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Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in years. (1 Viewer)


Jun 30, 2016
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I think it shows the death of liberalism in the Democratic Party. Sanders made a run but clearly the DNC opposes him.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

I think it shows the death of liberalism in the Democratic Party. Sanders made a run but clearly the DNC opposes him.

Wait! How can you say such a thing???? The Right has told us countless times already that she's way out there on the extreme left wing! Are you saying they're wrong? How DARE you?!?!?
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

America is a plutocracy. They're the ones telling the right wingers to call Clinton a liberal.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

This is really kinda funny. Someone actually used the word "conservative" and "Clinton" in the same sentence.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

I think it shows the death of liberalism in the Democratic Party. Sanders made a run but clearly the DNC opposes him.

She's not conservative per se, but she is a neoliberal (a proponent of a specific kind of right-wing economics). So she largely likes deregulating (or never regulating, e.g. the financial sector), she likes loose safety nets (she's historically been for welfare reform), she likes conceding to Republicans on corporate interests (e.g. corporate welfare, largely in the form of the military industrial complex and similar), and so on. She's also reasonably far right-wing on foreign policy. Her policy on Israel may as well have been written by the proto-fascist Netanyahu, and her choices in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, are dumb-founding, as was her voice for the corporate coups in Honduras and Haiti.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

The right called the guy who expanded every single anti-terror measure from Bush other than waterboarding (and failing to close Gitmo), didn't even try to do anything retributive towards those responsible for the housing and stock crises, cronied up with big businesses, etc etc etc......


....socialist who "hates America".

Part of the reason I'm so disappointed with Obama is that while he was a tad more liberal than I would like in his words, he was pretty close to center in terms of the actions he's actually taken, and as I've noted, there are many actions that were expansions of right-wing Bush policies. If you ignore lofty speeches and focus on his actual behavior as a President, how on Earth does anyone land on "socialist"? Did he fight tooth and claw for single payer? That would be socialist, but he didn't even try. He dropped the public option - which isn't socialism because it isn't government ownership of the means of production - the second it improved odds of getting Obamacare passed. Obamacare being a pretty fat handout to insurance companies that doesn't actually have much in the way of cost-control measures other than hope. That's called crony capitalism, not socialism.

Yet, still, he's a "socialist" who "hates America".

Uhuh. The right has moved farther right, not the other way around. As many on the right have noted, Reagan wouldn't stand a chance in today's world. And he's a supply-sider idiot when it comes to economics.

And now, let's get back to Hillary. She's openly a centrist in terms of so many policy positions. She might as well be a "RINO" Republican. She doesn't even seem to have much in the way of convictions. She'll do whatever gets something accomplished based on consensus opinion, despite being maligned as a big mean liar. As a politican, she seems to be a pragmatist. I don't like her, but I don't think silly claims are appropriate, such as any intimation that she's some kind of far lefty.

Sanders is a far lefty. He told you so, and it's true. THAT is what the far left looks like. Some literally socialist policies, and a whole lot of far left stuff that isn't all that far off. (And yet, even he isn't a truly pure socialist). Neither Obama nor Clinton are anything like Sanders, but they're called socialist? Far left?

Idiocy, I say. Idiocy.
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Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

And let me be clear about Obamacare: I agree with a mandate to purchase health insurance because the alternative is a system where someone invokes their supposed "right" to not buy insurance, but then when they can't pay the hospital bill, the hospital raises fees for insureds, and then MY premiums go up. If your action impinges on my rights, your action isn't one of right, so let's not even get into such anti-government nonsense. A government is doing its job when it stops that kind of thing from happening.

I just think Obamacare is an embarassing mess of a piece of legislation.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

So wait, the conservative is running for the democrats, and the occasional Liberal is running in the Republican party.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

Cracked me up, for years the RW went on and on about them people and free healthcare, Obama came out with the mandate, suddenly free healthcare was freedom itself. hehe. Glad to see you get it, because there is no other way to make people pay into the system besides pushing them to the curb.
And let me be clear about Obamacare: I agree with a mandate to purchase health insurance because the alternative is a system where someone invokes their supposed "right" to not buy insurance, but then when they can't pay the hospital bill, the hospital raises fees for insureds, and then MY premiums go up.

If you're action impinges on my rights, your action isn't one of right.

I just think Obamacare is an embarassing mess of a piece of legislation.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

I think it shows the death of liberalism in the Democratic Party. Sanders made a run but clearly the DNC opposes him.

Too bad she's as crooked as a three-year old's handwriting. Trump might bumble about with his political ignorance, but she's flat-out dangerous.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

Wait! How can you say such a thing???? The Right has told us countless times already that she's way out there on the extreme left wing! Are you saying they're wrong? How DARE you?!?!?

They also said obama was way out on the left wing, but outside wedge issues like gay marriage and guns, has been to the right of bush who the left called a right wing extremist.

I have said for a while, the left and the right never switched during the southern move, they just pretended to. Now trump who is by definition a hardcore rightwing extremist who leans left( yes it is as confusing as it sounds) and hillary who defines everything liberals and democrats hate except on a few wedge issues.

The republicans opposed trump but their voters chose him, the democrats opposed sanders and sanders despite losing gave hillary a run for her money. I can see within the next decade the democrats being the conservative party and the republicans being the liberal party.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

Ok, it's funny. Anything more to say?
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

With Hillary Clinton, the GOP has a candidate they can support.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

I think it shows the death of liberalism in the Democratic Party. Sanders made a run but clearly the DNC opposes him.

Sanders was a Socialist, not a liberal... OH WAIT, you want Socialism.... I guess when that is your standard, Hillary would seem right wing. ROFL.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

Sanders was a Socialist, not a liberal... OH WAIT, you want Socialism.... I guess when that is your standard, Hillary would seem right wing. ROFL.

Sanders is not a socialist. Unless you want to call social security socialism.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

Sanders is not a socialist. Unless you want to call social security socialism.

Yes he is, and no I don't. I call SS a disaster that should be repealed. He's a "Democratic Socialist" which is nothing more than "Bribe me and I'll vote for you" mob rule.
Re: Hillary Clinton is one of the most conservative candidates the DNC has run in yea

I think it shows the death of liberalism in the Democratic Party. Sanders made a run but clearly the DNC opposes him.

That's nice. But she's still an effing crook and a liar. I'd vote for a conservative Democrat who wasn't such a big effing crook and liar. It's not like Sanders, who says, "Vote for me and I give you free stuff," It's much worse than that. It's, "Vote for me so that I can rob all of you blind and leave with with NOTHING."

Can we have candidates who are at least sane? Is that possible? Do you have to be a totally insane kleptomaniacal, egomaniacal pooty-head to run for President these days?

It's like the Peter Principal for democratic republics. Republics only get to last so long before they are taken over by parasites.

I know of families in which every adult member is on fraudulent disability. The Clintons are that sort of family writ large -- totally out to get money out of the government for nothing. They think like thieves, like grifters.
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