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Hidden harms of trump's corruption (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
What trump has done is bad enough - saying the FBI and intelligence agencies are corrupt while Putin is right and our agencies are wrong, calling for the death penalty for his political 'opponents' including two former heads of the FBI, calling the press the 'enemy of the people', constantly lying that a "deep state" is trying to remove him in a "coup"...

But what is often forgotten is how he's also causing more harm by discrediting any of those attacks when they are actually accurate. It's a 'boy who cried wolf' problem.

Our agencies acting badly, even against Presidents' wishes, is a real problem - see the FBI's Cointelpro, see the CIA's misleading JFK on the Bay of Pigs and many other operations... treason can be a real issue, see Nixon sabotaging the president's peace efforts in Vietnam in 1968 to win an election... the press can harm the interests of the American people, as massive corporations interested in their own profits more than the American people's benefit, the right-wing
noise machine pumping out massive propaganda to mislead the country... the idea of a 'deep state' that can exist, including things like the far-right takeover of our courts for a Libertarian agenda to benefit the wealthy...

But when those things actually happen and people try to warn the public, the phrases get that 'boy who cried wolf' reaction because trump has cried wolf so much. Problems with five companies owning 90% of the media? Yawn, we heard it from trump and it was wrong. The CIA covering up its wrongdoing? Yawn, we heard it from trump and it was wrong.

The fact that this week trump was calling for the execution of the lawful investigators, including the heads of the FBI, people who have done nothing wrong to him, abusing his power as president, should have the country saying we have a crazy, murderous, unacceptable person in the White House - but find one trumpista who says that.
What's strange is, when I refresh the forum, this thread does not appear. But when I go into posting history and click it, it shows up in a list of forum threads - with only one view.

Makes me wonder if it's visible. Edit: now it shows up?
What trump has done is bad enough - saying the FBI and intelligence agencies are corrupt while Putin is right and our agencies are wrong, calling for the death penalty for his political 'opponents' including two former heads of the FBI, calling the press the 'enemy of the people', constantly lying that a "deep state" is trying to remove him in a "coup"...

But what is often forgotten is how he's also causing more harm by discrediting any of those attacks when they are actually accurate. It's a 'boy who cried wolf' problem.

Our agencies acting badly, even against Presidents' wishes, is a real problem - see the FBI's Cointelpro, see the CIA's misleading JFK on the Bay of Pigs and many other operations... treason can be a real issue, see Nixon sabotaging the president's peace efforts in Vietnam in 1968 to win an election... the press can harm the interests of the American people, as massive corporations interested in their own profits more than the American people's benefit, the right-wing
noise machine pumping out massive propaganda to mislead the country... the idea of a 'deep state' that can exist, including things like the far-right takeover of our courts for a Libertarian agenda to benefit the wealthy...

But when those things actually happen and people try to warn the public, the phrases get that 'boy who cried wolf' reaction because trump has cried wolf so much. Problems with five companies owning 90% of the media? Yawn, we heard it from trump and it was wrong. The CIA covering up its wrongdoing? Yawn, we heard it from trump and it was wrong.

The fact that this week trump was calling for the execution of the lawful investigators, including the heads of the FBI, people who have done nothing wrong to him, abusing his power as president, should have the country saying we have a crazy, murderous, unacceptable person in the White House - but find one trumpista who says that.
Seems like your projecting.

The democrats have been on s nonstop barrage of bombsrding us with these type of accusations about Trump. Are you concerned at all with them shaking peoples confidence in our systems?

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Seems like your projecting.

The democrats have been on s nonstop barrage of bombsrding us with these type of accusations about Trump. Are you concerned at all with them shaking peoples confidence in our systems?

Very ironic false statement. Democrats have not been doing what trump is doing, but they have been pointing out bad actions by trump and trying to investigate the causes.

But if they WERE to say any similar things, they'd have a lot better case for them than trump. An 'attempted coup' - like trump launching a national campaign to claim Obama was not really president? The FBI interfering with who is president - like when James Comey changed the election result, the polls prove, with his attack on Hillary Clinton 10 days before the election?
Trumpsters would have been simultaneously orgasming and dying of aneurysms if Obama had committed the offenses which Trump commits on a regular basis.

I have no idea what to expect in years to come as we deal with the depravity which Trump has turned into the new normal.
Trumpsters would have been simultaneously orgasming and dying of aneurysms if Obama had committed the offenses which Trump commits on a regular basis.

