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Hillary Promises Bill To be Her Economic Guru. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 1, 2010
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Hillary Clinton say's her soulmate Slick Willy will be her Economic Guru in her administration.

Here's some facts about Slick Willy's economic genius.

First the touted grand Clinton economy of yesteryear was actually conducted by a Republican controlled Congress for most of Clinton's watch, (a fact that nary a single Democrat will ever reveal).

Secondly, both the Republican Congress and Slick Willy served at probably the economically luckiest period of the federal government in decades. They had in hand the "Peace Dividend" from the collapse of the Soviet Union and thirdly, they were serving in the federal government smack dab in the heart of the "DOT.COM BOOM." The Dot.Com Boom startup of hundreds of new internet businesses pouring loads of new tax revenues into the federal coffers, and the Peace Dividend relieving any and all pressure on military spending. Even the Washington duopoly spending cartel couldn't keep up with the windfall of loot. Your 10 year old son/brother could have balanced the federal budget that Slick Willy got hero status over.

The truth about American politics is never pretty.
Hillary Clinton say's her soulmate Slick Willy will be her Economic Guru in her administration.

Here's some facts about Slick Willy's economic genius.

First the touted grand Clinton economy of yesteryear was actually conducted by a Republican controlled Congress for most of Clinton's watch, (a fact that nary a single Democrat will ever reveal).

Secondly, both the Republican Congress and Slick Willy served at probably the economically luckiest period of the federal government in decades. They had in hand the "Peace Dividend" from the collapse of the Soviet Union and thirdly, they were serving in the federal government smack dab in the heart of the "DOT.COM BOOM." The Dot.Com Boom startup of hundreds of new internet businesses pouring loads of new tax revenues into the federal coffers, and the Peace Dividend relieving any and all pressure on military spending. Even the Washington duopoly spending cartel couldn't keep up with the windfall of loot. Your 10 year old son/brother could have balanced the federal budget that Slick Willy got hero status over.

The truth about American politics is never pretty.
Hillary is once again trying to eat her cake and have it too. She insists Bill is not going to be a major factor in the campaign, but never hesitates to trot his name out whenever she thinks it'll benefit her.

Also nice going now that we know NAFTA turned out to be a disaster and Ross Perot was right about it. She's just such a terrible politician. She'd be nothing without the machine behind her. At least Bill was a charismatic and skilled politician.
Hillary Clinton say's her soulmate Slick Willy will be her Economic Guru in her administration.

Here's some facts about Slick Willy's economic genius.

First the touted grand Clinton economy of yesteryear was actually conducted by a Republican controlled Congress for most of Clinton's watch, (a fact that nary a single Democrat will ever reveal).

Secondly, both the Republican Congress and Slick Willy served at probably the economically luckiest period of the federal government in decades. They had in hand the "Peace Dividend" from the collapse of the Soviet Union and thirdly, they were serving in the federal government smack dab in the heart of the "DOT.COM BOOM." The Dot.Com Boom startup of hundreds of new internet businesses pouring loads of new tax revenues into the federal coffers, and the Peace Dividend relieving any and all pressure on military spending. Even the Washington duopoly spending cartel couldn't keep up with the windfall of loot. Your 10 year old son/brother could have balanced the federal budget that Slick Willy got hero status over.

The truth about American politics is never pretty.

It's also true that the reason the economy got better had nothing to do with either Congress or the presidency (although if we're being honest, the most important factor does make the president more relevant than Congress).

The reason our economy got better is because both Congress and the President followed psychotic policy wishes of Alan Greenspan, who in addition also acted independently (as was his legal right) in how he changed interest rates for internet businesses. Alan Greenspan made the economy grow and get "better" by intentionally creating the Internet Bubble by lowering interest rates for internet businesses and supporting trade deals that supported internet growth. (Then, a few years later, he did the same thing with the housing market under Bush, to spectacular effect.)

It's also worth mentioning that "balancing the budget" is voodoo economics that pretty much all economists and anyone who's ever run a business or read about running a business understands is total nonsense, and is actively harmful during recessions (Like the one we're currently in).

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