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'Hillary' A Dirty Word On College Campuses... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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While Bernie may characterize her as otherwise, on the political spectrum, Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton is still very much a liberal. In fact, she’s veered even more in that direction to stay competitive in the increasingly close contest with the Senator from Vermont.

On College Campuses, Now Even Hillary is a Dirty Word | Mediaite
While Bernie may characterize her as otherwise, on the political spectrum, Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton is still very much a liberal. In fact, she’s veered even more in that direction to stay competitive in the increasingly close contest with the Senator from Vermont.

On College Campuses, Now Even Hillary is a Dirty Word | Mediaite

It still won't be enough to get Trump elected. Let's be honest here, that's what this is really about.
It still won't be enough to get Trump elected. Let's be honest here, that's what this is really about.
Hillary & the Dems have a treasurer-trove of material available to unleash the most devastating barrage of attack adds the country has seen.

But I don't count Trump out, and believe he is just as likely to win the Presidency as her.

With great natural abilities, he adroitly walked right through the entire Republican Party, and I'm not so sure the Dems will be any more impervious to him.

The Dems should be very wary of discounting and underestimating him - as the GOP have learned!
Hillary & the Dems have a treasurer-trove of material available to unleash the most devastating barrage of attack adds the country has seen.

But I don't count Trump out, and believe he is just as likely to win the Presidency as her.

With great natural abilities, he adroitly walked right through the entire Republican Party, and I'm not so sure the Dems will be any more impervious to him.

The Dems should be very wary of discounting and underestimating him - as the GOP have learned!

I wouldn't count him out, and I'm sure the Dems will take him plenty serious. But it seems like he faces a real demographic disadvantage is all. Just by letting the Heritage Foundation pick his SCOTUS nominees, he gave any socially liberal minded person a very good reason to vote against him. Shillary is looking at almost total unanimous support from anti-Trumps (includes some republicans), african americans, hispanics, LGBT supporters, women, and social conservatism fearing SCOTUS hawks. They'll probably split the youth that shows up. Trump has his middle class white and anti establishment/pc pools of support, and the loud little pockets of xenophobes, white supremacists, and disappointed evangelicals (they're getting more used to it now though) that manage to show up. It just doesn't seem to add up to enough in the general. I can see how he managed to pull off the primaries with the republican base being what they are and as relatively small as they are. But he's just so vulnerable to attacks on all those fronts, it will be easy for Shillary to consolidate support among those demographics that trump has spit in the face of and laughed.

I could have it all wrong of course, but I'm starting to think Trump will flop. We'll just have to see, should be pretty obvious by august/september.
I wouldn't count him out, and I'm sure the Dems will take him plenty serious. But it seems like he faces a real demographic disadvantage is all. Just by letting the Heritage Foundation pick his SCOTUS nominees, he gave any socially liberal minded person a very good reason to vote against him. Shillary is looking at almost total unanimous support from anti-Trumps (includes some republicans), african americans, hispanics, LGBT supporters, women, and social conservatism fearing SCOTUS hawks. They'll probably split the youth that shows up. Trump has his middle class white and anti establishment/pc pools of support, and the loud little pockets of xenophobes, white supremacists, and disappointed evangelicals (they're getting more used to it now though) that manage to show up. It just doesn't seem to add up to enough in the general. I can see how he managed to pull off the primaries with the republican base being what they are and as relatively small as they are. But he's just so vulnerable to attacks on all those fronts, it will be easy for Shillary to consolidate support among those demographics that trump has spit in the face of and laughed.

I could have it all wrong of course, but I'm starting to think Trump will flop. We'll just have to see, should be pretty obvious by august/september.
Actually, your analysis makes a lot of sense and you appear informed.

But I suspect whatever pitch Trump's currently making to knock-out Cruz, will be fairly different than his pitch in the general. Crazy as it sounds, I don't really believe most of his spiel. He's no Republican, and he's no conservative. He could've just as easily chose to run Dem or Indy.

Today, one of his PR guys claimed Trump is now going to start to pivot to the general and target Bernie's voters. That should be interesting, though I think he'd be wise to not pivot his message until after the convention - but that's just my personal thought.

So in effect, I think the way to evaluate Trump is: Firstly, evaluate his relatively recent historical track-record on his positions (say, 10-12 years), and then decide if you're willing to vote for who you believe the man may be, rather than what he says. Then, decide for oneself whether to take a risk following one's gut-feelings on him, or continue to face what I feel is a death of a thousand cuts from the status-quo establishment that's been occurring for over three decades. I see that, as what each of us has to decide. I know it sounds crazy, but I think that's the way Trump must be approached.