I have no idea what to expect in years to come as we deal with the depravity which Trump has turned into the new normal.

This is actually a global problem, and globally it's largely Putin behind the growth of far-right political movements.

I felt Hillary was too hawkish against Russia in 2016 - it was a real negative for me about her. But now, fighting Putin (politically, not war) is looking a lot more needed. If anyone hasn't listened to Obama's ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, he has a lot of good info.
What trump has done is bad enough - saying the FBI and intelligence agencies are corrupt

~snipped the rest~

When the first thing in your post is wrong, it pretty much makes irrelevant everything else in your post.

This is who Trump is saying is corrupt:

When did he call for the death penalty?
Trumpsters would have been simultaneously orgasming and dying of aneurysms if Obama had committed the offenses which Trump commits on a regular basis.

I have no idea what to expect in years to come as we deal with the depravity which Trump has turned into the new normal.

Not to worry. This too shall pass. Trump is a combination of a weird confluence of events, i.e., his use of Nixon's southern strategy, nationally and on steroids (sorry for the cliché), decades of casting Hillary as the anti-Christ, her own missteps, and our strange electoral system. And he lost the pop vote by three million.

Years from now our kids/grandkids will ask, "What were you thinking?!?... How could you elect a Mussolini?" We'll respond, "You had to be there." They will not understand.
Oh! So when you guys accused Trump of treason you were calling for the death penalty? And that was okay when you did it?

There's an answer to your post, but I've yet to see you respond reasonably/honestly to one correction yet, so not worth bothering.
There's an answer to your post, but I've yet to see you respond reasonably/honestly to one correction yet, so not worth bothering.

That's exactly what happened when I tried having a reasonable conversation with Crystal. She refused to respond reasonably or honestly, always attacking and demanding answers, never willing to be part of a meaningful discussion and answer questions.

I reached the same conclusion you did: Not worth bothering with.
There's an answer to your post, but I've yet to see you respond reasonably/honestly to one correction yet, so not worth bothering.

I just bet there is!
Not to worry. This too shall pass. Trump is a combination of a weird confluence of events, i.e., his use of Nixon's southern strategy, nationally and on steroids (sorry for the cliché), decades of casting Hillary as the anti-Christ, her own missteps, and our strange electoral system. And he lost the pop vote by three million.

Years from now our kids/grandkids will ask, "What were you thinking?!?... How could you elect a Mussolini?" We'll respond, "You had to be there." They will not understand.

In normal times I would agree immediately, but we're not anywhere near to normal. I agree about how he became president and I'm sure you speak for most who believe Don's just a 'blip' on our political scene, here today, gone tomorrow. I wish that were the case.

Don has an 80%+ approval rating by the Repubs. They know he lies everyday, they know how he kowtow's to our most dangerous adversary. They know, yet they deny, project and deflect. But that's not near as serious as the Senate Repubs doing the same thing.

When Don steps or is forced down, where will the 80% of the Repubs and their Senators go? They're not going away. Will they have learned their lesson and next time vote for a moral candidate who unites, or will they find someone who's an even worse, unhinged, racist megalomaniac? I think the answer is clear.

But I'm a pessimist...
When did he call for the death penalty?

Treason has a death penalty. He's accused Comey, McCabe, Stzrok , etc., of treason.

Of course, he has no clue as to what the definition of treason is.
Oh! So when you guys accused Trump of treason you were calling for the death penalty? And that was okay when you did it?


It's one thing for your average joe to accuse someone of Treason. It's another thing altogether when the president accuses someone of treason.

Apparently, the gravity of the president doing it, the epic irresponsibility of it is lost on you.
In normal times I would agree immediately, but we're not anywhere near to normal. I agree about how he became president and I'm sure you speak for most who believe Don's just a 'blip' on our political scene, here today, gone tomorrow. I wish that were the case.

Don has an 80%+ approval rating by the Repubs. They know he lies everyday, they know how he kowtow's to our most dangerous adversary. They know, yet they deny, project and deflect. But that's not near as serious as the Senate Repubs doing the same thing.

When Don steps or is forced down, where will the 80% of the Repubs and their Senators go? They're not going away. Will they have learned their lesson and next time vote for a moral candidate who unites, or will they find someone who's an even worse, unhinged, racist megalomaniac? I think the answer is clear.

But I'm a pessimist...

