did not promptly turn over records after she departed the agency.

Clinton expressed worries about exposure of personal emails at State Dept. - POLITICO
Hillary is soooooooooooooooooooo CROOKED and thinks she is above the law....as did Bill.

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