However, I would like to touch on the SC situation, and yes that might be the one thing that keeps me from voting for him (now that my first choice Bernie, is toast). I saw his supplying the list to Heritage at the time as a political ploy to lock-up the GOP "anti-Trump due to SC" argument that was brewing. It was a stroke of political genius, IMO. And it literally silenced that argument immediately!

But I have little faith in this new conservative Trump being the real-deal. He vocally supported single-payer healthcare as long as I can remember, until just six weeks ago when he changed his mind after backlash from the GOP? I don't buy it. And I don't think he'll be their little foot-soldier, either.
It still won't be enough to get Trump elected. Let's be honest here, that's what this is really about.

I'll give you a list of stuff from Dick Morris on Hillary....later on.
Actually, your analysis makes a lot of sense and you appear informed.

But I suspect whatever pitch Trump's currently making to knock-out Cruz, will be fairly different than his pitch in the general. Crazy as it sounds, I don't really believe most of his spiel. He's no Republican, and he's no conservative. He could've just as easily chose to run Dem or Indy.

Today, one of his PR guys claimed Trump is now going to start to pivot to the general and target Bernie's voters. That should be interesting, though I think he'd be wise to not pivot his message until after the convention - but that's just my personal thought.

So in effect, I think the way to evaluate Trump is: Firstly, evaluate his relatively recent historical track-record on his positions (say, 10-12 years), and then decide if you're willing to vote for who you believe the man may be, rather than what he says. Then, decide for oneself whether to take a risk following one's gut-feelings on him, or continue to face what I feel is a death of a thousand cuts from the status-quo establishment that's been occurring for over three decades. I see that, as what each of us has to decide. I know it sounds crazy, but I think that's the way Trump must be approached.

Donald pivoting (que that clip from Friends, it's a decent metaphor) should be interesting. Will he simply go the way of Romney, flip flop too much too obviously as his target audience changes? Bernie supporters ..... some of them will inevitably go to Trump, most will not. But I don't see anything Trump says changing the ratio, it's something every Bernie supporter has been considering for months. Decisions were made, imo, and people decided they can either stomach him or they can't.

Looking at his track record, Trump suffers from a problem similar to Shillary's. Being in the public eye fairly often, both in politics and entertainment, there are simply a ton of clips and sound bites that the internet has preserved for us to pour over. After stitching a few choice morsels together, something like the "Harassment" anti-Trump ad practically writes itself. Because thats the bulk of his public record: controversial attitude/statements/humor that set key demographics against him, blatant flip flopping, and outright lies. Everything he ever said to/about Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly. In that light, I imagine him representing the US to the rest of the world and shudder.

However, I would like to touch on the SC situation, and yes that might be the one thing that keeps me from voting for him (now that my first choice Bernie, is toast). I saw his supplying the list to Heritage at the time as a political ploy to lock-up the GOP "anti-Trump due to SC" argument that was brewing. It was a stroke of political genius, IMO. And it literally silenced that argument immediately!

But I have little faith in this new conservative Trump being the real-deal. He vocally supported single-payer healthcare as long as I can remember, until just six weeks ago when he changed his mind after backlash from the GOP? I don't buy it. And I don't think he'll be their little foot-soldier, either.

I could see Trump doing this to clear up some of the resistance from within the GOP. And it worked, at least enough that he was able to stroll on and spank Cruz. But ... it was still a poor decision. If the Heritage Foundation gets 4 SCOTUS picks Roe v Wade could be in very real danger of being overturned. An issue like that motivates people to put all their other objections aside and unite against, which is exactly what Shillary needed, after such a bitter primary, to pull the disgruntled liberals back in. I hate that it comes down to this and I hate that Shillary has probably been counting on it the whole time. And I hate it that, for me at least, it's working. Without the SCOTUS on the line I'd be writing Bernie in. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump tries to find a way to wiggle out of this once he secures the nomination.
Hillary Clinton is not a liberal.

I agree. She's a straight up bat sh** crazy leftist with totalitarian leanings willing to crap on Americans just like Comrade BS would like to do and what BO has done. In fact, The Queen of Corruption is perhaps the worse thing that could happen to my country right now.
Hillary & the Dems have a treasurer-trove of material available to unleash the most devastating barrage of attack adds the country has seen.

But I don't count Trump out, and believe he is just as likely to win the Presidency as her.

With great natural abilities, he adroitly walked right through the entire Republican Party, and I'm not so sure the Dems will be any more impervious to him.

The Dems should be very wary of discounting and underestimating him - as the GOP have learned!

I just hope Trump has good SS protection, you know, with Hillary's history and all.