The GOP will look for someone who will promote the same policies on the environment, labor, immigration (not so much), etc., but be careful not to pick someone who makes them roll their eyes daily.
The GOP will look for someone who will promote the same policies on the environment, labor, immigration (not so much), etc., but be careful not to pick someone who makes them roll their eyes daily.

I'll repeat, their only real agenda is plutocracy. They don't care whether a con man spectacle or a movie star or a 'serious' politician or anyone else is the figurehead who will sign those bills. Grover Norquist said it, they don't want a president with any ideas, they want one who can sign his name.
Seems like your projecting.

The democrats have been on s nonstop barrage of bombsrding us with these type of accusations about Trump. Are you concerned at all with them shaking peoples confidence in our systems?

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

What? It's your paranoid idiot president who is shaking confidence. Accusing everyone of conspiring against him, and threatening them like a pathetic, whining little bully who got confronted. He needs to go, and soon. He's ruining your once respected nation, turning it into a global laughing stock and insulting and alienating your allies. Nobody trusts him.
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That's exactly what happened when I tried having a reasonable conversation with Crystal. She refused to respond reasonably or honestly, always attacking and demanding answers, never willing to be part of a meaningful discussion and answer questions.

I reached the same conclusion you did: Not worth bothering with.

Did you really just say all that? YOU??
What? It's your paranoid idiot president who is shaking confidence. Accusing everyone of conspiring against him, and threatening them like a pathetic, whining little bully who got confronted. He needs to go, and soon. He's ruining your once respected nation, turning it into a global laughing stock and insulting and alienating your allies. Nobody trusts him.
Intresting that you think Trumps deserves the level of criticism he gets but think his accussers should be immune from his criticisms of them.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Intresting that you think Trumps deserves the level of criticism he gets but think his accussers should be immune from his criticisms of them.

Interesting you think a policeman should be able to arrest a criminal, but the criminal can't arrest the policeman. Interesting you think it's ok for Democrats to tell the truth about trump, but trump can't lie about Democrats.
What trump has done is bad enough - saying the FBI and intelligence agencies are corrupt while Putin is right and our agencies are wrong, calling for the death penalty for his political 'opponents' including two former heads of the FBI, calling the press the 'enemy of the people', constantly lying that a "deep state" is trying to remove him in a "coup"...

But what is often forgotten is how he's also causing more harm by discrediting any of those attacks when they are actually accurate. It's a 'boy who cried wolf' problem.

Our agencies acting badly, even against Presidents' wishes, is a real problem - see the FBI's Cointelpro, see the CIA's misleading JFK on the Bay of Pigs and many other operations... treason can be a real issue, see Nixon sabotaging the president's peace efforts in Vietnam in 1968 to win an election... the press can harm the interests of the American people, as massive corporations interested in their own profits more than the American people's benefit, the right-wing
noise machine pumping out massive propaganda to mislead the country... the idea of a 'deep state' that can exist, including things like the far-right takeover of our courts for a Libertarian agenda to benefit the wealthy...

But when those things actually happen and people try to warn the public, the phrases get that 'boy who cried wolf' reaction because trump has cried wolf so much. Problems with five companies owning 90% of the media? Yawn, we heard it from trump and it was wrong. The CIA covering up its wrongdoing? Yawn, we heard it from trump and it was wrong.

The fact that this week trump was calling for the execution of the lawful investigators, including the heads of the FBI, people who have done nothing wrong to him, abusing his power as president, should have the country saying we have a crazy, murderous, unacceptable person in the White House - but find one trumpista who says that.

What corruption? There is absolutely no legal conclusions that he has been corrupt in anything.
What corruption? There is absolutely no legal conclusions that he has been corrupt in anything.

It's the same logic that calls his release of document after document "a cover-up". It's quite humorous seeing all the same people who have whined that the redacted parts of the Mueller Report should be released, now acting appalled that the documents leading to the FISA warrants on Carter Page and others are being released. The palpable panic of Brennan and others on TV is quite telling. They are very afraid now. As was once said, sunshine is the best disinfectant and we're now going to see lots of it spread on the dealings of the FBI that led to this whole mess. The public deserves that at a minimum.

As for the redacted parts of the Mueller Report, they are redacted by law, law passed BY CONGRESS. The law is simply being followed yet the people responsible for it are the same ones acting as though something is being kept from them illegally. It's quite a show of hypocrisy and partisan political dishonesty.

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