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Hillary and The Democrats Telegraph Their Vulnerabilities (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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Hillary and The Democrats Telegraph Their Vulnerabilities
By: Christopher G. Adamo
RightConservative.com 07-07-05

Within Republican circles, moods run from panic to despondency whenever Hillary and the 2008 presidential election is discussed. Among consummate party pragmatists, so historically prone to abandon principle in pursuit of political gain, the consensus is that the only means of defeating Hillary is to run a socially liberal Republican “look alike.”

Time and again, party “moderates” justify such abominable judgments with their standard contention that, “losers don’t govern.” What they are loath to admit is that adopting the philosophies of the opposition guarantees that a party will lose its agenda, regardless of who wins the elections. Worse yet, running as an imitation of the opposition frequently spells doom for an otherwise viable campaign.

This reaction among Republicans is particularly deplorable given that Hillary and the rest of the Democrat Party are, by their behavior, blatantly showcasing their inherent weaknesses. If Republicans will simply take note of the signs, and muster the courage to exploit them, victory is all but assured, not only in 2008, but in next year’s Congressional and Senate races as well.

Consider how, in the wake of the President’s recent policy speech on Iraq, Democrats in the media and on Capitol Hill caterwauled about his references to 9-11, furious that he would dare tie Iraq to the terrorist attacks. The real significance of their outcry is that they remain extremely vulnerable whenever the subject of 9-11 is mentioned. Thus they are determined to sidetrack all discussion of it.

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So, are you for or against Hillary running in the next election?

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