By Dick Morris, former political advisor to President Bill Clinton

If you happen to see the Bill Clinton five minute TV ad for Hillary in
which he introduces the commercial by saying he wants to share some
things we may not know about Hillary's background, beware as I was there
for most of their presidency and know them better than just about
anyone. I offer a few corrections:

BILL SAYS : "In law school Hillary worked on legal services for the

FACTS ARE : Hillary's main extra-curricular activity in 'Law School' was
helping the Black Panthers, on trial in Connecticut for torturing and
killing a 'Federal Agent'. She went to Court every day as part of a Law
student monitoring committee trying to spot civil rights violations and
develop grounds for appeal.

BILL SAYS : "Hillary spent a year after graduation working on a
Children's rights project for poor kids."

FACTS ARE : Hillary interned with Bob Truehaft, the head of the
California Communist Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers
and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take an internship with

BILL SAYS : "Hillary could have written her own job ticket, but she
turned down all the lucrative job offers."

FACTS ARE : She flunked the D.C. bar exam, 'Yes', flunked it, it is a
matter of record, and only passed the Arkansas bar. She had no job
offers in Arkansas, 'None', and only got hired by the University of
Arkansas Law School at Fayetteville because Bill was already teaching
there. She did not join the prestigious Rose Law Firm until Bill became
Arkansas Attorney General and was made a partner only after he was
elected Arkansas Governor.

BILL SAYS : "President Carter appointed Hillary to the Legal Services
Board of Directors and she became its Chairman."

FACTS ARE : The appointment was in exchange for Bill's support for
Carter in his 1980 primary against Ted Kennedy. Hillary then became
chairman in a coup in which she won a majority away from Carter's choice
to be chairman.

BILL SAYS: "She served on the board of the Arkansas Children's

FACTS ARE: Yes she did. But her main board activity, not mentioned by
Bill, was to sit on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors, for a substantial
fee. She was silent about their labor and health care practices.

BILL SAYS : "Hillary didn't succeed at getting health care for all
Americans in 1994 but she kept working at it and helped to create the
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that provides five million
children with health insurance."

FACTS ARE : Hillary had nothing to do with creating CHIP. It was
included in the budget deal between Clinton and Republican Majority
Leader Senator Trent Lott. I know; I helped to negotiate the deal. The
money came half from the budget deal and half from the Attorney
Generals' tobacco settlement. Hillary had nothing to do with either
source of funds.

BILL SAYS: "Hillary was the face of America all over the World." (LOL)

FACTS ARE: Her visits were part of a program to get her out of town so
that Bill would not appear weak by feeding stories that Hillary was
running the White House. Her visits abroad were entirely touristic and
symbolic and there was no substantive diplomacy on any of them.

BILL SAYS : "Hillary was an excellent Senator who kept fighting for
Children's and Women's issues."

FACTS ARE : Other than totally meaningless legislation like changing the
names on courthouses and post offices, she has passed only four
substantive pieces of legislation. One set up a national park in Puerto
Rico. A second provided respite care for family members helping their
relatives through Alzheimer's or other conditions. And two were routine
bills to aid 911 victims and responders which were sponsored by the
entire N.Y. delegation. Presently she is trying to have the US
memorialize Woodstock.
Here is what bothers me more than anything else about Hillary Clinton.
She has done everything possible to weaken the President and our Country
(that's you and me) when it comes to the 'War on Terror'.

1. She wants to close GITMO and move the combatants to the USA where
they would have access to our legal system.

2. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of suspected Al Qaeda phone
calls to/from the USA.

3. She wants to grant constitutional rights to enemy combatants captured
on the battlefield.

4. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of money transfers between
suspected Al Qaeda cells and supporters in the USA.

5. She wants to eliminate the type of interrogation tactics used by the
Military & CIA where coercion might be used when questioning known
terrorists even though such tactics might save American lives.

One cannot think of a single 'Bill', Hillary has introduced or a single
comment she has made that would tend to strengthen our Country in the
'War on Terror'. But, one can think of a lot of comments she has made
that weaken our Country and makes it a more dangerous situation for all
of us.


Share this with everyone you know, ask them to prove Dick Morris wrong.

Think about it - he's (Dick Morris) said all of this openly, thus if he
were not truthful he'd be liable for 'Defamation of Character' !

And you better believe Hillary would sue him.

Her winning in 2016 means the final death knell for America! Her whole
public life has been a LIE.
By Dick Morris, former political adviser to President Bill Clinton
I just hope Trump has good SS protection, you know, with Hillary's history and all.

Given the left's rich history of violence and destruction, Ferguson, Baltimore, now riots in Kalifornia, I would tend to agree with you. Leftists are good at such things.

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